Caroyln Ebach: People are really making a big stink about the health care reform, can anybody fill me in? I see it on the news, but I only hear about controversy and not facts or information on who benefits, does not benefit?
Byron Fortmann: I've been married,,,twice,,,it's over rated.
Felicitas Phildor: A good amendment to the Constitution would require immediate removal from office any lawmaker who voted for a law that is subsequently ruled unconstitutional.
Emile Okafor: God made adam and Ive not adam and steve.
Garry Ohmen: lol you speak the truth, LETS BAN MARRIAGE ALL TOGETHER I know a whole generation of men would agree with that.
Sibyl Siwik: To that thick-headed idiot up there:Homosexual marriage is about love. I hope your kid is gay, so you can understand it's not a choice and that gay people are no worse than straight people. You're ignorance offends me.Francis Collins, head the of the Human Genome Project, said that there IS a gen! etic component to homosexuality. In fact, if one identical twin is gay, then the odds of the other becoming gay is 10x likelier than two ordinary siblings.Gay marriage isn't natural? What about the thousands of species of animals that participate in homosexual relationships? If your genes dictate a behavior, then that is scientifically natural.For goodness sake why don't you get an education before talking about things you have no concept of. Thank you....Show more
Ty Kirton: The Public "Option" is nothing but a Trojan Horse for Single Payer.Single Payer means the kinds of long wait times and rationing all too common in Britain and Canada. If they would drop the Public"Option" they would have much less resistance because most people are satisfied with their current coverage and do not want it taken away.
Robin Marchione: It's true.The 40 mph speed limit led to the 45 mph speed limit, which led to the 50 mph speed limit, which led to the 55 mph speed limit, and ! so on and so on.That is why the speed limit is 300 mph now....! Show more
Freddy Shutler: Heterosexual marriage is about pro-creation. Homosexual marriage is about.......................?
Dulcie Edis: Yeah, it's a real pain in the butt.
Rachal Osaki: Good point.
Davina Shindler: reported
Arnoldo Budzynski: Great Point.I would settle for the enumerated powers act being passed.This would be sure that any law they make up and write would have to be shown to be Constitutional and would have a reference in the bill to which part of the Constitution it is legal under....Show more
Judie Kise: we should all move to K-Pax
Piedad Bassiti: Nothing, just read these answers. If your IQ is higher than 70, you'll agree.Don't take my word for it, of course, because I'm just some random guy on the Internet with his own opinions. Do independent research. Google it. Read Wikipedia. Read the bill itself, it's available online. Learn the facts from the fiction.
Luther Plagmann: I agree with Jane. Marriage isn! 't natural. I'm not sure what that has to do with the question, but it is true.
Willie Tun: Democrats cheered their escape
Ervin Laeger: Throughout the millennia over which the concept of "marriage" has developed, it has always been opposite-sexed (it included relationships such as one man/one woman, one man/several women, several men/one woman, and several men/several women).This concept of "marriage" has been embodied in both religion AND law.At no time was a same-sex relationship included in the concept of "marriage."Polygamous, polyandrous, incestuous and pedophiliac relationships have a greater claim to the "right" to "marriage" than gays....Show more
Salvador Prchlik: Uh, no. You do realize the Constitution changes, don't you? I would have preferred that lawmakers had NOT upheld the Constitution disallowing women to vote. :/
Jill Thomer: go ahead a thorn by any other name is still a thorna name change does not change people
Laveta Fathy: ! Heterosexual marriage is about procreation? If heterosexual marriage is! only about procreation, then I don't want to be a part of a heterosexual marriage. The pressure is too great to procreate. HAHA. If a heterosexual couple marries and doesn't have kids, then does that mean their marriage was a failure? if heterosexual marriage is about pro-creation, then homosexual sexual marriage is about love....Show more
Rosio Pasculli: Simplification of the law is what is needed. For every law they make they should be requited to remove two that are foolishly directed in a manner to restrict liberty and prevent holding those responsible for causing harm liable for their actions. Three basic laws should be the foundation of the American Legal System. No law should be made that restricts individual Freedom or Liberty. No citizen has the right to restrict the rights of a fellow citizen.All individuals must act Responsibly and be held liable if they cause harm by behaving irresponsibly.It is the Duty of all Citizens to behave in that manner. Refusal t! o hold individuals liable for the harm they cause forces the Government to accept those responsibilities, places the burden of cleaning up the messes created on all citizens, and generates restrictive laws. Those laws Must be applied equally to all citizens and restricts the liberties of those who behave responsibly. Tyranny and injustice results....Show more
German Thal: No - they'll catch them. Cons are pretty stupid - political Cons as well as prison Cons.
Lita Thammorongsa: i think theyre likely out of the country by now, even if their only way out was with a raft and are in the middle of the ocean.
Alisia Sutphen: I Know they make an oath to uphold the constitution, but my question is do we really need more laws
Chris Rosenkranz: Slipper slope? Is it covered in Santorum?
Andra Oger: No one actually benefits, if HR3200 were to pass as an example, it would be one of the biggest problems w! e ever had, for one thing it is so complex and so full of ambiguity tha! t no one will be able to understand it. The Congressman who when asked" "if he had read it" , when he responded: "no it would take several days and 2 lawyers" was not wrong, so how could some bureaucrat in :"Podunk USA" understand it? Not only that but your taxes will go up by 11%, and I am not talking about the rich either. Now they're talking about co-ops.Quite frankly nothing has been resolved as of yet, the town hall meetings have shown Congress, the people do not want the health care that is being proposed so far. During the election campaigns, when Obama was advocating health care reform, never in their wildest dreams did people ever believe it would be what the Democrats are offering. Before they start adding new problems to the mix, why not fix what we already have eg Medicare. Medicare and Medicare Advantage are both programs run by the government, MA is implemented by (the awful insurance programs) that the government is in bed with, and they pay doctors more! money. The bad thing is that M.A. will not accept people with preexisting conditions, so basically what they do is pick the cream of the crop. We also need torte' reform....Show more
Jeannetta Gaffigan: No, because that's what the Supreme Court is for, braniac.Congress' job is to MAKE LAW - that's what they do.Actually sounds like a blatant attack on the balance of power - which is an attack on the Constitution itself.
Gertrude Darke: your premise is deeply floored
Lou Ravelo: Let us start...Using averages to determine course of treatment. No two people are alike, so if drug A works on 75%, the govt. board will tell YOU that you can not have drug B, even though it will work.Lack of procedures to be done. In Canada, there are fewer MRI Machines than on Manhattan Island south of 96th Street. Remember Natascha Richardson? She would have been still alive if her accident happened at a US ski facility, since hospitals nearest to all have CT scanners and MR! I machines (the one she went to first had NEITHER!).The addition of '47! million' people into therolls of healthcare with NO additional doctos will be a mess in the largest sense. You do realize that both doctors offices and casinos have NO CLOCKS on the wall for a reason!I haven't even gotten to real policy, cost, and other issues, but this is just the tip of the tip of the iceberg.Tort reform, transportability of insurance, fraud reduction, etc...will make it work. Not OBAMACARE!!!!P.S. Just change the words doctor and patient for dealer and car buyer in the recent cash for clunkers fiasco, and you'll see my point even clearer.
Stanton Valdivia: There may be many rights people dont even have that we dont even know about
Jeannetta Gaffigan: Forced abortions. Mass sterilization. A "Planetary Regime" with the power of life and death over American citizens. The tyrannical fantasies of a madman? Or merely the opinions of the person now in control of science policy in the United States? Or both? These ideas (among many other equally ! horrifying recommendations) were put forth by John Holdren, whom Barack Obama has recently appointed Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, Assistant to the President for Science and Technology, and Co-Chair of the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology -- informally known as the United States' Science Czar. In a book Holdren co-authored in 1977, the man now firmly in control of science policy in this country wrote that: ⢠Women could be forced to abort their pregnancies, whether they wanted to or not; ⢠The population at large could be sterilized by infertility drugs intentionally put into the nation's drinking water or in food; ⢠Single mothers and teen mothers should have their babies seized from them against their will and given away to other couples to raise; ⢠People who "contribute to social deterioration" (i.e. undesirables) "can be required by law to exercise reproductive responsibility" -- in other words, be! compelled to have abortions or be sterilized. ⢠A transnational "Pla! netary Regime" should assume control of the global economy and also dictate the most intimate details of Americans' lives -- using an armed international police force. Ezekiel Emanuel, Obama's top health care adviser, said that under the âcivic republican or deliberative democraticâ construct, âservices provided to individuals who are irreversibly prevented from being or becoming participating citizens are not basic and should not be guaranteed. An obvious example is not guaranteeing health services to patients with dementia. A less obvious example is guaranteeing neuropsychological services to ensure children with learning disabilities can read and learn to reason."These are only two of Obama's advisors, there are many others just as evil. Yes evil, who could agree with these without being evil? It's not like Obama didn't know the views of the people he hired. Of course he knew that's why he hired them. He obviously believes the same things. That's why Obama wants to! quickly pass this health care bill it gives him room to einact future policies such as these.There will be a lot of responces from Obama's supporters saying "Oh no" he doesn't believe this or that or they will just simply deny these people said it altogether. The truth is these are actual beliefs by actual Obama advisors and if you search Obama's background (what isn't hidden) you will find he endorses this kind of crap and a lot of other evil, yes evil, liberal ideology.OK, if you voted for him you may have been simply duped it happens to everyone but how, in the name of God, can you defend his positions now that they are coming to light? Defending evil (once you know the truth) is a whole lot different then believing a lie. Now you will be held accountable as well. Oh, and bye the way, don't play the race card on me as a defense either. I wanted Alan Keyes to be president!
Rubi Romo: I want gay marriage because you a ss f kers can't reproduce. 40 years and you'll ! be gone. Our children will inherit your land and property. Thank you,! thank you....
Jess Grizzel: The great paradox of this country is you have the right to do what you want behind the closed doors of your own property. I will fight for you to have that right.You do not have the right make me accept it as normal nor does church and state have to recognize fornication.
Carli Watterson: I have read every one of these supposed claims about the Bill - and when I look at the bill itself, they are either based on simple misreadings of legal text, lack of understanding of the medical profession, or plain old lies and misinformation.The faithful eat it up with a spoon, no questions asked - that's the problem with the debate, the lies and smear tactics from the Right.
Eulah Hugill: It does not follow. You need to make several leaps of logic to manage any except polygamy. Marriage itself is not a requirement of reproduction. It is a bond between 2, in some cases more, people and their god.
Houston Venezia: Most of the problems ! are too numerous to listbut Obama should just put the dang thing up for the vote in congress and see who votes whatNancy P~Pelosi should have done this beforethe recess but she was forced to table thisI think it has a chance but not this year
Melissa Lavallie: all and sundry concept it replaced right into a sticky situation and now it is slippery? i think of it is on the subject of comparable to sand paper in my opinion. Now as to the significant component to your question... the sensible use of cilantro is fundamental! too lots is extremely hassle-free to do and in case you do not understand the place that line is do not even physique of recommendations it. Cilantro can and has taken over a great way too many in any different case friendly dishes. what number circumstances have I taken a chew of salsa on a chip and it style of feels that all and sundry i'm able to flavor is cilantro? not the jalapenos, lime, salt, tomatoes, garlic, black beans, corn or onion... only ! cilantro with the aid of fact some shoemaker of a cook dinner thinks th! at all and sundry you go with do to make "southwestern" food is hit upon cilantro and because this is supplied in huge bunches they desperate to apply all of it? a great way, a great way too many circumstances. i understand I have been given slightly astray there yet i hit upon it problematical to not remark on such significant social themes. you're welcome....Show more
Lionel Tanen: My argument is, it isn't natural. It's that simple.
Andrew Sinatra: They'll probably be caught, unless they made it into Canada somehow.
Stormy Beliard: Depends on who you talk two and who tells them what to say. Look at Glenn Beck for example. - Insurance companies in the USA admit to pushing up prices, buying politicians and not paying out claims when they shouldFACT - PER PERSON the USA spends more on healthcare than any other nation on the planetFACT - Obama debated his plans before the election for healthcareFACT! - the chance of a child under five of dying in the USA is greater than industrialised nations with universal health coverageFACT - Obama was elected by the American people to bring in changeFACT - Obama wants to stop insurance companies from screwing the American peopleFACT - The reforms Obama wants work in the Netherlands and Switzerland
Ervin Overbee: Times change and the need for laws change.Twenty years ago Identity fraud laws barely existed, the need for them grew along with use of the internet.Five years ago there weren't laws on the books for people who used tiny cameras to film up girls skirts in the mall, the cops literally couldn't arrest the perv because there was no law. Our banking and credit cards have created new opportunities for theft and laws all, I can remember back to when nearly no one had a credit card, maybe we were better off.BTW for those that want some pre-test for constitutionality, again, thats not the way our system works. W! e bring it over to the judicial system for that test. And threatening ! a law maker for writing law is pretty pointless.There are a lot of old laws that hang on, every now and then they get dragged out and laughed at, but the thing about law is that is doesn't precede the problem, the law comes after someone has done something that we all kind of slap our foreheads and say "There oughta be a law".The enforcement of any law is a different branch than a legislature. The job of a legislature is to make law....Show more
Sonya Volcko: and if you move it again, i'll report your activity to yahoo, since theyve been known to take away points, moving others who abused this privilege to level 5
Will Camus: You are right, straight marriage is a slippery slope to gay marriage etc.. etc..
Brenton Cornwall: I would have to say its more of a slippery slope regarding morals within the world. Continually, sexuality is more and more prominent. We have gone from holding our virginity sacred to legs wide spread all over the television. T&A ever! ywhere, promiscuity run ramped, and now everyone wants us to believe that its ok to be gay. Our morals have been lost. Marriage is a religious union, religion that discriminates against homosexuality. So I don't understand why gay people would want any part of that religious union. To boot, odds are that they will end divorced anyways, so whats the point?...Show more
Lewis Ranft: as it stands now the insurance companies make *ahem* plenty of money bilking everyone and stiffing the poor. they make a VERY good living at it and do very little work. it really couldnt get any better than it is right now for them. any change that happens is bound to be negative for their balance sheets and they will do anything to prevent that, ANYTHING, starting with lieing to scared old bigots.
Vita Moodie: Play Free Bird!
Alonso Crehan: Welcome to 1984. George Orwell would be proud.
Oscar Wieland: hey level 7 user. dont move my question again. i guess youre too ignorant! to see ii want my question in tbe politics section.
Rena Pepe: T! hat raft was more likely headed across the river into Canada than out to the ocean
Kellie Waycott: Besides it being Super expensive it would be run by big government and big government limits your choices and freedoms. And it Would ration your care...something that so many seem to just not care about or just not want to believe.
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