Monday, 11 May 2020

Are PDAs really useful?

Cliff Tyre: sometime i prefer an pressing email to be sent, yet no laptop interior attain :O!!! or, i might desire to look something up actual quickly, yet, NO laptop close to by way of!!!! OH NOES.. Sidekick, tmobile. spectacular... unfortunatly cyber web surfing/email cost greater effective...

Antonette Shappy: this question really depends on the type of work you do. How mobile is your work? Travelling sales rep? Doctor? Freelance consultant? etc... The Research In Motion (RIM) Blackberry line of pda's was the first and the most popular of all the options. they operate on a proprietary network and operating system for email. pda's can be used for scheduling, sending and recieving email, surfing the internet, and running popular MS office products like excel. More and more pda's are integrating cel phone functionality like the Motorola Q, and Treo line of PDA's. RIM also has a blackberry phone. For professionals on the go PDA's are almost indespensible which! is partly why they've been given the nickname "crack-berry" because using them is so addictive....Show more

Imogene Neiswander: HELL YES!!!I'm terrible with paper. Using mini-organizer books means I just end up using it as a diary. Post-its get lost and crumpled and mixed up with burger king receipts that should go in the trash anyway. I rely on it to keep my appointments, phone numbers, critical info. etc. I synch it with my computer and get news to read on the train while I listen to my music on Windows Media Player. I've actually found using EXCEL on a PDA really usefull when dealing with money, calculating who owes what when eating out with friends, figuring out wether that sale on 24 rolls of toilet paper is a better value than just getting 3 loose ones. Yeah, I know, "get a smart-phone" which really are PDA's with phones in'em. I hate smart phones! (1) If you're using anything but a "clamshell" phone, the microphone is going to be omni-directional, which basica! lly means a speaker-phone mic. It picks up ALL the sound from ! all around you. Clamshells use mics that are right up by your mouth, so they're only designed to pick up sound close by and in the direction your mouth would be. (2) Face juice.(3) Someone calls you, asks you to take down a number. Now what do you do?Also, having 2 devices means if you loose one, you still have another. Redundancy in the computer world is the RULE. You really have to decide how many gadgets you want to have with you and what you NEED. If you have a PSP or an iPod, you may want to get a smart phone if only to keep your gadget count low. I still love my Dell Axim x50....Show more

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