Tuesday, 30 June 2020

Was it a 'real marriage'? Your thoughts, please.?

Joel Feagler: Once you sign that Marriage License it's a "Real" marriage.

Cody Shimko: It was a LEGAL Marriage only.....Certainly no resemblance to a real Marriage in the true sense. Cheating before, was a strong missed red flag. Cheating after, gave the vows no meaning, thus no reality........♥♥

Emerita Sciandra: The fact that the Bible states that marriage is only excusable by Adultery, is a big thing. Adultery is therefore a sin. Your marriage is not real if he has done this. You are in no way expected to stay in the relationship nor feel bad for getting out. It's in the Bible! Do yourself a favor and find a man that loves you and values marriage and your union. If you are asking the questions, you already know that you are at the end of your line, follow your instinct and make the changes. Best wishes....Show more

Lizzette Wendroth: If you have signed the marriage paper then it is a real marriage

Sharri Scalley: Marriage should be sacred ! ! you should not cheat even once on your partner let alone have children with other women, however you are legally married but it sounds like you should give him his marching orders !

Bud Espenshade: If they had the ceremony and signed the papers, it was a "real" marriage. A terrible mistake of a marriage, but a real one nonetheless. How heartbreaking that would be.. if that happened to you, you have my deep sympathy.

Hai Biggart: I can only speak for myself, but if that was the marriage I was in I would consider my marriage to be a farce and I would get out of it. It would not be real for me.A real marriage for me is when the vows are honored - both people involved work through the tough times, enjoy the good times, are good friends, and enjoy intimacy.

Charis Deguzman: No, because lying is fraudulent. He was never living his vows... Answer mine? http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AiA2j...

Dental Implant Crown Question. Will it hurt?  

Dental Implant Crown Question. Will it hurt?  

answers 0:Hello, on Tuesday I am having my final crowns placed on my two front teeth. I am wondering if there will be any injections or anything of that matter? It is just the placing of the abutments and the final crowns. Please you personal experiences or knowledge. Thank you.answers 1:HI DEREK, NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT . I'VE HAD 9 ROOT CANALS AND CROWNS.answers 2:I have 3 implants and putting the abutments and crowns on did not hurt at all. If there is any gum tissue covering the healing cap then you will need some local anesthetic for that, but then you'll just be sore. I forget I have implants. They feel like "my" teeth!answers 3:No needles needed as the prep should have already been done 🙂 Your dentist will just cement your permanent crown on.

Monday, 29 June 2020

Has anyone considered the slippery slope argument dealing with gay marriage?

Caroyln Ebach: People are really making a big stink about the health care reform, can anybody fill me in? I see it on the news, but I only hear about controversy and not facts or information on who benefits, does not benefit?

Byron Fortmann: I've been married,,,twice,,,it's over rated.

Felicitas Phildor: A good amendment to the Constitution would require immediate removal from office any lawmaker who voted for a law that is subsequently ruled unconstitutional.

Emile Okafor: God made adam and Ive not adam and steve.

Garry Ohmen: lol you speak the truth, LETS BAN MARRIAGE ALL TOGETHER I know a whole generation of men would agree with that.

Sibyl Siwik: To that thick-headed idiot up there:Homosexual marriage is about love. I hope your kid is gay, so you can understand it's not a choice and that gay people are no worse than straight people. You're ignorance offends me.Francis Collins, head the of the Human Genome Project, said that there IS a gen! etic component to homosexuality. In fact, if one identical twin is gay, then the odds of the other becoming gay is 10x likelier than two ordinary siblings.Gay marriage isn't natural? What about the thousands of species of animals that participate in homosexual relationships? If your genes dictate a behavior, then that is scientifically natural.For goodness sake why don't you get an education before talking about things you have no concept of. Thank you....Show more

Ty Kirton: The Public "Option" is nothing but a Trojan Horse for Single Payer.Single Payer means the kinds of long wait times and rationing all too common in Britain and Canada. If they would drop the Public"Option" they would have much less resistance because most people are satisfied with their current coverage and do not want it taken away.

Robin Marchione: It's true.The 40 mph speed limit led to the 45 mph speed limit, which led to the 50 mph speed limit, which led to the 55 mph speed limit, and ! so on and so on.That is why the speed limit is 300 mph now....! Show more

Freddy Shutler: Heterosexual marriage is about pro-creation. Homosexual marriage is about.......................?

Dulcie Edis: Yeah, it's a real pain in the butt.

Rachal Osaki: Good point.

Davina Shindler: reported

Arnoldo Budzynski: Great Point.I would settle for the enumerated powers act being passed.This would be sure that any law they make up and write would have to be shown to be Constitutional and would have a reference in the bill to which part of the Constitution it is legal under....Show more

Judie Kise: we should all move to K-Pax

Piedad Bassiti: Nothing, just read these answers. If your IQ is higher than 70, you'll agree.Don't take my word for it, of course, because I'm just some random guy on the Internet with his own opinions. Do independent research. Google it. Read Wikipedia. Read the bill itself, it's available online. Learn the facts from the fiction.

Luther Plagmann: I agree with Jane. Marriage isn! 't natural. I'm not sure what that has to do with the question, but it is true.

Willie Tun: Democrats cheered their escape

Ervin Laeger: Throughout the millennia over which the concept of "marriage" has developed, it has always been opposite-sexed (it included relationships such as one man/one woman, one man/several women, several men/one woman, and several men/several women).This concept of "marriage" has been embodied in both religion AND law.At no time was a same-sex relationship included in the concept of "marriage."Polygamous, polyandrous, incestuous and pedophiliac relationships have a greater claim to the "right" to "marriage" than gays....Show more

Salvador Prchlik: Uh, no. You do realize the Constitution changes, don't you? I would have preferred that lawmakers had NOT upheld the Constitution disallowing women to vote. :/

Jill Thomer: go ahead a thorn by any other name is still a thorna name change does not change people

Laveta Fathy: ! Heterosexual marriage is about procreation? If heterosexual marriage is! only about procreation, then I don't want to be a part of a heterosexual marriage. The pressure is too great to procreate. HAHA. If a heterosexual couple marries and doesn't have kids, then does that mean their marriage was a failure? if heterosexual marriage is about pro-creation, then homosexual sexual marriage is about love....Show more

Rosio Pasculli: Simplification of the law is what is needed. For every law they make they should be requited to remove two that are foolishly directed in a manner to restrict liberty and prevent holding those responsible for causing harm liable for their actions. Three basic laws should be the foundation of the American Legal System. No law should be made that restricts individual Freedom or Liberty. No citizen has the right to restrict the rights of a fellow citizen.All individuals must act Responsibly and be held liable if they cause harm by behaving irresponsibly.It is the Duty of all Citizens to behave in that manner. Refusal t! o hold individuals liable for the harm they cause forces the Government to accept those responsibilities, places the burden of cleaning up the messes created on all citizens, and generates restrictive laws. Those laws Must be applied equally to all citizens and restricts the liberties of those who behave responsibly. Tyranny and injustice results....Show more

German Thal: No - they'll catch them. Cons are pretty stupid - political Cons as well as prison Cons.

Lita Thammorongsa: i think theyre likely out of the country by now, even if their only way out was with a raft and are in the middle of the ocean.

Alisia Sutphen: I Know they make an oath to uphold the constitution, but my question is do we really need more laws

Chris Rosenkranz: Slipper slope? Is it covered in Santorum?http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Santorum_%28sexual_ne...

Andra Oger: No one actually benefits, if HR3200 were to pass as an example, it would be one of the biggest problems w! e ever had, for one thing it is so complex and so full of ambiguity tha! t no one will be able to understand it. The Congressman who when asked" "if he had read it" , when he responded: "no it would take several days and 2 lawyers" was not wrong, so how could some bureaucrat in :"Podunk USA" understand it? Not only that but your taxes will go up by 11%, and I am not talking about the rich either. Now they're talking about co-ops.Quite frankly nothing has been resolved as of yet, the town hall meetings have shown Congress, the people do not want the health care that is being proposed so far. During the election campaigns, when Obama was advocating health care reform, never in their wildest dreams did people ever believe it would be what the Democrats are offering. Before they start adding new problems to the mix, why not fix what we already have eg Medicare. Medicare and Medicare Advantage are both programs run by the government, MA is implemented by (the awful insurance programs) that the government is in bed with, and they pay doctors more! money. The bad thing is that M.A. will not accept people with preexisting conditions, so basically what they do is pick the cream of the crop. We also need torte' reform....Show more

Jeannetta Gaffigan: No, because that's what the Supreme Court is for, braniac.Congress' job is to MAKE LAW - that's what they do.Actually sounds like a blatant attack on the balance of power - which is an attack on the Constitution itself.

Gertrude Darke: your premise is deeply floored

Lou Ravelo: Let us start...Using averages to determine course of treatment. No two people are alike, so if drug A works on 75%, the govt. board will tell YOU that you can not have drug B, even though it will work.Lack of procedures to be done. In Canada, there are fewer MRI Machines than on Manhattan Island south of 96th Street. Remember Natascha Richardson? She would have been still alive if her accident happened at a US ski facility, since hospitals nearest to all have CT scanners and MR! I machines (the one she went to first had NEITHER!).The addition of '47! million' people into therolls of healthcare with NO additional doctos will be a mess in the largest sense. You do realize that both doctors offices and casinos have NO CLOCKS on the wall for a reason!I haven't even gotten to real policy, cost, and other issues, but this is just the tip of the tip of the iceberg.Tort reform, transportability of insurance, fraud reduction, etc...will make it work. Not OBAMACARE!!!!P.S. Just change the words doctor and patient for dealer and car buyer in the recent cash for clunkers fiasco, and you'll see my point even clearer.

Stanton Valdivia: There may be many rights people dont even have that we dont even know about

Jeannetta Gaffigan: Forced abortions. Mass sterilization. A "Planetary Regime" with the power of life and death over American citizens. The tyrannical fantasies of a madman? Or merely the opinions of the person now in control of science policy in the United States? Or both? These ideas (among many other equally ! horrifying recommendations) were put forth by John Holdren, whom Barack Obama has recently appointed Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, Assistant to the President for Science and Technology, and Co-Chair of the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology -- informally known as the United States' Science Czar. In a book Holdren co-authored in 1977, the man now firmly in control of science policy in this country wrote that: • Women could be forced to abort their pregnancies, whether they wanted to or not; • The population at large could be sterilized by infertility drugs intentionally put into the nation's drinking water or in food; • Single mothers and teen mothers should have their babies seized from them against their will and given away to other couples to raise; • People who "contribute to social deterioration" (i.e. undesirables) "can be required by law to exercise reproductive responsibility" -- in other words, be! compelled to have abortions or be sterilized. • A transnational "Pla! netary Regime" should assume control of the global economy and also dictate the most intimate details of Americans' lives -- using an armed international police force. Ezekiel Emanuel, Obama's top health care adviser, said that under the “civic republican or deliberative democratic” construct, “services provided to individuals who are irreversibly prevented from being or becoming participating citizens are not basic and should not be guaranteed. An obvious example is not guaranteeing health services to patients with dementia. A less obvious example is guaranteeing neuropsychological services to ensure children with learning disabilities can read and learn to reason."These are only two of Obama's advisors, there are many others just as evil. Yes evil, who could agree with these without being evil? It's not like Obama didn't know the views of the people he hired. Of course he knew that's why he hired them. He obviously believes the same things. That's why Obama wants to! quickly pass this health care bill it gives him room to einact future policies such as these.There will be a lot of responces from Obama's supporters saying "Oh no" he doesn't believe this or that or they will just simply deny these people said it altogether. The truth is these are actual beliefs by actual Obama advisors and if you search Obama's background (what isn't hidden) you will find he endorses this kind of crap and a lot of other evil, yes evil, liberal ideology.OK, if you voted for him you may have been simply duped it happens to everyone but how, in the name of God, can you defend his positions now that they are coming to light? Defending evil (once you know the truth) is a whole lot different then believing a lie. Now you will be held accountable as well. Oh, and bye the way, don't play the race card on me as a defense either. I wanted Alan Keyes to be president!

Rubi Romo: I want gay marriage because you a ss f kers can't reproduce. 40 years and you'll ! be gone. Our children will inherit your land and property. Thank you,! thank you....

Jess Grizzel: The great paradox of this country is you have the right to do what you want behind the closed doors of your own property. I will fight for you to have that right.You do not have the right make me accept it as normal nor does church and state have to recognize fornication.

Carli Watterson: I have read every one of these supposed claims about the Bill - and when I look at the bill itself, they are either based on simple misreadings of legal text, lack of understanding of the medical profession, or plain old lies and misinformation.The faithful eat it up with a spoon, no questions asked - that's the problem with the debate, the lies and smear tactics from the Right.

Eulah Hugill: It does not follow. You need to make several leaps of logic to manage any except polygamy. Marriage itself is not a requirement of reproduction. It is a bond between 2, in some cases more, people and their god.

Houston Venezia: Most of the problems ! are too numerous to listbut Obama should just put the dang thing up for the vote in congress and see who votes whatNancy P~Pelosi should have done this beforethe recess but she was forced to table thisI think it has a chance but not this year

Melissa Lavallie: all and sundry concept it replaced right into a sticky situation and now it is slippery? i think of it is on the subject of comparable to sand paper in my opinion. Now as to the significant component to your question... the sensible use of cilantro is fundamental! too lots is extremely hassle-free to do and in case you do not understand the place that line is do not even physique of recommendations it. Cilantro can and has taken over a great way too many in any different case friendly dishes. what number circumstances have I taken a chew of salsa on a chip and it style of feels that all and sundry i'm able to flavor is cilantro? not the jalapenos, lime, salt, tomatoes, garlic, black beans, corn or onion... only ! cilantro with the aid of fact some shoemaker of a cook dinner thinks th! at all and sundry you go with do to make "southwestern" food is hit upon cilantro and because this is supplied in huge bunches they desperate to apply all of it? a great way, a great way too many circumstances. i understand I have been given slightly astray there yet i hit upon it problematical to not remark on such significant social themes. you're welcome....Show more

Lionel Tanen: My argument is, it isn't natural. It's that simple.

Andrew Sinatra: They'll probably be caught, unless they made it into Canada somehow.

Stormy Beliard: Depends on who you talk two and who tells them what to say. Look at Glenn Beck for example. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/deadlineusa/2009/a...FACT - Insurance companies in the USA admit to pushing up prices, buying politicians and not paying out claims when they shouldFACT - PER PERSON the USA spends more on healthcare than any other nation on the planetFACT - Obama debated his plans before the election for healthcareFACT! - the chance of a child under five of dying in the USA is greater than industrialised nations with universal health coverageFACT - Obama was elected by the American people to bring in changeFACT - Obama wants to stop insurance companies from screwing the American peopleFACT - The reforms Obama wants work in the Netherlands and Switzerland

Ervin Overbee: Times change and the need for laws change.Twenty years ago Identity fraud laws barely existed, the need for them grew along with use of the internet.Five years ago there weren't laws on the books for people who used tiny cameras to film up girls skirts in the mall, the cops literally couldn't arrest the perv because there was no law. Our banking and credit cards have created new opportunities for theft and fraud...new laws all, I can remember back to when nearly no one had a credit card, maybe we were better off.BTW for those that want some pre-test for constitutionality, again, thats not the way our system works. W! e bring it over to the judicial system for that test. And threatening ! a law maker for writing law is pretty pointless.There are a lot of old laws that hang on, every now and then they get dragged out and laughed at, but the thing about law is that is doesn't precede the problem, the law comes after someone has done something that we all kind of slap our foreheads and say "There oughta be a law".The enforcement of any law is a different branch than a legislature. The job of a legislature is to make law....Show more

Sonya Volcko: and if you move it again, i'll report your activity to yahoo, since theyve been known to take away points, moving others who abused this privilege to level 5

Will Camus: You are right, straight marriage is a slippery slope to gay marriage etc.. etc..

Brenton Cornwall: I would have to say its more of a slippery slope regarding morals within the world. Continually, sexuality is more and more prominent. We have gone from holding our virginity sacred to legs wide spread all over the television. T&A ever! ywhere, promiscuity run ramped, and now everyone wants us to believe that its ok to be gay. Our morals have been lost. Marriage is a religious union, religion that discriminates against homosexuality. So I don't understand why gay people would want any part of that religious union. To boot, odds are that they will end divorced anyways, so whats the point?...Show more

Lewis Ranft: as it stands now the insurance companies make *ahem* plenty of money bilking everyone and stiffing the poor. they make a VERY good living at it and do very little work. it really couldnt get any better than it is right now for them. any change that happens is bound to be negative for their balance sheets and they will do anything to prevent that, ANYTHING, starting with lieing to scared old bigots.

Vita Moodie: Play Free Bird!

Alonso Crehan: Welcome to 1984. George Orwell would be proud.

Oscar Wieland: hey level 7 user. dont move my question again. i guess youre too ignorant! to see ii want my question in tbe politics section.

Rena Pepe: T! hat raft was more likely headed across the river into Canada than out to the ocean

Kellie Waycott: Besides it being Super expensive it would be run by big government and big government limits your choices and freedoms. And it Would ration your care...something that so many seem to just not care about or just not want to believe.

Comment traiter les yeux secs

Comment traiter les yeux secs

Assurez-vous que vos lentilles de contact sont bien ajustées. Les personnes qui portent des lentilles de contact et qui souffrent de sécheresse oculaire doivent s’assurer que l’ajustement, la fonction et le matériau des lentilles de contact conviennent à leurs yeux. Vous devriez consulter votre ophtalmologiste pour vous aider à ajuster et à choisir une lentille appropriée.

Portez des lunettes. Portez des lunettes de soleil lorsque vous vous exposez au soleil. Portez des lunettes de natation si vous prévoyez nager. Vous pouvez également obtenir des lunettes spéciales auprès de votre ophtalmologiste. Ces lunettes créent de l’humidité supplémentaire en formant une chambre d’humidité autour de vos yeux.

Empêchez l’humidité de s’évaporer dans vos yeux. La sécheresse oculaire ne peut pa! s être complètement guérie, mais il existe des méthodes de prévention qui peuvent vous aider dans le cadre de votre traitement. Comme tout liquide, les larmes s’évaporent également lorsqu’elles sont exposées à l’air. Pour garder vos yeux hydratés :

Faites un examen de la vue. Si vous avez essayé des gouttes ophtalmiques et des gouttes sur ordonnance, mais que vous avez toujours les yeux très secs, consultez votre ophtalmologiste. Une fois que le médecin aura déterminé la cause de la sécheresse oculaire, vous aurez d’autres options de traitement à votre disposition.

Cautérisez vos conduits lacrymaux. Si vos conduits lacrymaux ont été bouchés, mais que vous avez toujours des yeux secs et agressifs, votre médecin pourrait vous suggérer de cautériser les conduits lacrymaux. Une fois que votre médecin aura approuvé cette chirurgie, un professionnel des soins de la vue vous examinera et effectuera l’intervention.

Faites-vous o! pérer pour boucher vos canaux lacrymaux. Vous pourriez avoir ! besoin d’un traitement plus permanent ou agressif. Votre médecin peut vous suggérer d’insérer des bouchons dans vos conduits lacrymaux. Ils bloquent le drainage lacrymal pour que vos yeux restent lubrifiés.

Utilisez une pommade pour les yeux. Votre médecin peut vous prescrire une pommade ophtalmique. Contrairement aux larmes artificielles qui traitent les symptômes de sécheresse oculaire, les pommades sont administrées pour traiter la cause de la sécheresse oculaire.

Ajoutez de l’hydratation à vos yeux. Utilisez des larmes artificielles comme collyre pour garder vos yeux lubrifiés et hydratés. Vous pouvez également utiliser des pommades qui durent plus longtemps que les gouttes ophtalmiques. Cependant, ils peuvent être désordonnés en raison de leur nature visqueuse et peuvent mener à une vision floue. Vous ne voudrez peut-être les utiliser que pendant que vous dormez.

Comprendre pourquoi les larmes sont importantes. Non seulement le! s larmes maintiennent les yeux hydratés, mais elles jouent également plusieurs rôles importants. Les larmes fournissent les électrolytes nécessaires et contiennent des enzymes et des protéines qui luttent contre les bactéries pour garder vos yeux en santé. Les larmes recouvrent rapidement l’ensemble de l’Å"il pour lui apporter hydratation et nutriments sur toute sa surface.

Utilisez des gouttes de larmes artificielles. Les gouttes lacrymales artificielles sont conçues pour lubrifier les yeux secs et les garder humides sur la surface externe. Les larmes artificielles ne traitent pas nécessairement la cause sous-jacente de la sécheresse oculaire. Ils soulagent plutôt les symptômes. Certains contiennent des agents de conservation qui peuvent irriter vos yeux si vous les utilisez plus de quatre fois par jour. Si vous devez utiliser des larmes artificielles plus de quatre fois par jour, cherchez des larmes artificielles sans agent de conservation ou consul! tez un médecin.

Parlez à votre médecin des médicaments qui pe! uvent causer la sécheresse oculaire. Certains médicaments, comme les diurétiques, les antidépresseurs, les bêta-bloquants, les traitements contre la maladie de Parkinson, peuvent causer une sécheresse oculaire. Si vous prenez ces médicaments et que vous avez des problèmes de sécheresse oculaire, vous devriez en discuter avec votre médecin traitant. Vous voudrez peut-être remplacer le médicament par quelque chose ayant moins d’effets secondaires.

N’irrite pas les yeux. Évitez de fumer, car il peut rapidement épuiser les larmes et causer de nombreux autres problèmes de santé potentiels. De plus, évitez de vous frotter les yeux. Ceci empêche les bactéries de se propager des doigts et des ongles sur vos yeux.

Essayez des gouttes ophtalmiques médicamenteuses. L’hydroxypropylméthylcellulose est le médicament le plus couramment utilisé pour les yeux secs et irrités, suivi de la carboxyméthylcellulose. Ils sont également utilisés comme l! ubrifiants dans les gouttes de larmes et peuvent être trouvés dans de nombreuses gouttes en vente libre. Vous pourriez aussi chercher de la pommade antibiotique pour les yeux comme la tétracycline, la ciprofloxacine, le chloramphénicol. Elles sont utiles si vous avez un gonflement des paupières.

Changez votre régime alimentaire. La sécheresse oculaire peut provenir d’une trop grande quantité de sel dans l’alimentation ou d’un manque de vitamines. Vous pouvez le tester vous-même, surtout lorsque vous vous levez la nuit pour aller aux toilettes. Si vos yeux sont secs, buvez environ 12 onces d’eau. Voyez si vos yeux obtiennent un soulagement immédiat. Si c’est le cas, réduisez la quantité de sel dans votre alimentation et restez hydraté.

Prenez des pauses fréquentes pendant les travaux qui exigent beaucoup d’attention oculaire, comme la lecture ou le travail à l’ordinateur. Même en lisant, il est important de prendre des pauses. Quand ! on regarde un écran ou un livre, on ne cligne pas assez souvent des ye! ux.

Sunday, 28 June 2020

biggest family?

Dulcie Edis: im the youngest of 8

Tobie Oshea: My grandfather is one of 15 kids. According to my great grandmother, if all her children had survived (she had some miscarriages) there would have been 23.This was all before birth control though....Show more

Margy Sandquist: 21 kids, all males...

Shaquita Wernicki: ito ang kuya ko, mark. lagi-lagi kaming nagsasaya pag magkasama kami. sinisigurado nya na palagi akong nasa mabuting kalagayan. ayaw nyang may sumasaktan sa akin at ipaubaya na lang. palagi kaming magkasama mamasyal. miss na miss na kita kuya mark. mahal ang bunso mong kapatid kaylea.i hope you know most of it.and that i help....Show more

Todd Stogner: It definitely isn't very normal! Especially threatening you with a knife!Be careful

Arlen Lopiccalo: I am the youngest of 5 and they do tend to give bigger responsibilites to the older siblings but that is because of the more experience I think that the answer is vice versa to your que! stion

Caryl Mclaen: MY great Aunt had 21 kids and the youngest one of them had 19.

Danica Timperman: Mine.Also `15 kids Paul,Rilla,David, Karen, Gale,Karma & Kyra(twins)Laree, Lydia, Leroy, Deanna, Tracy, Dwaine,Kenny ,Brenda

Leora Klingelhoets: my mom never seems to care, i got in the honors with all a's and she didn't even care, my brother got all b's and a "im so proud of you" speech.i feel like im a disappointment and that i should run away,even though she probably wouldn't even notice im gone.then everytime i have my only friend over she tells me that im a pig and i need to go clean my room.i never feel like she's proud of me.and im always doing something wrong my brother never is its always me.

Berry Gilmore: This is unbelievable abuse. Depending on your age, you probably have different options. If you call the police or the authorities you will end up in a foster home where other kids might be abusive. However, if you're 17 or almost 17, you ! should call the authorities and try to get emancipated. I woul! d suggest you call the courthouse and ask to speak with a children's lawyer. You can try your school counsellor or ask someone at school to help you find a free counsellor. Don't tell your mom anything about your procedures, of course....Show more

Dawn Saha: Haha you could be describing my family...My mom favors her sons over her daughters...2 boys and 2 girls in our family...And she does it because they are her baby boys and they WERE and ARE mama boys lol...we girls get favored by our dad or we just don't care..

Bryant Pillitteri: thats not normal hun, just leave. Its best thing to do.


Corrina Faro: Call the cops on her next timeOr tell a friend and ask to live with them

Octavio Roylance: my mother-in-law is 1 of 19

Gaynell Pizzaro: Do you count foster families? Heh, I know a pretty big one.

Colby Millberg: this is my brother mark.we've had had s! o much fun together.he always made sure that i was safe.he wouldnt let no hurt me and get away with it.we used to hang out with eachother so much.i miss you brother mark.love your baby sister kaylea

Janean Guz: Sometimes parents are like that, Just talk to her and tell her that she's upsetting you because it seems like she's favoring you're siblings. And just tell her you're feelings. Life is hard, Sometimes it's hard to see the effects you are putting on someone until they are confronted. Good luck :)

Sol Bayn: Oh.. Don't feel that way.. you should really talk to your mom and tell her exactly how you feel and what she says to you that hurts your feelings..don't think about running away..your smart..shes your mother of course she is proud of you.

Vern Serratos: My mum is probably one of the worst mothers in the world!She says and calls me such hateful things! She has also threatened to kill me twice! She said she would run me over if she saw me standing ou! tside, and the other time I told her to shut up and she said "don't tel! l me to shut up when I have a knife in my hand!! I'll do some damage to you!!".This has been going on for years...! I'm really getting sick to death of living here!She takes all my money, and I don't get why when she gets $750 a week! But I'm guessing a lot goes to drugs and alcohol! She's kicked me out two days before Christmas, (that was probably the saddest day of my life spending it alone, while the family had a nice BIG Christmas lunch!). There's just so much **** she has done to me I can't explain it. She is just a very horrible and mean person! I have no family to turn to. I dont know where my father is? I'm just trying to save some money so I can get the hell out of here!Tell me your parents to speak to you or treat you like this?!...Show more

Horace Escue: My dad was 1 of 10.

Hobert Dula: Siya ang kuya kong si mark. Kami ay maraming masasayang araw. Lagi niyang sinisigurado na ako ay laging ligtas. Hindi niya ako hahayaang masaktan. Lagi kami mag-kasam! a. Namimiss na kita kuya ko. Mahal ko ang kapatid mong si Kaylea

Elvin Weichbrodt: Hi Cassie, I'm so sorry for these wounds in your life. If you're okay with it, I would like to bring your situation to my church's attention. This is of course domestic violence and abuse. Your mother is ill and not fit for you to continue to live with her. You've gone through enough, I've also read one of your other postings, and it irked me. I'll be praying for you dear. Wish to help you more, maybe if you're alright with having my Yahoo contact we can can communicate more and figure out further help....Show more

Valentine Michaud: MY GRANDMA IS 1 OF 15

Myesha Zerbe: I've been there too. "I know you can do better than that." was my Mother's favorite phrase.Make goals for yourself. Don't worry so much about what they expect so long as you are getting "A's" you are doing very well.It seems all parents have their favorite child. Some try to correct their behavior by making! an effort to treat all of their children the same. Some parents are i! n denial. It hurts; but there is nothing you can do about it until they see it for themselves. Confrontation usually makes it worse.Set your own goals and achieve them for yourself. Don't waste time waiting for them to tell you how proud they are of you. It probably will not come soon enough to do any good. I hope this helps.Take pride in yourself and your own achievements....Show more

Frank Crummell: Do what you can to just stay out of her way & to not tempt her. If you have any friends that will let you stay with them, I'd def do that.

Marvel Mcaulay: No it's not. I think you need to call the atorites and you don't wanna go that far, tell a teachers at school that you're close with. Let them deal with it,

Russ Kiernan: Mine.......there are 10 kids in my family.

Comment installer Puppy Linux

Comment installer Puppy Linux

Cliquez sur Menu puis Setup puis Puppy Universal Installer.

Les fichiers sont copiés. Le CD s’éjecte.

Téléchargez le fichier ISO à partir d’une source fiable.

Cliquez sur Menu puis Arrêter puis Redémarrer l’ordinateur.


Installation terminée.

Confirmez la partition et le disque.

Choisissez un disque spécifique sur lequel installer.

Configurez grub pour utiliser la console framebuffer.

Essayez simplement d’installer grub automatiquement.

Installer avec l’installateur Universal. Choisissez le type de disque.

Démarrez en direct.

Choisissez entre une installation frugale ou complète.

Gravez-le sur CD.

Choisissez l’emplacement des fichiers d’installation.

Assurez-vous que le CD est inséré.

Choisissez la partition sur laquelle installer.

Sélectionnez la p! artition grub.

Saturday, 27 June 2020

Molds are able to survive in extreme environments?

Truman Biby: Molds are adapted to survive extreme condition by growing spores being durable against high or low temperature and high pressure. The "old" mold dies and spores are dormant as long as the conditions are bad. When they become better spores germinate and grow new mold colonies. There are even some specific molds, being able to dry and survive unmodified in a phase of dormancy.Other types of mold are xerophytic and able to survive in extremely dry environment in cause of their very low need of water....Show more

Comment calculer l’étendue de mesure

Comment calculer l’étendue de mesure

p>Dans les statistiques, i>range/i> représente la différence entre la valeur la plus élevée d’un ensemble de données et la valeur la plus faible d’un ensemble de données. La plage indique l’étalement des valeurs dans une série. Si la plage est un nombre élevé, les valeurs de la série sont éloignées les unes des autres ; si la plage est petite, les valeurs de la série sont proches les unes des autres. Si vous voulez savoir comment calculer l’intervalle, suivez simplement ces étapes.

Soustrayez le plus petit nombre de votre ensemble de données du plus grand nombre. Maintenant que vous avez identifié les nombres les plus petits et les plus grands de l’ensemble, tout ce que vous avez à faire est de les soustraire les uns des autres. Soustrayez 14 de 28 (28 â€" 14) pour obtenir 14, la! portée de l’ensemble.

Identifiez les nombres les plus élevés et les plus bas de l’ensemble. Dans ce cas, le nombre le plus bas de l’ensemble est 14 et le nombre le plus élevé est 28.

Dressez la liste des éléments de votre ensemble de données. Pour trouver la plage d’un ensemble, vous devez dresser la liste de tous les éléments de l’ensemble afin de pouvoir identifier les nombres les plus élevés et les plus bas. Notez tous les éléments. Les chiffres de cet ensemble sont : 20, 24, 25, 19, 24, 28 et 14.

Étiquetez clairement la gamme. Une fois que vous avez trouvé la gamme, identifiez-la clairement. Cela vous aidera à éviter de le confondre avec d’autres calculs statistiques que vous pourriez avoir à faire pour l’ensemble, comme trouver la médiane, le mode ou la moyenne.

Friday, 26 June 2020

Can any one tell me if i have a green thumb? 10 POINT?

Rocio Karvis: Yip you sure do.Also is it one of those christmas plants with red leaves?If it is and the leaves have turned green you can get them to turn red again. To do this you need to keep them in the dark for 14 hours a day....Show more

Elmo Tervo: You have a very green thumb!

Cole Desher: You have a green thumb if you can instinctively care for a plant & keep it living ... The Poinsettia plant is the one i believe you are talking about... if that plant was in the tropics sections than that plant can grow into a big bush type & every year. So pleased you love plants ...

Tricia Dossous: The question must be 4-5hrs previous or greater, previously you could choose a perfect answer. once you will desire to take action, click onto 'my profile' on the ideal appropriate hand corner of your show screen scroll all the way down to 'your solutions' then click on the 'my questions' tab. click on the question. If it desires a perfect answer it fairly is going ! to many times have orange writing in it fairly is information. as quickly as the question has opened, there will be a bar decrease than each answer that asserts "choose as perfect answer" make sure which one, and then choose it! i'd ask approximately pets. :) xx Springflower....Show more

Buddy Ardd: Dude if you have a green thumb you should ask a doctor about that. :/

Comment trouver des comptoirs bon marché

Comment trouver des comptoirs bon marché

p>De jolis comptoirs dans une cuisine ou une salle de bain peuvent rendre la pièce propre, finie et belle. La recherche de nouveaux produits abordables peut cependant sembler inaccessible avec l’abondance de granit et d’autres pierres naturelles de prix élevé. N’ayez crainte, parce que vous pouvez trouver les comptoirs bon marché qui semblent bons en utilisant le stratifié, la tuile et quelques options moins connues.

Comptoirs de tuiles vous-même si désiré. Si vous êtes assez courageux ou si vous avez les compétences nécessaires pour carreler vos propres comptoirs, allez-y. Détachez vos vieux comptoirs, coupez et installez des cadres en contreplaqué et posez vos carreaux. Cela prendra du temps et du dévouement, mais vous pouvez empocher tout l’argent que vous dépenseriez pour un homme à tout faire.

Utilisez du bois d! e boucherie. Fabriqué avec des morceaux de bois assemblés, le bloc de boucherie offre une variété d’options économiques de comptoirs de cuisine. Procurez-vous une pièce sur mesure auprès d’un ébéniste ou parcourez les grandeurs standard chez les détaillants à domicile, comme Ikea, Menards ou Lumber Liquidators. Parce que le bloc de boucherie est en bois, vous pouvez le couper vous-même ou demander au magasin de le faire pour vous.

Obtenez des soumissions de prix à l’automne et à l’hiver. L’automne et l’hiver sont la basse saison des entrepreneurs, vous aurez donc une meilleure chance de négocier un bon prix pour les carreaux et/ou l’installation. Vérifiez auprès de plusieurs magasins de carreaux et entrepreneurs généraux pour trouver le moins cher.

Mesurez l’espace du comptoir. Vous devez connaître les dimensions exactes de l’espace à couvrir, y compris le dosseret et les garnitures. Déterminez les dimensions vous-même ou! engagez un professionnel pour le faire à votre place pour au! ssi peu que 50 $.

Rendez-vous chez un détaillant et faites appel à un manufacturier. Si vous voulez personnaliser vos comptoirs en stratifié, une bonne option est de choisir un comptoir avec un détaillant, un designer ou dans la cuisine ou la salle de bain d’un magasin de rénovation domiciliaire. Avec les dimensions en main, choisissez le style que vous voulez avec un revêtement stratifié. Le comptoir est ensuite envoyé à un manufacturier pour être recouvert.

Achetez un comptoir tout fait. Vous pouvez trouver des comptoirs en stratifié prêts à l’emploi dans n’importe quel magasin de rénovation domiciliaire. La sélection n’est peut-être pas énorme, mais vous trouverez peut-être l’option de comptoir la moins chère. Rappelez-vous que les comptoirs prêts à l’emploi devront être coupés aux dimensions de votre espace. Achetez une bande supplémentaire de stratifié pour couvrir la coupe.

Rendez-vous dans un magasin de carrelage! ou dans un centre de rénovation. Obtenez des idées sur le type de carreaux que vous aimeriez utiliser sur vos comptoirs en consultant la sélection de carreaux dans un magasin spécialisé ou un magasin de rénovation. La céramique ou la porcelaine seront vos options les moins chères.

Utiliser du placage à surface solide (SSV). Vous pouvez peut-être trouver des comptoirs en acrylique massif moins chers chez un grossiste à rabais, mais ce sera quand même une option plus dispendieuse. Optez plutôt pour un placage d’un huitième de pouce de placage à poser sur les comptoirs non finis. Vous trouverez de nombreux types de SSV dans votre magasin local et vous pouvez obtenir l’aspect et la sensation de pièces solides à une fraction du prix.

Engagez un entrepreneur général pour obtenir les meilleurs résultats. Bien que vous puissiez essayer de carreler vos propres comptoirs, il se peut que vous ne trouviez pas qu’il vous en coûte beaucoup plus che! r d’avoir quelqu’un pour le faire à votre place. Les entrepreneurs! peuvent généralement obtenir de meilleurs prix sur les matériaux que le grand public et vous pouvez vous éviter de faire des erreurs potentiellement coûteuses. Demandez à vos amis et voisins s’ils peuvent vous recommander quelqu’un.

Utilisez une table de travail en acier inoxydable comme îlot. Bon marché ne vient probablement pas à l’esprit quand vous pensez à l’acier inoxydable, mais une table de travail en acier inoxydable est moins chère qu’un îlot construit sur mesure. Cherchez-en un dans les magasins de fournitures de restaurant ou en ligne.

Utilisez un ébéniste. Un ébéniste peut fabriquer le comptoir utilisé avec le stratifié facilement et à peu de frais puisqu’il ne s’agit que de panneaux de particules, ce qui est semblable au contreplaqué. Ils peuvent également coller le stratifié sur le panneau pour vous. Renseignez-vous auprès des ébénistes de votre région et demandez-leur quelles sont les options qu’ils offre! nt.

Thursday, 25 June 2020

how important are green roofs[living roofs] to you?(please answer)?

Mandy Mustaro: It's actually quite important to me! Right now I'm renting but one day I intend on building a home on some property in the rockies, I am looking for several building materials to suit my design (I'm no architect) which is 100% natural and sustainable. Anyway part of the design is a living roof that at part of the home is eased down and at the edges could be planted light fruits and veggies such as strawberries and peas. My only concern with a living roof would be the reintroduction of radon but I'm not sure if that applies to roofs like they would with homes with foundations....Show more

Marcellus Yoshimori: I don't have a house. I have lived in my bread truck for 35 years. One of my friend who lived in his bread truck built a frame around the top and filled it with water. The water cooled his truck nicely. It was evaporative cooling and like living under a lake. He lived in New Orleans where it is very hot.Personally I have a plywood top with a! n air space above the metal rool. My van make it;s own shade. I can park in the sun so my solar panels work fine.I bet if you put solar panels on the roof of a house the house would make its own shade too....Show more

Azzie Trembly: If you are buiding from scratch, it would be worthwhile and could have a payback within your lifetime. Retrofitting is much more expensive.

Wednesday, 24 June 2020

Facts about Global Warming?

Sabra Roers: Sorry to disappoint you but man-made Global Warming is a scam. You sound like you are in love with the theory so you will probably just dismiss what I've said, but you should not dismiss what these top climate scientists have to say about it.The Great Global Warming Swindlehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YaTJJCPYhlk

Leora Klingelhoets: you really think it's just a conspiracy?71% of the planet earth is covered in waterdo the math, if those icebergs in south/north pole melt, we'll drown

Sherri Drakos: global warming is happening but there is disbute as to why it is happening. Some say pollution, some say it is natural. So evidence of global warming is the high increase in temperatures, the growth of our deserts and the shrinking of our lakes and ponds check out Africa and Australia as case studies. The rise in sea levels, and the fast melting of our polar ice caps.

Clementina Collelo: Global warming is merely the warming of the globe. Anthropog! enic global warming, which is probably what you are talking about, needs to be differentiated from global warming because many who deny that those changes are occurring because of humans often muddle the argument by claiming that people who accept the reality of it are being disingenuous with regards to the differences between the two. So now that that is out of the way we can discuss the reality of anthropogenic global warming.Anthropogenic global warming is a consequence of human interaction with their environment and the emissions of greenhouse gases as a consequence of that increasing the amount of longwave energy retention, or that energy that is re-emitted from the colder Earth after the shortwave solar energy from the warmer Sun has been absorbed by the surface, within the troposphere and hydrosphere. Certain gases with an uneven distribution of electric charges, called an electric dipole, and more than one atom per molecule have the ability to absorb radiation at th! ese longer wavelengths.As you increase the amount of these gas! es in the atmosphere the amount of radiation at those specific wavelengths leaving the atmosphere decreases. Satellite measurements show this to be occurring and the wavelengths, which are attributable to specific greenhouse gases, it is occurring at (1, 2). As you can see more radiation associated with frequencies related to CO2, methane, water vapour, ozone, and various other gases are the frequencies that are being retained by the atmosphere more. If you look at the data in those specific studies you also see how much of an effect each gasses increasing concentration has. The major greenhouse gasses being water vapour, a feedback relating to temperature and not a forcing, CO2, the most concentrated possible forcing gas associated with human emissions with concentrations over 390 parts per million (ppm) and the most widely emitted gas by human interaction with their environment, methane, another growing greenhouse gas that has concentrations over 1.5ppm and growing, and o! zone, tropospheric ozone emissions are the result of the incomplete combustion of fossil fuels.The major forcing gas associated with the current warming is CO2. CO2 goes through two different cycles on different time periods. One known as the biological carbon cycle where carbon is cycled through the atmosphere, the biosphere and the hydrosphere. The other is the geological carbon cycle where carbon is often formed into rocks such as limestone and fossil fuels such as oil, lignite and coal. The problem with human usage of fossil fuels is that humans are adding more carbon into the biological carbon cycle that would not be there due to the slow turnover of carbon in the geological carbon cycle. This is reflected in the increasing CO2 atmospheric concentration, which is increasing at a rate of roughly 2ppm or 15.8gt annually (3), the increasing amount of carbon with 12 isotopes as opposed to that with 13 isotopes as plant-based matter, or that which most fossils fuels are mos! t likely comprised, has a bias for 12C (4), and declining atmospheric o! xygen concentration as that oxygen is now incorporated into CO2 molecules (5). We can also look at how annual human emissions, at over 30gt, compare to the atmospheric increase mentioned above (6).The reality of it is is that humans are increasing the temperature within the troposphere by adding greenhouse gases that would not be there naturally and are throwing the natural carbon cycle, or that cycle where the natural emissions of CO2 are generally offset by natural carbon sinks, out of wack. Several lines of additional evidence corroborate this including decreasing sea surface pH during a warming period where, naturally, the opposite would occur, due to increased CO2 uptake (7) as well as, perhaps, increased oceanic dead zones due to weakening upwelling caused by changes in trade wind activity (8).Note: Caliservative has been shown more proof time and time again yet he continues to state it is based on correlation not causation. If he wants to talk about fallacious argume! nts there's one right there....Show more

Florencio Dingle: No--there are no facts that indicate any significant warming, and especially none that prove any of the supposed warming is caused by the actions of man. Sorry.No "proof" exists. The "global warming theory" is just that--a theory. If there were facts that proved it, (which there will never be because the conditions of the Earth's atmosphere cannot be reliably duplicated for experimentation), it would no longer be a theory....Show more

Lu Tiner: I reside inside running distance of the Pacific Ocean, and I have lived right here whilst the alarmists/leftists have been proclaiming worldwide cooling. Over 30 years in the past they began chanting worldwide warming and expected that wherein I reside could have a significant upward push in ocean stages, flooding lowlands, that could occur inside twenty 12 months or much less. That used to be 25 years in the past and I'm nonetheless ready. Nothing has converte! d, no longer the sea degree, no longer the water temperature. The state! climatologist, George Taylor, uncovered the rip-off, and he's a truly scientist, no longer a political candidate. The state governor learn Taylor's file, and fired him, or attempted to. Taylor wasn't politically proper. Also, I studied Earth Science in tuition as a minor. Also, I'm no longer new to technology; I've spent my reside operating in Science and Technology. All my peers are scientists or technologists. So, do not repeat Al Gore's lies to me. This local weather difference hoax runs alongside leftist political traces, and it's fed through liars and morons. Believe it!...Show more

Hilton Paiva: No.If you look at the IPCC documents, the case for AGW is based on two lines of evidence: the temperature record, and 'statistical analysis'.The first is based on the 'propter hoc' fallacy; it assumes that a correlation (between CO2 and temperature) must mean causation. It doesn't, any more than flies cause garbage. The correlation between CO2 and temperature is about 4! 4%, vs. 56% for solar activity and 85% for ocean temperatures. Ice core records indicate CO2 levels changed 800-3000 years *after* temperature changes at both the beginning and end of the ice ages.The 'statistical analysis' they refer to means computer models. They claim that their models do not replicate modern warming unless the greenhouse effects of CO2 are included. This is an argument from ignorance; it is making the case for CO2 causation based on 'we can't think of what else it could be'. In fact, the models do not agree with each other; their sensitivities vary across a range of 300%. The models fail in every validation attempt to which they have been subjected.CO2 does not have sufficient 'power' to explain modern warming, so they have postulated a large 'positive feedback' involving water vapor that magnifies the effect of CO2. This large positive feedback has never been validated, and multiple peer-reviewed studies suggest it is much smaller than the IPCC has ass! umed.All of the other 'evidence' you are hearing is about effects; glac! iers, sea levels, migrations, etc. These are more 'propter hoc' fallacies, as the studies that establish those effects cannot show a causal link between the event and global temperature change. They are also appeals to fear, which is an attempt to get people *not* to apply critical thinking to the problem.The geologic record indicates that modern warming is not unique; other warming events have induced much larger and faster rates of temperature change, without the aid of CO2 (i.e. the exit from the Younger Dryas cold period, about 8000yr ago). Contrary to claims from the AGW proponents, the rate of change of temperature, and of sea level rise, have been decreasing since then.Science requires the rejection of the null hypothesis; the evidence for AGW is too weak reject the null hypothesis....Show more

Ninfa Aronica: I agree with Jennifer

Phillip Modafferi: If in fact we are emerging from an ice age as we were taught in grade school that means (ignoring for the m! oment all the armloads of printouts and gigabytes of Datasets) we are WARMING and have been for several thousand years humps and bumps in the charts due to Sunspots and solar flares notwithstanding. We even had the "Little Ice age" due to thermohaline anomalies in the 1300-1700 era, definitely not "warming" so we experience variations. The Vostok Co2 ice core analyses and subsequent Tschumi-Stauffer climate studies show clearly we have cold hot cycles and their accompanying Co2 variations on 100,000 year intervals. Milankovich elliptical orbit effects are causing these Hot/Cold cycles. The integration of sunspot and solar flare contribution to climate change just adds more humps and bumps to the graphs and more snakes to the prediction barrel. General science has for hundreds of years provided us a climate OVERVIEW reaching back over 6 million years, but now we face dubious arguments based on data going back less than half a million years (the Gore fraud) obscuring the lo! ng term picture exposed by accepted scientific climate research. Earthâ! €™s orbit is not a perfect circle, it varies in a cyclic ellipses over these 100,000 year cycles (Malkovich). Now correct me if I’m wrong but if the earth gets closer then further from the sun wouldn’t the Solar radiant energy reaching Earths surface increase and decrease commensurately? A rational person may even assume a direct relationship? Common sense and basic physics says Earths Climate is going to change with these variations in radiation values....Show more

Jules Ashbach: Global temperature data proves that the world's climate is warming rapidly, which is why the ice sheets, ice caps and glaciers all over the world are in meltdown, why sea level is rising, why climate zones are shifting polewards and uphill, and why we're seeing many thousands of other indications of a warming planet.Numerous studies show beyond any reasonable doubt that for the last half century, human activity is the sole cause of this global warming - primarily because of our enormou! s output of global warming gases such as carbon dioxide and methane....Show more

Tuesday, 23 June 2020

Comment aider un enfant défaillant à réussir

Comment aider un enfant défaillant à réussir

Élaborez un plan d’amélioration à partir de ce que vous savez de la situation. Fixez des objectifs et des points de repère, et établissez également des récompenses pour motiver. Assurez-vous d’assurer le suivi des récompenses, sinon ça va se retourner contre vous ! Vous devriez prévoir du temps supplémentaire consacré au sujet, ainsi que des examens du matériel avant le test, et des examens après le test pour mettre en évidence ce qui s’est bien passé, et pour réexaminer et retravailler ce qui a mal fonctionné.

Faire le point sur la situation. Quelles parties de ce sujet l’enfant n’est-il pas clair ou ne comprend-il pas, et que peut-on faire pour y remédier ? L’enseignant/l’école peut être très utile à cet égard, et vous pouvez également trouver des tests d’Ã! ©valuation en ligne pour faire vos propres tests afin de savoir où se situe le niveau actuel de l’enfant dans cette matière.

Quelles sont vos propres limites, en tant que parent, tuteur, ami, etc. avec ce même sujet ? Êtes-vous assez bien informé pour être qualifié pour aider votre enfant, ou aurez-vous besoin d’un tuteur qui a cette expérience supplémentaire ?

Tenez-vous-en au plan, mais ajustez-le au fur et à mesure que vous obtenez de nouvelles informations ou de nouveaux résultats.

Discutez avec l’enseignante ou l’enseignant de l’enfant de ce qu’elle ou il pense que le problème est. La communication est essentielle pour obtenir de l’aide de l’enseignant/de l’école et pour faire savoir à cette personne que vous êtes intéressé à aider à résoudre le problème.

Lorsque la classe ou la matière est terminée, réévaluez les résultats et voyez si vous aimeriez que votre enfant suive un rythme plus lent dans les c! lasses futures ou s’il est maintenant prêt à progresser sa! ns autant de surveillance.

Déterminez quel est le vrai problème. L’enfant a-t-il des problèmes de compréhension ou quelque chose le distrait-il en classe ?

Monday, 22 June 2020

Michigan DNR Conservation officer?

Jude Colbenson: specific DNR and Conservation officers are an identical element, and specific you do would desire to pass by using an academy because of the fact DNR officers have an identical arrest powers as the different police officer and carry a weapon like all different officer.

Pasty Cobbett: I work for the Indiana DNR, and the strongest majors are biology, forestry, etc. ... they will be of most help to you. I just graduated with a bachelor's degree in criminal justice, but it didn't teach me as much about what CO's do as other science/environmental majors might have. They will train you on the laws in recruit school anyway - if I had to do it over again, I would major in environmental science of some kind then minor in criminal justice... focus on criminal law and criminal procedure in your minor as those will be of more help than theory classes. Conservation officers perform a wide variety of duties and cases - it's more than just writing a traffic ticket ! or citing someone for not having a fishing license. For more information, you can look at the career opportunities page on our website:http://www.in.gov/dnr/lawenfor/career/index.htmlHope this helps!...Show more

Talisha Digrande: I would major in criminal justice! Thats my major & a lot of my fellow classmates are conservation officers and haven't graduated yet.Check out the michigan site. http://www.michigan.gov/dnr/0,1607,7-153-10319-453......Show more

Sunday, 21 June 2020

How many find this discovery as a cheap way to make fuel for vehicles?

Burt Stoecklin: Water is a product of combustion.It takes more energy to break apart the bonds between the H and the O in H2O than you get from burning it once the seperation is made.It's called the 2nd law of thermodynamics.Sorry, there is no free ride....Show more

Randall Twehous: You people are idiots especially YOU Holden and Mike... Hydrogen elementally is cracked at 120 percent efficiency according to this guy. ( Yes notice that SHOULDNT be possible in your second Law BS under your misapplied law..Ie its overunity...and proovably so, actually. Elemental hydrogen DOES NOT contain the energy released when 2atom form is created, and it ALSO DOES NOT RETAIN this or require it to split back to elemental Hydrogen... Now IF this is true, someone is LYING their asses of about this fundamental fact, and for good reason... Hmmm ) Check this guy out http://ttzlibrary.yuku.com/topic/531/Ether...Show more

Joie Kemmis: Alt. fuel is great in theory, and with time ! may be developed as a supplement (not replacement for gasoline). It all has to do with economy of scale. Making it cost effective. Right now, ethanol made from corn cost more to produce than the current price of gasoline. There is also something else to consider. Currently ethanol is typically mixed with your gasoline as a 10% mixture. Higher percentages of ethanol in your gas (as proposed by some legislators) will work fine in your car, but will make your engine run hotter - thus creating a new market requirement for higher temp. engine oils, and reduced life of certain engine components. Also, it puts a strain on the corn stockpile supplies as many corn contracts to foreign countries are already committed for delivery at a predetermined price. Making corn more expensive as a food supply and ingredient component for many foods....Show more

Rosie Travino: It takes energy to break the hydrogen oxygen bond in the water. It takes electrical energy to make the radio waves! that he is using to break the hydrogen bond.Currently commerc! ially available equipment used to produce hydrogen electrolytically from water operates at 70% efficiency and requires 50 Kilowatt Hours of electricity to produce one kilogram (2.2 pounds) of elemental hydrogen. This is an amount of hydrogen that has an amount of energy equivalent to one gallon of gasoline.If the equipment were operating at 100% efficiency the amount of electricity required to produce one kilogram of elemental hydrogen would be approximately 35 Kilowatt Hours.The best that you can hope for is that the radiowaves are made to operate at a higher efficiency than 70%, but even at maximum 100% efficiency it will still require 35 Kilowatt hours of electricity to produce 1 kilogram of elemental hydrogen. That is still a lot of of electricity....Show more

Jefferson Sarson: It would be interesting to see water "burn", but breaking water into Oxygen and Hydrogen is endothermic (absorbs energy), not exothermic (gives off energy). So it "sounds like" ... pun i! ntended ... the radio waves are supplying the energy to break the bonds in the water and then the H2 + O is burning, but the net energy is coming from the radio waves, not from the water. Though if using salt and radio waves makes cracking water more efficient, it could have value in a future H2 based market....Show more

Dannie Briseno: i am still skeptical because if it was a really mind boggling discovery then it would have made it to the front page of major news organizations worldwide. i just read it today in the sub-category of green living where the top answerer has only 24 best answers to his credit.

Freeman Rutkin: "Burn water as fuel" scams have been around for 50 years.They don't work. Never have and never will.It takes more energy to get the hydrogen out of the water than the energy you get by burning the hydrogen.Perpetual motion is impossible....Show more

Geraldo Mccalla: if it works build some plants to use it.(I'm sure it needs more tes! ts)

Comment utiliser Linux à partir d’une clé USB

Comment utiliser Linux à partir d’une clé USB

Les utilisateurs non utilisateurs de Windows peuvent avoir besoin d’utiliser un PC avec un lecteur CD ou DVD puis d’installer Linux sur la clé USB. Les distributions Linux suivantes peuvent être installées sur USB à partir de l’environnement Live CD ;

Procurez-vous une clé USB d’une capacité suffisante pour l’image disque du système d’exploitation que vous souhaitez installer. Les tailles typiques d’images disque varient en moyenne de 700 Mo à 4,7 Go, selon la distribution et la version que vous téléchargez (une image d’un OS 64 bits est un peu plus grande que celle d’une version 32 bits) â€" consultez la page de téléchargement du SE en question.

Assurez-vous que votre PC est suffisamment récent pour disposer d’un BIOS pouvant démarrer à partir d’une clé USB.

Le! s utilisateurs Windows peuvent installer les distributions Linux suivantes sur la clé USB à partir d’un environnement Windows ;

Saturday, 20 June 2020

Entertainment News??!!?

Zora Mazzie: Because it's about a television show and as such comes under the entertainment category. Distasteful though it is.

Reginald Maxi: Pretty sad state of affairs.Linsay and Brittany are on the News and this is Considered Entertainment!

Esteban Lyson: not entertainment but perhaps that fact that it is scheduled for TV threw someone off. shouldn't have but ----

Comment devenir un DJ non hip-hop

Comment devenir un DJ non hip-hop

p>Les tourneurs sont l’épine dorsale du hip-hop, mais ils deviennent aussi très populaires dans le métal, le funk, la pop, le rock and roll, le jazz, et bien d’autres genres et sous-genres de musique. Tous les DJ n’ont pas besoin d’être des têtes du hip-hop pour trouver un public. La plupart des grands DJs ont un amour pour toutes sortes de musiques différentes, il est donc logique qu’ils s’aventurent dans des genres différents. Si vous voulez jouer d’autres genres de musique en tant que DJ, vous pouvez apprendre les compétences de base nécessaires, ainsi que quelques petits trucs qui vous aideront à vous démarquer dans différents genres.

Entraînez-vous à jouer aux clubs. La plupart des DJs font la fête en jouant de la musique de danse aux visiteurs du club. C’est en partie de l’art, en partie des compétences, et tout est amusant. Un bon DJ est u! n observateur des gens, prêtant une attention particulière à la foule qui écoute. Apprenez à surveiller de près les signes que vous gagnez des danseurs, ou que vous perdez des gens au bar, et adaptez votre plateau en conséquence.

Suivez les tableaux. Encore une fois, même si vous êtes instrumentiste et artiste, il est important de prêter attention à ce qui se passe dans les charts de nos jours, au cas où vous auriez besoin de lâcher des bombes Top 40 sur le dancefloor. Être un DJ de club, c’est de l’art, même si vous jouez de la musique pop commerciale une partie du temps. C’est une compétence essentielle, être familier et à l’aise avec ce genre de musique.

Connaître les classiques. Il est également important d’être aussi bien versé dans Jackson 5, le début de Stevie Wonder, le disco, et plus de musique de danse contemporaine et pop. Les bons DJs devront jouer devant une variété de foules, même ceux qui sont moins familiers et! moins réceptifs à la musique de danse contemporaine. Ces ge! ns apprécieront la musique de danse plus traditionnelle, que vous devriez également construire une bibliothèque considérable de.

Écoutez beaucoup de musique différente qui incorpore un DJ. Beaucoup de groupes intègrent le scratching et d’autres éléments de DJ live dans leurs performances et leur son global. Si vous êtes intéressé par une introduction à l’utilisation des sons DJ dans une variété de styles, jetez un coup d’Å"il aux artistes suivants :

Essayez de faire votre propre musique. Une excellente façon de faire bouger un club avec des airs surprenants est de les faire soi-même. Si vous pensez que vous avez ce qu’il faut pour faire plus que gratter les chansons que les autres font, pensez à construire vos propres chansons et à coller vous-même de la musique de danse et des mélodies. Consultez les articles suivants de wiki pour apprendre les compétences nécessaires pour faire de la musique de danse électronique :

Jouez u! ne variété de genres. La plupart des DJs ont tendance à se spécialiser, à filer de la house, du jungle beat ou de la trance principalement, mais beaucoup de DJs se déplacent avec fluidité entre les genres, à filer de nombreux styles de musique différents de manière transparente et à prendre plaisir à être schizophrène en termes de goût. Si vous voulez vous démarquer en tant que DJ non-hip-hop, il est important de vous familiariser avec de nombreux genres de musique.

Faites plaisir à la foule. Même si vous voulez être un artiste, ce bar rempli d’étudiants voudra toujours entendre la toute dernière chanson pop, même si vous ne pouvez pas supporter de l’entendre à nouveau. Un bon DJ veut plaire à la foule et faire bouger les gens, pas jouer des morceaux super obscurs parce qu’ils sont sur votre set-list. Etre un spécialiste peut rendre vos concerts beaucoup plus rares.

Apprenez les compétences de base du DJing. La seule différence e! ntre un DJ qui joue du hip-hop et un DJ qui joue d’autres genres de m! usique est de savoir si oui ou non vous avez un MC rapper sur le dessus des sons. Les compétences sont transférables, ce qui signifie que vous devez apprendre à vous lancer comme tout le monde : construire des chansons à partir de break-beats et de samples, jouer des chansons complètes et les mixer à la volée. Vous avez besoin de pratiquer les compétences suivantes, à DJ dans tous les genres :

Obtenez une installation de base de DJ. Si vous voulez être un DJ, vous avez besoin du matériel pour commencer. Quelles que soient vos ambitions professionnelles, assurez-vous d’avoir le matériel nécessaire pour les réaliser :

Collectionnez une grande variété de styles musicaux. Un bon DJ est un collectionneur de musique. Que vous optiez pour l’analogique ou le numérique, vous devez commencer à constituer une collection musicale diversifiée, mettant en vedette toutes sortes d’artistes, de genres et de styles de musique différents, de toutes époqu! es. Les bons DJs sont des amateurs de musique, capables d’apprécier les variétés super-bleak du black metal norvégien, ainsi que les enregistrements de guitare flamenco, la musique folk et classique. Commencez à collectionner comme si vous travailliez dans un musée.

Friday, 19 June 2020

how has technology impacted entertainment?

Booker Moros: Technology has a great impact on the entertainment, whether its a media, satellite or mobs or net. Previously technology when in the primary stage, the text,graphics and the moving pictures are getting developed. Technology as in terms of vacuum tubes & triodes and transistors and IC's. Later on it get developed into fabricated PCB's where all components r integrated and the size,weight and cost also get reduced.Now r the days of Silicon chips that suits the specific needs.As there is advancement in the devices, communication field is also get developed into. It developed by waves, whether it's Audio, Video or Specific band of frequencies to forward the text.Thus development seems that technology encourages the advancment and tries to develop the stratgies to stay in touch with every subject in all walks of life.The Future seems to be bright while the developing Countries stay in touch with the bright source of this tremindus impact of it....Show more

! Coleman Deliberato: Yes,I agree that technology made entertainment easy and so big!! They are two sides of coin now. You can see they are working parallel everywhere.Smartphones,social media sites,computes,videos,movies,music all are on the base called Technology!!http://xperiahtcrootingrom.com/how-to-root-lg-p500...

Idell Mulliniks: Today technology is great roll in Entertainment of Human Life as Storytelling, music playing, Watch videos, dance on music and various kind of entertainment with help of technology. also you can get Latest Technology News http://www.jagran.com/technology-hindi.html

Thursday, 18 June 2020

How Do I Fix a Television with sound but no picture when in Video Mode?

Stevie Kizziar: Since your television works fine on cable, your problem is NOT likely the TV, but rather the signal souce. The cable signal goes through a tuner assembly where the channel you want to watch is selected. That signal is split, with the audio going one direction, and the video going another. Each is amplified and conditioned for speakers or screen. When in video mode, the tuner is bypassed, and separate audio/video signals go directly to the appropriate amplifiers and conditioners - the same circuitry as the tuner signal after being split. Take a close look at the video cable and connectors. If the audio and video cables are identical (except for wire color), try switching them to see if the problem goes with the cable....Show more

Renita Sefton: It's definately not an issue with the cords. We have clear color differences on cords for both our dvd player and the gaming systems we hook up to the television so its very clearly defined which go in t! he video slot. We also have gotten both sets of cords to work on other tv's.

Comment décorer des chambres difficiles

Comment décorer des chambres difficiles

Mélangez vos affaires. Mettez toutes les petites choses dans une pile à l’extérieur de votre chambre (livres, lampes de lecture, boîtes de mouchoirs), en laissant les grandes choses (lits, commodes ou étagères) dans votre chambre. De cette façon, vous pourrez déplacer librement vos meubles dans la position que vous souhaitez. Une fois que vous aurez fait cela, vous serez en mesure d’apporter le nécessaire, comme la lampe et les livres pour l’étagère, en laissant les décorations pour la fin.

Décidez d’un thème de couleur. Il peut s’agir d’un thème subtil ou de toute la base de votre pièce. La plupart des articles de décoration de salle disent ceci, mais il est tout à fait important, autrement votre pièce semblera aléatoire et désordonnée. Si vos murs ne peuvent pas être pe! ints, vous pouvez ajouter un grand tableau d’affichage coloré à votre pièce. Si vous avez de la chance, votre chambre est livrée avec l’un d’entre eux, mais ils sont relativement faciles à faire et un sauveur quand il s’agit de thèmes de couleur.

Rangez tout ! Tu devrais vraiment tout recommencer à zéro. Cela signifie décider ce dont vous n’avez plus besoin et ce que vous pouvez ranger dans votre armoire. Mais n’en fais pas trop. Vous ne voulez pas jeter des choses que vous pourriez vouloir ou dont vous pourriez avoir besoin à l’avenir. Créez un espace de rangement dans votre armoire et cachez les choses qui ne correspondent pas à l’aspect souhaité de votre pièce.

Faites avec ce que vous avez. Observez votre pièce : la couleur des murs, du plafond et de la moquette, les encadrements de fenêtres, la couleur des portes… tout est important. Habituellement, la plupart des éléments ci-dessus sont de couleur blanche ou crémeuse, ce! qui peut être bon ou mauvais (à vous de décider). Examinez! également l’emplacement des fenêtres de votre pièce et la quantité de lumière naturelle qui y pénètre. Cette vue d’ensemble de votre chambre vous donnera une idée des meubles ou décorations supplémentaires dont vous aurez besoin.

Décorez ! Tu as peut-être décidé que ta chambre était une chambre de nuit, alors tu as des lumières de fées. S’il s’agit d’une chambre de jour, vous avez peut-être acheté quelques sacs de haricots et fabriqué des balles de fées en papier mouchoir. Quoi que ce soit, laisse la décoration pour la fin. Si vous ne le faites pas, vous vous rendrez peut-être compte plus tard que cet espace est nécessaire pour quelque chose de plus important.

Wednesday, 17 June 2020

radio in internet?

Damion Oleksa: the easiest and free way is using shoutcast:http://www.shoutcast.com/download/http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SHOUTcastA multiplatform freeware digital audio streaming technology developed by Nullsoft. It allows audio content, primarily in MP3 or HE-AAC format, to be broadcast to and from media player software, enabling hobbyists and professionals to create Internet radio/Web radio networks.The most common use of SHOUTcast is for creating or listening to Internet audio broadcasts. SHOUTcast makes it possible to inexpensively set up an Internet broadcasting station, so hobbyists and large radio network owners alike can use it to set up their own broadcasting network for a fraction of the cost of a traditional AM broadcasting or FM radio station.But if you want to have a radio station not owned by you play on your webpage, forget about it, unless you work out a deal with the radio station....Show more

Michelle Sohre: Want the radio in the background or wan! t links to radio sites? Need more info.Hope this helps.

Comment peindre un revêtement d’aluminium

Comment peindre un revêtement d’aluminium

p>Au lieu de remplacer un vieux revêtement d’aluminium, il est souvent plus rentable de le repeindre. C’est un processus très simple et, pourvu que vous puissiez consacrer du temps à la préparation et à la peinture, c’est quelque chose que la plupart des propriétaires de maison peuvent faire sans aide professionnelle.

Procurez-vous un nettoyeur haute pression pour nettoyer le revêtement. Que vous demandiez à vos amis ou que vous ayez besoin d’en louer un, il existe des moyens rentables d’acquérir une laveuse électrique, surtout si vous ne prévoyez l’utiliser qu’une seule fois.

Nettoyer le revêtement. Il est préférable d’utiliser un nettoyeur haute pression, car la pluie qui s’abattrait sur la maison pourrait endommager inutilement le revêtement en inclinant le jet dans la direction de la pluie. Si vous choisissez d’utiliser des ! produits chimiques, effectuez un dernier rinçage pour enlever les matériaux restants, car les produits chimiques résiduels peuvent endommager votre processus de peinture.

Poncez le revêtement. Selon la taille de la surface à peindre, vous pouvez utiliser une ponceuse électrique. Commencez toujours par un papier de verre rugueux et finissez par un fin. Veillez à éviter les gravures et les moulures spéciales, afin de ne pas les endommager. Balayez ensuite votre revêtement, de haut en bas, pour vous assurer d’avoir enlevé toute la limaille de métal et toute la peinture écaillée.

Appliquer une couche d’apprêt sur le revêtement et laisser sécher complètement. Après avoir enduit votre rouleau d’apprêt, roulez rapidement mais avec une pression égale, le long du panneau de revêtement. Ensuite, roulez vers l’arrière dans la direction opposée. Ceci permet de s’assurer qu’une couche uniforme et complète a été appliquée. L’applicati! on de l’apprêt ne devrait prendre que quelques secondes par! pied appliqué. Appliquer au moins deux couches d’apprêt avec parcimonie sur le revêtement afin d’assurer une bonne couverture.

Choisir la bonne peinture. Choisissez une peinture destinée à l’aluminium qui est de la peinture acrylique pour l’extérieur. Il s’agit d’une peinture toutes saisons, qui tiendra mieux, couvrira mieux et aura moins tendance à s’estomper.

Choisir le bon apprêt. Recherchez un apprêt à base d’huile. La base huileuse absorbe les pigments crayeux et agit comme une couche supplémentaire de protection contre les éléments extérieurs.

Peignez le revêtement. Peignez en longs coups de pinceau réguliers, en veillant à ne pas en faire trop. Si votre peinture coule, c’est que vous en avez trop.

Déterminez si vous aurez besoin d’une échelle. Les pinceaux et les pulvérisateurs auront besoin de la hauteur supplémentaire associée à l’utilisation d’une échelle. Le fait de s’efforcer de prendre d! e la hauteur et d’éviter l’utilisation d’une échelle laissera de la peinture tachetée et inégale.

Assurez-vous que vous avez affaire à de l’aluminium. Peindre du vinyle ou un autre matériau métallique autre que l’aluminium sera très différent, il est donc important d’être sûr de ce que vous allez peindre.

Appliquer les produits le bon jour. Lors de l’application de l’apprêt et de la peinture, il faut tenir compte des conditions météorologiques. Chaque produit indiquera des plages de température acceptables, mais une bonne règle de base est de ne pas peindre par temps froid (50 F (10 C) ou les jours de pluie. L’humidité de la rosée ou de la pluie ruinera une nouvelle application de peinture.

Appliquer une deuxième couche de peinture. S’il y a des bosses dans la première couche, elles peuvent être enlevées par un ponçage supplémentaire avant la deuxième application de peinture. Soyez doux lorsque vous enlevez les ! impuretés de la première couche car si vous poncez trop fort, vous se! rez de retour à la case départ. Toujours vérifier que la peinture initiale est bien sèche avant de passer à la deuxième couche.

Choisissez votre méthode de peinture. Que vous utilisiez un pinceau, un rouleau ou un pulvérisateur, choisissez à l’avance et sachez comment utiliser efficacement votre outil. Les brosses, bien qu’elles soient les moins coûteuses, sont la façon la plus longue de peindre votre revêtement. En revanche, l’utilisation d’une machine à pulvériser sera le moyen le plus rapide mais aussi le plus coûteux. Le juste milieu serait d’utiliser un rouleau ; non seulement leur prix est modéré, mais ils peuvent aussi être utilisés avec une relative facilité.

survey, Survey, SURVEY!?!?!?

Jose Bouliouris: ChickensWiiMoviesPMspellingpen, make ur words BOLD and heardboth fosh'loopd.comout doorsFlorida, nothern Cali is my faveA mix of bothSpringa nd Fall, MX season is perfect thenNitro CircusHW...Show more

Wilfred Santacruce: Geese or Chickens..................GeeseWii or Nintendo DS.................I would go crazy with out bothBooks or Movies.....................MoviesAM or PM .............................AM Im a morning person, its quiteSpelling or Grammar ..............Gramer, cuz i cant spel gudPencil or Pen.........................Pen black ink only, office rulesCookies or Ice Cream.............Cookies Facebook or Y!A....................I don't have a facebook so Y!AOutdoors or Indoor..................OutdoorsFlorida or California.................CaliforniaHorror or Romance.................NeitherFall or Spring .........................Both are niceiCarly or Fox 9 news...............Fox 9 News, but i always get stuck watching i carlyChores or Hom! ework...............ChoresDid u like this survey? No6 minutes ago - 4 days left to answer....Show more

Cristopher Gavalis: chickenwiimoviespmspellingpenice cream with cookies :PY!Abothneva been thereromancespringfoxhwkyehhpp...Show more

Ester Bryand: ChickensWiiMoviesPMSpellingPenIce CreamY!ADepends on the weather but usually outdoorsCali!!!!HorrorSpringFox 9 news I guessChores ( Dont have any homework, I am 31)Yes I did like it, Thanks!...Show more

Carolynn Testani: chickenswiibookspmgrammer, easierpenice creamyahooh answersoutdoorscaliromanefallfoxhomeworkyesyour american arent ueveryone plz star this question its so cool...Show more

Jackelyn Archut: geesewiibookspmspellingpenboth :)y!aoutdoorscaliromance... how about comedy? i hate horrourspringneitherhomeworksure why not...Show more

Shemeka Laker: Geese or Chickens..................GeeseWii or Nintendo DS.................Ninentdo DS because its easier to get the hang of and the Wii is kind ! of retarted. The XBOX's and playstations are better. Books or ! Movies......................moviesssAM or PM .............................PMSpelling or Grammar ..............Well, grammar just because I was better at it. Pencil or Pen.........................Pen, pencils just tend to smearCookies or Ice Cream.............Ummm, ice cream.Facebook or Y!A................... Y!A, I have facebook, but its kind of getting boring.Outdoors or Indoor..................Indoors, that is if its not nice out.Florida or California.................California. Just because I havent been there.Horror or Romance.................Romance.... to make me feel happppy when Im not really happy.Fall or Spring .........................Fall iCarly or Fox 9 news...............icarly, i dont have fox 9 news. i have fox 2 news and sometimes the people on there get stupidChores or Homework...............HomeworkDid u like this survey? Yes or No?YES>>> these are my fav thing. which is why i come in this section...Show more

Colby Millberg: ChickensWiiBooksPMSpelli! ngPencilIce creamY!AIndoorsCaliforniaHorrorFallFox 9 NewsHomeworkNot particularly....Show more

Annabell Bevier: Geese or Chickens..................I like chickens, they're cuddly AND yummy. (Sorry to any vegetarians out there... DON'T JUDGE ME TO HARSHLY! And don't ask how I find a chicken cuddly...)Wii or Nintendo DS.................Nintendo DSBooks or Movies.....................BooksAM or PM .............................PMSpelling or Grammar ..............Spelling (Hate it too.)Pencil or Pen.........................Pen. Unless I need to erase. (Duh, I'ma dork)Cookies or Ice Cream.............Hmmm... COOKIES AND CREAM ICE CREAM. OR COOKIE DOUH ICE CREAM.Facebook or Y!A....................Y!A Outdoors or Indoor..................OudoorsFlorida or California.................California Horror or Romance.................Horror MoviesFall or Spring .........................Spring iCarly or Fox 9 news...............Fox 9 NewsChores or Homework...............HomeworkDid ! u like this survey? Yes....Show more

Jasper Mangel: neitherwiibook! sspellingpencilice creamY!Aindoorcaliforniahorrorfallfox 9 newshomework...Show more

Virgil Menefee: nonobookseitherbothpenbothY!Aeitherneitherneitherfallneitherneither...Show more

Virgil Menefee: long or short fingernails: short king, queen, twin or full bed: I have twin, but I would love a queen! chocolate chip or sugar cookies: Chocolate chip! New York or Chicago: NY Books or Movies: Movies Salad or junk food: Salad Pies or Ice Cream: Ice Cream! chips or pretzels: chips Chex Mix or Trail Mix: Chex Vitamin Water or Water: VItamin Water Sweet Tea or Soda: Soda (I call it pop but okay haha) Disney (land or world) or Six Flags!: Disney!!!!!!!!!

Tom Romer: ChickensWiiMoviesPMGramarPenIce CreamY!AOutdoorsFloridaRomanceSpringiCarlyHomework Yep...Show more

Veta Slicker: Finally a good surveryGeese fho shoWill duhhBooks. Much betterPM only old people listen to amspelling. grammar is a *****pencil i make so many mistakescookies! yummY!A i rarely go no facebo! okoutdoors..rock climbingcali i live therehorror romance films are annoyingfall i love the leavesfox 9 news...i hate icarlyHomework. I like to stare at it....Show more

Rubi Romo: Geese.Wii.Movies.PM.Both.Pen.Ice cream.Y!A.Outdoors.Florida.Horror.Spring.iCarly.Chores.Yes, I do!...Show more

Kristina Brockwell: Geese or Chickens..................GeeseWii or Nintendo DS................. Wii rulesBooks or Movies.....................MoviesAM or PM .............................PMSpelling or Grammar ..............SpellingPencil or Pen.........................Pens... they don't need sharpenedCookies or Ice Cream.............Ice cream with cookies ;]Facebook or Y!A....................Y!AOutdoors or Indoor..................OutdoorsFlorida or California.................Florida Horror or Romance.................Horror all the way!Fall or Spring .........................Fall iCarly or Fox 9 news...............Fox 9 NewsChores or Homework...............HomeworkDid u like this ! survey? Yes or No? Yes...Show more

Sibyl Siwik: Chickens!Nintendo! DSMoviesAMSpellingPenCookiesY!A...I don't have a Facebook either...(high five)FloridaHorrorSpringErr...hmm...neitherChoresYes :) ...Show more

Darnell Cutliff: GeeseNitendo DSBooksPMSpellingPenIce CreamFacebookOutdoorsFloridaRomanceFallFox 9 NewsHomework...Show more

Mildred Pombo: Geese or Chickens..................GeeseWii or Nintendo DS.................WiiBooks or Movies.....................MoviesAM or PM .............................PMSpelling or Grammar ..............SpellingPencil or Pen.........................Pen (or keyboard)Cookies or Ice Cream.............Yum! Both!Facebook or Y!A....................Y!AOutdoors or Indoor..................OutdoorsFlorida or California.................Florida Horror or Romance.................RomanceFall or Spring .........................SpringiCarly or Fox 9 news...............iCarly (my kids watch it all the time)Chores or Homework...............Chores...Show more

Launa Weingarten: Geese or Chickens............! ......ChickensWii or Nintendo DS.................NeitherBooks or Movies.....................BooksAM or PM .............................AMSpelling or Grammar ..............Both is finePencil or Pen.........................PenCookies or Ice Cream.............Both! Mmmm Facebook or Y!A....................I don't have a facebook so Y!AOutdoors or Indoor..................OudoorsFlorida or California.................Florida Horror or Romance.................Horror MoviesFall or Spring .........................SpringiCarly or Fox 9 news...............Fox 9 NewsChores or Homework..............ChoresDid u like this survey? Yes or No?...Show more

Newton Fedorko: geese unless we're talking about foodWii MoviesPMSpellingPenIce CreamY!ADependsCaliforniaHorrorFalliCarlyHow About None...Show more

Tuesday, 16 June 2020

Survey sites?

Dan Seen: Cash Crate

Nelly Kikuchi: 2

Ervin Overbee: 1

Coleman Ocegueda: Online Surveys For Money - http://OnlineSurveys.uzaev.com/?YqBA

Bryant Chaudhry: If you want to make A LOT of money filling out surveys, I'd suggest Survey Adventure.They are a survey broker which means they compile a database of surveys to take from many different companies.You can get quite a few highly paid surveys to fill out a week based on your demographic, which is basically your age, sex, location, ethnicity and income.Most of the sites other people listed here are scams and you will not make money using them.I have put together a free website that lists the very best paid survey sites at http://www.surveysthatpaid.com . I ONLY list survey sites that have already paid me REAL money. No scams, no BS.I also have included on the site a FAQ section which may answer common questions you have about taking online surveys.Taking surveys is fun and a great way to make money onl! ine so I wish you all the best of luck in getting on the best survey sites and making a lot of cash!...Show more

Monday, 15 June 2020

Should we believe the polls or the vote.?

Buster Exline: real judgement goes on through poll or the vote if the judge themselves ..so we should believe

Cherry Stampka: never trust the national news on election night ,it's all east coast time when they start counting the votes and start predicting the winners .(its like there telling you don't bother going out to vote we already got the winners )

Terrell Lawman: Polls are only as good as the questions asked and the honesty of the people answering. Votes are only as accurate as the people counting them.The difference is that we end up with the results of the vote counters, while polls have no legal authority.

Johnny Sirko: The vote.Polls say what the folks who hire the pollsters want them to say.And any poll can be rigged just by the way the poll is worded.So get out and vote and don't believe the hype until all the votes are in and counted....Show more

Saran Stealy: I firmly don't trust the polls or the vote about this the election are sim! ilar when one governor declared winner.....

Mozell Sponsler: I know the republicans on here were going around saying they won. Then they all disappeared after the election. I think more than believing either way you mentioned just look at what things are like in 2010. The media wants to keep people confused. The dems thankst to technology have an advantage that the reps. can't get. So the dems are going to win for that reason alone. The votes already show these results.

Whitley Leopold: -Wait ONE Second ( I have to finish Laughing. ). Ok... - The Polls are NOTHING more than "propaganda"- put out by machines Like "FOX" -who DON'T want people to Vote, but DO want to Influence the Outcomes of the Elections !! :( So totally IGNORE that Nonsense, & get out there & Vote !! -At the Very Least; your Vote is your "License to Complain" about whatever the Politicians Do or don't- until the next Election. :)

Gaynell Pizzaro: Yeah, no

Keven Drumgole: You must! have been watching a different Fox news than I watched. They! reported using Rasmussen figures, which were spot on accurate.

Patrica Loertscher: Elections are like war without physical violence. Lots of underhanded ammo set loose, it takes a while, and it ain't over til its over.

Comment être riche sur Stardoll

Comment être riche sur Stardoll

Devenir riche sur Stardoll, c’est en partie économiser, en partie acheter prudemment et en partie trouver plus d’argent. Si vous aimeriez avoir beaucoup de vêtements et de meubles et avoir encore beaucoup de dollars vedettes, il y a beaucoup de choses que vous pouvez faire pour y arriver.

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Sunday, 14 June 2020

POLL: What is your favorite kind of music?

Frederick Mccoach: I ONLY smoke Djarum Blacks... and they ******* OUTLAWED them in the U.S. because apparently flavored cigarettes "encourage kids to smoke" :'(

Mahalia Brindle: I don't smoke and proud of it too.

Jeremy Donohue: Folk music

Malissa Porth: Progressive rock

Alise Rutgers: Rock and rap.

Dorine Nurre: Camel Crushes, Marlboro Reds, Newports, Marlboro Menthols. Those are the best to me because I LOVE menthol. :D

Johnny Sirko: Rock music, all the way!

Dorine Nurre: Andy all the way!!

Adrian Sherlin: Ronnie Radke!! Andy Sixx is pretty awesome to.

Vita Moodie: I love almost all music genres, but especially classical music.

Carlton Lastrapes: i cant decide, it inda depends what mood im in, now id say Ronnie Radke but i love Andy too. and for future reference, he now goes by Andy BIERSACK

Giovanni Malool: I really don't have one set music genre. I listen to whatever i thnk sounds good. Mostly game and ! anime music. I've recently started listening to the Vocaloids. I really like classic rock and dance music.

Amada Greising: I like Christian rock, smooth jazz, latin jazz, blues and soul.

Particia Thorton: Celtic is a favorite of mine. I suppose Irish Music would also be another. Hard to choose.

Moises Rupinski: Rock and Metal.

Brian Freedland: Same here. Rock is my favorite kind of music....no doubt.

Dwight Siniard: Alternative

Sharie Sommerville: Skramz

Oren Eskelsen: I listen to rock and sometimes Classic country.

Codi Manchel: Metal/Hardcore

Joan Stavropoulos: POP!

Marna Liddie: Mix

Galen Gowers: Andy Sixx is the frontman for Black Veil Brides. I think I like his voice and hair better. Ronnie Radke, formerly Escape the Fate's frontman, is now Falling in Reverse's frontman. I'm pretty much in love with his body and his tattoos, and although I do love his voice as well, there's just something about Andy Six! x's voice that I love.Which do you like better? If you don't k! now or like either then don't be stupid and comment anyway....Show more

Stephnie Patout: Punk

August Hubbard: I'm pretty diverse when it comes to music.I listen to some Alternative, Country, Blues, Disco, Funk, Soul, Reggae, um Gospel, etc. ... it's not really the genre that pulls me in, but the song itself.Did I even answer your question? "/...Show more

Dorine Nurre: METAL!! :D

Len Bormes: This Site Might Help You.RE:Survey: Andy Sixx or Ronnie Radke?Andy Sixx is the frontman for Black Veil Brides. I think I like his voice and hair better. Ronnie Radke, formerly Escape the Fate's frontman, is now Falling in Reverse's frontman. I'm pretty much in love with his body and his tattoos, and although I do love his voice as well,...

Sheree Hipwell: and i mean like the cheap gas station kind not the fancy imported french stuff or whatever. =)=)

Keneth Mailhot: non-smoker here

Charis Deguzman: RONNIE RADKE!I love him. ♥

Billie Bratch! ett: metal

Florencia Manolakis: Ronnie Radke because I love Falling in Reverse, and he's a WICKED good singer! ;DI like Andy Sixx too! He's freaking awesome as well, and I love BVB!

Thurman Buege: Ca I just say that it's not 'Sixx' or has it ever been that, he used to go by 'Six' or just 6 now he goes by his real name Andy Biersack. And they're both great.