Buster Exline: real judgement goes on through poll or the vote if the judge themselves ..so we should believe
Cherry Stampka: never trust the national news on election night ,it's all east coast time when they start counting the votes and start predicting the winners .(its like there telling you don't bother going out to vote we already got the winners )
Terrell Lawman: Polls are only as good as the questions asked and the honesty of the people answering. Votes are only as accurate as the people counting them.The difference is that we end up with the results of the vote counters, while polls have no legal authority.
Johnny Sirko: The vote.Polls say what the folks who hire the pollsters want them to say.And any poll can be rigged just by the way the poll is worded.So get out and vote and don't believe the hype until all the votes are in and counted....Show more
Saran Stealy: I firmly don't trust the polls or the vote about this the election are sim! ilar when one governor declared winner.....
Mozell Sponsler: I know the republicans on here were going around saying they won. Then they all disappeared after the election. I think more than believing either way you mentioned just look at what things are like in 2010. The media wants to keep people confused. The dems thankst to technology have an advantage that the reps. can't get. So the dems are going to win for that reason alone. The votes already show these results.
Whitley Leopold: -Wait ONE Second ( I have to finish Laughing. ). Ok... - The Polls are NOTHING more than "propaganda"- put out by machines Like "FOX" -who DON'T want people to Vote, but DO want to Influence the Outcomes of the Elections !! :( So totally IGNORE that Nonsense, & get out there & Vote !! -At the Very Least; your Vote is your "License to Complain" about whatever the Politicians Do or don't- until the next Election. :)
Gaynell Pizzaro: Yeah, no
Keven Drumgole: You must! have been watching a different Fox news than I watched. They! reported using Rasmussen figures, which were spot on accurate.
Patrica Loertscher: Elections are like war without physical violence. Lots of underhanded ammo set loose, it takes a while, and it ain't over til its over.
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