Tuesday, 31 March 2020

Does anyone know what could cause horrible pain on one side of my mouth?  

Does anyone know what could cause horrible pain on one side of my mouth?  

answers 0:Close to 3 weeks ago, I got my lower right wisdom tooth out. Everything went smoothly and I had a little pain the following days. But within the last week the right side of my mouth has been increasing in pain. Both top and bottom teeth hurt horribly and no medicine has helped. I've taken excedrin, ibuprofen, sudafed and ice my mouth all day. Yet it still throbs. Pain is 8 out of 10. I went back to the dentist who took out my wisdom tooth and he said there was no infection or holes and everything looked good. Thinking it may be a sinus infection, I did a sinus rinse but it did not help either. Do you have any clue what this could be? I have never got a root canal or any dental work besides a filled cavity....Show moreanswers 1:Go to Another Dentist. get a second opinion. If the pain is in your tooth/ jaw, especially in the area nea! r a recent surgery it is hard not to connect to two and the first dentist has invested interest in not finding a problem. Make sure that you get an x-ray. If the second dentist finds nothing then maybe see a doctor.ask about dry socket....

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