Sunday, 3 May 2020

Pros and cons about chihuahuas?  

Pros and cons about chihuahuas?  

answers 0:Hi! I'm getting a chihuahua in about 6 months and I'm busy researching everything I need to know! Does anyone know any pros and cons? (Good things and bad things) about chihuahuas, so I'm prepared? Thanks for any help 🙂answers 1:If you socialize them well, Chihuahuas are great dogs. But, this breed is always difficult to housebreak.answers 2:i had a mixed chihuahua. the pros: loyal, less maintenance (less costly to maintain compared to larger dogs), no dog slobber, likes to cuddle with you.the cons: very territorial (around its food, toys, etc.), not very energetic compared to other dogs, occasionally unpredictable personality as in if you get your face too close to it, it may snapped at you.other than that each chihuahua is different and each one has a different personality....answers 3:Wow! Great answer, thanks!answers'll get bored of it easily trust m! e. get a better one.answers 5:Such awesome little dogs when they are provided with the proper training, and treated like dogs instead of carried around like fashion accessories!Cons:-small breed, so extra care is needed to ensure you, or anyone/thing else doesn't accidentally step on it or crush it.-small breeds need to stay a bit longer with mom and litter mates (10 to 14 weeks as supposed to the usual 8 week old)-bad teeth. Chihuahua's are notorious for developing issues with their teeth. Talk to a vet, most carry dental supplies and I suggest investing in something you can add to your Chi's water to help maintain it's teeth.....otherwise it WILL cost you thousands of dollars in the not so distant future.-need to be exposed to many children early in puppyhood to ensure no fear aggression develops-can be yappy if not trained properly-can be nippy if not trained properly(if over-coddled, carried often, or allowed to lounge on human furniture or laps, you're almost 100% guar! anteed to have a mean little dog on your hands!)-potty trainin! g might take a bit longer to grasp...especially if you try to use pee pads instead of going outdoors(trust me, avoid pad training!)Pros:-way more awesome and athletic than given credit for! My Chi loves camping, climbing, hiking, swimming and rough-housing with other dogs-super loyal-they always retain that 'cute puppy look' and never 'grow' up-some vets are cheaper because the dog is small (some vets raise or lower prices according to the dog's weight)-intelligent, responsive and eager to please-food costs aren't expensive (as supposed to a large breed that would consume more on a daily basis)-easy to travel with-little grooming required-little to no mess in the house(aside from potty training stage)-easy to manage and train (so long as you have the right knowledge and guidance to work with)Of course there are variations, and it all comes down to personality and take your time choosing the right breeder, and take your time choosing the Chi with the right pe! rsonality :)Best of luck!...

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