Tuesday, 18 August 2020

how can i decorate my bedroom for christmas?

Irving Jordahl: If you are permitted to have candles in your room, get some SAFE candles in jars, like the Glade candles. My favorite Glade Christmas scent is Glistening Snow; to me, that is the ultimate Christmas scent!When I was little, I liked having a little tree in my room as well, even though my room was in the back of the house and nobody could see it through a window or anything.This year I bought a house, and I can't wait to see what I can do to decorate this house for Christmas!By the way, I like the previous poster's, Jessiefer's, suggestion of a two-tone Christmas tree. The silver and blue colors sound pretty, but red and gold are nice as well. How about something a little different like pink lights and pink ornaments on a white Christmas tree?...Show more

Ruby Martis: you know what would awesome since its in your room, hang your lingerie all over the tree and top it with a hot picture of you,

Moises Rupinski: Christmas lights are always fun. Yo! u can string these around your room or decorate the inside of your windows. Also, tie a string to two points in your room and attached Christmas cards that you received during the next few weeks. You can appreciate the artwork of the cards. Have fun!

Mark Villifana: Use a lot of bells you know those tiny ones and select a color scheme preferebly 2 colours and deco the tree with only the selected 2 colours. My favourite combination is silver and blue on a green tree

Darrel Stele: you can just go to your nearest craft store and pick up some stuff to decorate with. just be creative. usually some stores sell shristmas decorations however they can be expensive.

Wilfred Santacruce: you may get small little laptop wood surprisingly much cheap and the circulate to Micheal's and purchase little blocks which you will paint into little delivers to circulate around it. I continually positioned lighting fixtures around my room, that usually makes it plenty extra Chri! stmas-y and lighting fixtures are surprisingly much cheap. pos! itioned garland up some the place and play Christmas music. carry embellishes someplace (from a hanger from the ceiling or on a hook on the wall). those are some issues I do to my room. wish I helped get you interior the Christmas Spirit!...Show more

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