Monday, 8 June 2020

on my horoscope it said?

Manie Labat: Out of the thousands of horoscopes in print and online, which is the one to pay attention to? Also for one twelfth of the world population. Take control of your life.

Lavelle Viveiros: Hi :)What does it mean? It means nothing, but then neither does astrology. All astrologers want to do is make money out of you. They try to do this by praying on your fears and insecurities such as what will happen in the future. But no one knows this, least of all these so called 'experts'. They trick you into buying books which NEVER help you, They tell you to visit their website where all they want is your credit card number. They patronise you with talk of 'transitions' and 'conjunctions' and trying to reach the 'inner you'. These people are not your friends. Astrology is an attempt at mind control and if you ascribe to it you will be asking the same kind of questions in 30 years time and STILL be non the wiser.Live the life YOU want to live. YOUR way....Show more

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