Jestine Osumi: would you feel upset that he didn't trust or would it be "ok"?
Janeen Perona: I do most of the laundry, my eldest son does it sometimes and my husband does it once in a while.I don't always check pockets and have found toy cars, pokemon cards (destroyed), library cards, legos, doll clothes, but my favorite is when I find money. If I find money while doing wash I take it as my fee!Your husband should grow up and empty his pockets before taking his clothes off it isn't that hard of a concept. His clothes, his pockets, his responsibility! Oh the worst thing I ever accidentally put through the wash was my son's cell phone while we were on vacation. Normally I would say that would be his fault but I just grabbed what clothes I thought were dirty not even thinking and didn't check. But he learned from that and no longer leaves his phone in his pockets. Now if a child can manage to grasps this concept a grown man should be able don't you think?!...Show more
Darrin Hixenbaugh: Hi Janie, That My Friend shows me he has No Trust at all and I would walk away and not marry someone like that. Trust is the main thing in a relationship to me without Trust you have nothing!!!Your Friend,poppy1...Show more
Dawn Saha: you just think your good looking,,he was just making you feel good
Tomeka Hameen: Go ahead and make the first move. He sounds like he's really regretfull and guilty about what he's done. I personally wouldn't take a cheater back, kids or not, but people should do what works for them. You have to meet each others needs physically if you're going to have any chance to make it. You guys should probably sit down and have an honest discussion about your feelings and express what each of your needs are emotionally, financially, and physically. Open sharing of thouhts and ideas with understanding as the goal is always the first step towards intimacy in any relationship. Don't allow arguing, just talk. Tell each o! ther what you want. Good luck. You have to do this for yoursel! ves, not your kids. That's the only way it can work....Show more
Tyree Allenbrand: Yes! soon he will ask you to have date.
Leontine Kreitz: This person has SERIOUS trust issues. This is a BIG red flag.
Verena Koop: Honey you sound like a good woman but you were not at fault for him cheating you just need to be you,he is lucky to have you. you guys need some counselling to wortk through your issues in this marriage.he needs to Apologize to you and gain your trust not the other way round it looks like you are the one trying to make it work and not him. You can't let him just shut down and let you just do whatever you guys need to communicate and work this out. Girl you deserve the best demand it he did the crime he needs to make it up to you i commend him for trying but he needs to do more for you you are a good wife to him.cheers...Show more
August Hubbard: It is admirable that you choose to forgive him and make the marriage work. He probably feels ! like crap for what he did. He doesn't want to be intimate because he may not fell worthy of you. Talk to him, don't be judgmental or angry, just explain that you forgive. Ask if he wants to stay with you and if he is willing to work through this with you. the both of you should also seek counseling.
Rebeca Mckin: I think everyone should have personal responsibility for their actions. In my house I do my own laundry and my wife does her own. I got tired of hearing about it so I just do my own. I am sure if you let him wash his own cloths he will learn to empty his pockets.
Coralie Goldsberry: a million. i think of they use Nair. they don't could shave as in lots of situations. 2. i'm unable to think of of an answer for this. 3. i'm hoping they could artwork on me, using fact i'm unfolded with blood everywhere! 4. very stable question. i've got in no way study the label, purely taken one! 5. i could say no, they don't "swear" on the bible, not the way we do bes! ides! 6. i think of that's the right component to do, I recommend they ! asked for it, splendid? 7. Gravity, i'm thinking? except the wind blows, then it is going sideway, so the place does it land? 8. whats up, i've got standard some captivating adult men! 9. 2 heads are greater effective than one, and adult men could be waiting to respond to this one! 10. Hmmm, uncertain. 11. Proctober 12. extremely adult men don't have beards, do they?...Show more
Refugio Gastineau: Stop doing his laundry.He's acting very childishly - you are not his housekeeper, you are not his mother.It's time for him to grow up, put his big boys pants on, and act like a man.
Erin Arron: thats sad cause if you want to spend the rest of your life with the one and only one you love then you should have complete trust over him and vice versa. itssad by the way he ask you to take the test but if you love him soon much then take it but then again i remind you to think twice about the wedding and talk to him about this because it soudns like he doesnt trust you so ya ! arent ready
Garry Ohmen: I would not marry him. He has trust issues. Will he ask you to take a lie detector every year of your marriage? Make him take the test first, and you get to be the one who creates the questions. See if he follows through on it.To me someone who would even dare ask this has horrible control issues and unless you want you entire life controlled you should run away from this relationship. Controllers usually end up being physical abusers too - when they lose the control they have tried to maintain....Show more
Daren Ventrice: I,The laundry.He, The Hubby, makes pink underwear. The concept that red items do NOT get washed with whites escapes him...."But it all gets swished around with soap and soap cleans-right?"* self applied slap to side of face * lol....I hang when still warm from the dryer....he leaves in the dryer and 'fluffs out the wrinkles' when ever he needs an item (ack) Wrinkles do NOT fluff....I fold drawer items n! eatly and place in a well organized manner....he grabs by the armful an! d stuffs 'er in...needless to say he NEVER does my laundry.I also do his because 1) I want him to look his best....he can't in wrinkled clothes 2) He works out of the home while I am retired so I am home all reason why I can't show my appreciation for how hard he works by doing his laundry and keeping the home clean, cooking the meals.Plus I raised four kids, one was a boy....I go thru ALL pockets a dryer accidentally when a piece of purple crayon was tucked in a pocket and you'll always go thru all pockets FOREVER....I am lucky that he always empties his pockets BUT I never assume...Sure it's his @ss covered by the tidy whities...but it's also his @ss he busts everyday so I can stay home and take care of business without having to do the 9 to 5 thing in an office or punch a time clock. So checking his pockets is no biggie.retired baker married to a DBA...Show more
Rosalia Hibler: Omg he sounds like mine.. He never empties his pockets I h! ave to do it and half the time forgets he has fair bit of cash which I end up keeping.
Debora Rinderer: Long story short, this guy is about 6 years older than me (I'm almost 22 and he's about 28). He's Chinese (only been over here a couple years) and super duper friendly. A couple years ago, I thought he was interested, but I wasn't at the time. Now I sort of am, and I'm wondering if he still is. He saw me a few days ago for the first time in a while and said I looked really good, and then called me later (which I accidentally missed) and facebook messaged me, saying I looked good. But then everytime I've messaged him, it either takes him a while to get back with me, or he just doesn't. So do you guys think he's interested, or just friendly and doesn't know yet the connotation of "you look good" in English? Note: he's going to school plus working, which could account for the non-response. but idk......Show more
Chris Wilczewski: I would take the test IF I knew I! could pass it. Then when the test results showed that I was not lying ! I would tell him to kiss my a$$. Because if he really trusted me he would not of asked me to prove my case.Okay yeah he can take the test too, if he wishes. However its the point that he didn't trust me before and I AM NOT about to go into a relationship worrying if my man trust me or not and worrying/looking over my shoulder everyday wondering when I will have to take another test.That to me is TO MUCH DRAMA and life is to short for that.If I want DRAMA I will watch a soap opera. Now you know the rest of the story as Paul Harvey would say. :-)...Show more
Oda Mauson: We've both have done the laundry. I'd say it's his responsibility to clean out his pockets. This way....if anything gets lost or ruined or anything, you can't be the one to blame. Now, if he refuses to not clean out his pockets and you don't do it either, then let the chips fall where they may! LOL
Mildred Pombo: yes i would be very upset that he would ask me to take a lie detector test, but at the! same time if it eased his mind and i didnt have anything to hide, i would take it. but turn the tables on him and tell him to take one as well. Because if hes that insecure maybe hes hiding something as well and the guilt is eating at him.. good luck
Alexis Reyer: particular, he's friendly. He would not be asking approximately you if he wasn't friendly. yet: it appears like he's likewise drawn to you. merely undergo in techniques that he hasn't even MET you, so how fascinated might desire to he be? while you're shy, that's recommended to start conversing to him on e mail or the telephone to get somewhat extra mushy. maximum men are going to friendly -- extremely in the event that they are fascinated. precise now all he's conscious is what you look like and what your chum has pronounced approximately you. undergo in techniques although which you're lots extra advantageous than what he's conscious now. If he's nicely worth transforming into acquaintances, he will wait ! and spot, well mannered, and drawn to you. Ask your chum what she is co! nscious approximately him. Is he a "participant"? Does he ask out a number of women? this might point out what it meant while he asked approximately you....Show more
Rickey Vrieze: We've always done our own laundry in my house. Kids and grown ups alike.If I have a light load I'll ask if anyone has anything to be washed, but I am not responsible for anyone else's laundry.
Violette Vanek: I wouldn't marry him. You can never build a marriage without trust being the foundation. If you have not given him any reasons to make him not trust you than get out while there's still time...but if you have been caught cheating or lying during the relationship then maybe he needs to call off the wedding. Either way...somethings not just right about this relationship...only you two know what's really going on..HH
Donnell Nocella: well i use to do all the laundry in the house. i had the same problems as you, my husband wouldn't clean out his pockets before he toss them i! nto the basket to be washed. wouldn't tell me he was out of something until the morning he need it. the final draw was when i did his pants and had to pull out a pocket full of cig butts. that was the last day i did his laundry. i told him flat out he has to do his own laundry. he thought i was kidding. i haven't done his laundry in over a year now....Show more
Rosalia Hibler: you know what i helllla feel you, my bf wants me to take one too b4 we take our relationship to the next level and its not that im hiding anything but the fact that they wil go to the extreemes is what hurts huh i feel ya. i felt like wtf.. damn u dont trust me that much that u need a fkn machine to tell u was up?/ and wha gets me mad is tht them things are NOT that accurate or nothing so its like it can lie and they wont believe you they will believe the lil machine.. but yea u should be upset, sht i was.. ...Show more
Dexter Gold: No it is not okay. Evidently he doesn't trust you. Why ! would you marry someone who does not trust you? If there is no trust i! n a relationship then there is no relationship.
Paul Maymi: I think the person who the clothes belong to is responsible. That said the laundry-doer should probably give a bit of a check to make sure (I always do). It really depends what the problem here is:If the problem is that the stuff in the pockets is ruined (ie. money, papers) it is the fault of the owner.If the laundry-doer doesn't like the little paper bits in their dryer screen, then they should probably check a little more thoroughly to avoid this thing that bothers them....Show more
Coleman Coscia: he also is agreeing to taking the test.
Abraham Ladick: Leave em' in his pockets and let him pick off the lint! Wash your clothes separately and put his 'colors' and 'whites' in together. For that comment he made, he's lucky you don't add bleach!!
Christopher Calcano: he should be the one putting 110 percent ,and appericate that you were willing to take him back,never trust him again he broke! the vows not you ,good luck
Somer Distilo: Your very sweet. You deserve alot better. Dont waste anymore time there...he will cheat again. 'Once a cheat, always a cheat'
Corrina Faro: I just got back with my husband, we have been separted for 3 weeks and he has cheated on me and we are going to try to have this work due that we have kids. He asked us to come back and i do not know if he loves me or not, you know that pride thing. I want to make him happy, so i have been cooking and cleaning and being a wife he wants, i work out and make sure i look good and that is for me as well. I want to touch him or give him a kiss but i think he still has guilt, we slept in the bed together for the first time and he slept far away, i am not sure what to do, do i make a move first due that he might not know how due that he hurt me. How do i know he wants this, he is trying and i can tell, advice on a man's view and want makes u happy and stay with your wife....Show more!
David Boehler: I do the laundry but I do not check pockets in my! husbands clothes. So anything left in them gets washed. And yes I keep the money too.
Curt Broadhead: Out of courtesy for you, he should empty the pockets. But, if he wants to continue to be a horse's rearhide anything important that he might want and lie to him that you don't know what happened to it. I never minded emptying my ex's clothes because I always found money and kept it. He carried a lot of cash on him. Finder's keepers. If you find something important to him and he wants it then exchange for ransom money....Show more
Jannette Kotz: Do you know what I would have done:I would have said: " well if you insist on not believing me I will take the test just to prove you wrong but the minute you get the result it will be our last day together"Unless you have something to hide???...Show more
Dexter Dicostanzo: I do the laundry in our house. I've ! told the wife that anything left in pockets is her loss or my gain. (sometimes money) She started checking her pockets after a few important losses.
Davina David: We do our own laundry...I don't want to clean skid marks on his underwear or his smelly dirty socks - and he's too scared he'd destroy my delicates. It works for us.
Donita Desjardin: The stuff in his pockets is his responsibility. Most of the men I know make a habit of emptying their pockets before changing out of them.
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