Delmer Pectol: 2 words. Black people
Roni Kurz: New York City has the gold standard for public transportation in the US. This is because of its mix of buses, subway trains, commuter trains, and even boats. The timetables are usually posted at the stops.Los Angeles has a public transportation network, which is mostly bus-based with some subway/light rail service and some commuter trains. Compared to NYC,it's a work in progress....Show more
Esmeralda Pigram: Public transportation in NY is the norm. Everyone takes a subway or taxi. In LA, you are ratchet if you ride the bus or metro- its like a subway in new York but its not underground. Nobody in LA really takes taxis. Unless your in Hollywood or around that area but they aren't as common like in ny. Idk about ny but in la the bus and metro pass every 15 minutes....Show more
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