Tuesday, 30 June 2020

Was it a 'real marriage'? Your thoughts, please.?

Joel Feagler: Once you sign that Marriage License it's a "Real" marriage.

Cody Shimko: It was a LEGAL Marriage only.....Certainly no resemblance to a real Marriage in the true sense. Cheating before, was a strong missed red flag. Cheating after, gave the vows no meaning, thus no reality........♥♥

Emerita Sciandra: The fact that the Bible states that marriage is only excusable by Adultery, is a big thing. Adultery is therefore a sin. Your marriage is not real if he has done this. You are in no way expected to stay in the relationship nor feel bad for getting out. It's in the Bible! Do yourself a favor and find a man that loves you and values marriage and your union. If you are asking the questions, you already know that you are at the end of your line, follow your instinct and make the changes. Best wishes....Show more

Lizzette Wendroth: If you have signed the marriage paper then it is a real marriage

Sharri Scalley: Marriage should be sacred ! ! you should not cheat even once on your partner let alone have children with other women, however you are legally married but it sounds like you should give him his marching orders !

Bud Espenshade: If they had the ceremony and signed the papers, it was a "real" marriage. A terrible mistake of a marriage, but a real one nonetheless. How heartbreaking that would be.. if that happened to you, you have my deep sympathy.

Hai Biggart: I can only speak for myself, but if that was the marriage I was in I would consider my marriage to be a farce and I would get out of it. It would not be real for me.A real marriage for me is when the vows are honored - both people involved work through the tough times, enjoy the good times, are good friends, and enjoy intimacy.

Charis Deguzman: No, because lying is fraudulent. He was never living his vows... Answer mine? http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AiA2j...

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