Tuesday, 25 August 2020

What is the hourly pay rate for gardeners in San Francisco?

Hipolito Rightmire: 2 people, ladder work , disposal of debris plus tax; I'd charge about 700 of your dollars.

Comment traiter avec un petit ami qui est méchant quand il est en colère

Comment traiter avec un petit ami qui est méchant quand il est en colère

p>Ce n’est pas amusant de traiter avec une personne en colère. C’est encore pire lorsque cette personne est votre petit ami et que sa colère l’amène à dire ou à faire des choses méchantes et blessantes. Qu’il s’agisse d’injures, d’insultes ou de cris, traiter avec un petit ami en colère peut être incroyablement stressant. Cependant, en adoptant une approche discrètement ferme face à la colère de votre petit ami, vous pouvez donner le ton pour une relation plus respectueuse, productive et saine.

Demandez-lui ce qu’il veut de vous. Les paroles et les actes méchants découlent généralement du sentiment d’avoir été lésés ou d’avoir été traités injustement. En demandant à votre petit ami ce qu’il attend de vous (d’une man! ière gentille bien sûr), vous déplacez la conversation d’une session de cris à la sphère proactive.

Essayez d’utiliser l’humour. L’humour peut aider à apaiser les situations tendues en décalant le moment juste assez longtemps pour que les esprits se refroidissent. Assurez-vous de ne pas vous moquer de votre petit ami, car cela ne ferait que le mettre encore plus en colère. Au lieu de cela, orientez votre humour sur vous-même ou sur la situation. C’est plus utile dans les relations qui sont déjà très ludiques.

Lâchez-vous un peu. Souvent, les paroles de votre petit ami peuvent vous mettre en colère, vous frustrer, vous effrayer ou vous sentir impuissante. Évitez ces sentiments en vous acceptant vous-même et en acceptant la façon dont vous avez choisi de gérer la colère de votre petit ami. Ayez un dialogue intérieur avec vous-même où vous vous dites que c’est normal de ne pas pouvoir calmer la colère de votre petit ami.

Int! erdire l’utilisation des cris. Hurler n’apporte que de lâ€! ™Ã©nergie négative et peut souvent vous mettre en colère, vous effrayer ou vous mettre sur la défensive. Cependant, parfois, les gens qui sont enclins à la colère ne réalisent même pas qu’ils crient. Utilisez le « je » pour définir vos limites et dites à votre petit ami que vous n’accepterez pas qu’il vous crie dessus.

N’autorisez pas les insultes ou les injures. Les insultes et les injures sont une question de contrôle et d’humiliation et ne font pas partie d’une relation saine. En fait, lorsque votre partenaire insulte votre apparence, votre intelligence, vos opinions ou vos choix, c’est de la violence psychologique. Quand votre petit ami vous insulte, arrêtez ce que vous faites, regardez-le dans les yeux et dites avec force : « Ne m’appelez plus jamais comme ça ». Vous n’avez pas à répondre à des questions ou à donner une explication ; répétez simplement jusqu’à ce qu’il comprenne.

Interdire l’utilisation de ! jurons. Maudire pendant une dispute, c’est comme agiter un drapeau rouge sur un taureau ; cela agit seulement comme un moyen de construire sur des émotions négatives. Quand votre petit ami vous maudit, il vous donne une énergie négative et vous fait sentir honteux et sur la défensive. Utilisez le « je » pour dire à votre petit ami que vous n’accepterez pas qu’il vous insulte.

Surveillez votre niveau de colère. Quand votre petit ami est méchant et en colère, il peut aussi vous mettre en colère. Sans vous en apercevoir, vous pourriez commencer à « jouer de l’Å"uf » ou à « pinailler » avec votre petit ami, le provoquant encore plus. Faites attention à votre langage et à votre langage non verbal pour vous assurer que vous ne projetez pas votre propre colère sur votre petit ami.

Offrez votre aide si vous le pouvez. Si votre petit ami vous dit clairement ce qu’il attend de vous, déterminez s’il s’agit de quelque chose que vous! pouvez réellement faire ou que vous êtes prêt à faire. En offrant ! de l’aide, vous pouvez réduire la colère, arrêter les comportements méchants et faire avancer la situation d’une manière productive.

Dis-lui ce que tu ressens. Utilisez les déclarations I pour assumer la responsabilité de vos sentiments et comportements sans donner à votre petit ami l’impression que vous le blâmez. Parlez de vos sentiments du mieux que vous le pouvez en utilisant des affirmations telles que « Je me sens blessé quand vous me dites des choses méchantes ». Évitez les phrases qui commencent par « Vous avez toujours… », car elles peuvent se détacher de manière blâmante.

Définissez vos limites. Lorsque vous fixez vos limites, soyez toujours aussi direct que possible et dites à votre petit ami quels comportements ne seront pas tolérés. Regardez-le dans les yeux et montrez-lui une force tranquille pour qu’il prenne vos limites au sérieux. Vous pouvez aussi faire des jeux de rôle en disant les mots à l’avance pou! r vous sentir plus confiant le moment venu.

Assurez-vous que le moment est bien choisi. Les attitudes moyennes peuvent apparaître lorsque les gens sont fatigués ou déjà frustrés, alors évitez de discuter des problèmes lorsque l’une ou l’autre personne est pressée ou contrariée. Demandez plutôt si vous pouvez revenir à la conversation lorsque les esprits se sont calmés et que vous avez tous les deux les ressources intérieures calmes pour régler le problème sans être méchants.

Faites-lui savoir que vous comprenez qu’il est contrarié. L’écoute active ou l’écoute réfléchie est un élément clé d’une communication efficace. Reconnaître sa colère, c’est comme verser de l’eau froide sur un feu. Sa colère peut s’apaiser parce qu’il peut se sentir plus lié à vous si vous comprenez d’où il vient. Démontrez votre compréhension et répétez ce que vous entendez pour calmer votre compagnon en colère.

N’admettez pa! s de blâme. Le blâme est inefficace parce qu’il limite la communica! tion et réduit la possibilité de résoudre réellement votre problème. Lorsque votre petit ami est en colère, il peut vous blâmer, vous dire à quel point vous êtes mal en point et vous faire sentir toute petite. Établissez vos limites et dites à votre petit ami que vous n’accepterez pas de blâmer des comportements. Vous pouvez le faire en utilisant les instructions « I ».

Recadrez la colère. Votre cerveau peut éliminer les signaux électriques qui causent des émotions négatives en pensant à la colère de votre petit ami sous un autre angle. Essayez de vous dire : « Il doit avoir une mauvaise journée aujourd’hui ». En adoptant consciemment un point de vue différent sur la colère, vous pouvez choisir de changer votre réaction émotionnelle et d’éviter de devenir négatif également.

Monday, 24 August 2020

How is a garden a system?

Randa Hessell: A system is a collection of disparate "things" that work together for a common purpose. In a garden's case, the "things" are the plants, roots, soil, water, etc. and the purpose is to produce vegetables, flowers, etc.

Can a dental patient refuse painkillers?  

Can a dental patient refuse painkillers?  

answers 0:Will a dentist perform dental procedures on a patient if said patient refuses to use painkillers (let's say it's for religious reasons)? Is age a factor? If a dentist would allow an adult to go without painkillers, would he do the same for a child, or is there a law or code that forbids this?This is a purely hypothetical question, in case you were wondering.answers 1:Braces cost around $6,000-$7,000, but most orthodontists can break that down into smaller payments.Look under your local yellow pages under orthodontist and pick one who is either a "fellow" or "master" member of the ADA.answers 2:You can refuse painkillers but they can also refuse to preform whatever procedure.answers 3:maybe id take it thouanswers 4:yes.. it can be happened!because for superficial processes it is better that dont use anesthetics!they have side affects too!!but for big procedures,a ! patient can't stand the pain....it is better to use them....and it is the same in a child too!answers 5:It would depend on the dentist's morals etc. The dentist I used to work for often had very nervous patients not wanting local anaesthetic because they were afriad of needles or had a slight bad reaction to the solution. In those cases we still treated the patient as best we could, but it would slow us down considerably.Basically, if you don't want anaesthetic no one can force it on you, but some dentists may be uncomfortable or unable to work on someone who is not numb.I don't think there is any law on the subject either way, except for the obvious fact that if you refuse anything it must not be forced upon you....answers 6:ok. cause i just looked on the box and it said also works for ortho retainers but i just wanted to be sure. thanksanswers 7:yeah polident is fine its all coolanswers 8:unnecessary crueltyanswers 9:Yeah, i think so because the patients security is being! prioritize here..answers 10:No, the evil would be in continua! lly pointing out such and not doing good.answers 11:You don't have to take the painkillers if you don't want to. That would be some pretty cruel stuff to do to a kid.answers 12:Yes, a dental patient can refuse painkillers. In fact, my Mom goes to a dentist who doesn't use numbing injections on anyone, ever. If one of his patients needs a root canal or a tooth pulled, he sends them to a specialist.He says any pain from drilling out a little cavity is due to heat from the drill. He just drills a little at a time and the drill and tooth don't get hot, so there isn't any pain....answers 13:I grew up interior the San Fernando Valley and that i'm plenty older than 31. i'm no longer dwelling there now yet i bypass decrease decrease back each so frequently and holiday the finished l. a. area as a count number of fact. There are issues everywhere and each huge city has rather plenty a similar stuff happening. Out of the cities you pronounced, in case you have been to bypass, i'd com! e to a decision for Phoenix area. no longer suitable interior the city yet north of there. truthfully, the better north you bypass the better clever the factors is. The financial equipment seems to be like much less drastic in that area. Portland from what I learn is having an rather undesirable time with their financial equipment. even in spite of the undeniable fact that it particularly is a desirable place and particular you will like it there. they have a great number of the main substantial proper transportation around. have you ever seen dwelling in Northern San Diego County? Do your homework yet there are cities that are inexpensive. a minimum of whilst whilst in comparison with SFValley and Orange Cty. additionally, you have very stable climate and that i'd think of of for a youthful single guy it would be exciting. additionally, confirm out Northern Cali. we've been purely in Roseville, east of Sacramento and it replaced into clever and a great style of stuff happe! ning. do purely somewhat travelling in case you're able to desire to to! paintings out for your self....answers 14:can you use polident on a clear retainer? i want to clean mine really good and i have polident here but if i wanted to use retainer brite i would have to order it and wait forever. so if i use polident on my clear sets of retainers nothing will happen will it?

Sunday, 23 August 2020

Comment modifier les propriétés de police du texte dans un fichier PDF

Comment modifier les propriétés de police du texte dans un fichier PDF

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Saturday, 22 August 2020

How to start a landscape business?

Adan Alipio: I am not raining on anyone's parade here...but here are the nasty facts.1) You need to be a damned good designer with plants, have a very good working knowledge of what kind of plant does what, where, and how...how big a plant will grow, can a plant be "tamed" without killing it, etc.2) you will need serious equipment if part of your business will handle trees (and it will)...drills for ground, hole diggers, etc. for larger trees, and serious truck(s) to handle large potted trees. Eventually, you will need a "root ball" cutter machine hooked to one of these trucks. (translation...MONEY!)3) a very strong back, organization skills, and above all else, a very good sales technique, for without selling yourself and your service, all the money and equipment in the world will do nothing. 4) Start small and work up over a period of time. Get know locally as the guy who knows it all, does it all....etc. (You can rent much of this equipment once you know how to use it)! .. 5) You need a serious knowledge of drawing landscaping in both 2D and 3D...so practice, practice, etc. Learn perspecive drawing, etc. and YES, you can do all of this. Believe it or not, many colleges/universities have degrees in this...check it out....Show more

Sonya Volcko: Get this book. 'How To Start A Homebased Landscape Business' by Owen Dell. http://books.google.com/books?id=ql6OtLlcf5UC&prin...It's a great place to start with almost any home based business.

Tosha Tawney: apply at a local landscaping company.make sure you dont require any skills. and they will teach you as you go.start working as a Labourer.you will learn a lot just from one season!take Horticulture in College....Show more

Jen Maday: should a person hiring a landscaper make sure that they are licensed, bonded and certified?

Lanita Reichman: Check with a local junior college or the agri-life service in your area, They have a Master Gardenerprogram program course. You may fi! nd a college course in landscaping and maintenance.People that! do this work make a lot of money.

Cassey Hollinghurst: Start with "landscape MAINTENANCE," not "landscape." Most areas just require a business license, but check to be sure. Later, you can progress to becoming a landscape contractor.Landscape maintenance involves mowing lawns, trimming shrubs, ect. However, you won't be normally working with ponds or water features.You can learn about it by reading and by doing. Your local nurseries, garden stores and equipment suppliers will be your friends who can also advise you....Show more

can veneers be used to cover braces?  

can veneers be used to cover braces?  

answers 0:i was looking at veneers and how they work and i was wondering if they could be used to cover braces?answers 1:no..i dont think you were looking at veneers..no they cannot be used to cover braces...maybe they can be used instead of braces but im not sure...basically to put in veneers they have to shave your teeth down to little points then somehow put them over those tiny points of old teeth..your old teeth are then basically non existant ( they are the tiny points)answers 2:No they cant be used to cover braces.answers 3:certainly not ! veneers can be used to correct many different smile challenges,for more severe cases of dullness, wear, discoloration, mild chipping, cracking, spacing, or uneven teeth, dental veneers may be recommended as a more appropriate solution!answers 4:noanswers 5:Braces do not adjust the tooth, and! assuming the tooth look ok for my section (ie no decay or extensive fillings and sturdy color) then straightening them might cause them to look sturdy. besides the indisputable fact that, veneers might additionally cause them to look sturdy, yet as you're saying, you do often adjust the tooth first. they might even have an instantaneous result, in comparison to the long braces therapy. There are truthfully sparkling braces that are under no circumstances gruesome, you will possibly desire to seek for the invisalign website. Invisalign braces are thoroughly sparkling and you will't tell which you're donning them. yet first formerly you come to a determination, you will possibly desire to locate yet another dentist! ward off the used vehicle salesman dentists, there are dentists accessible who truthfully care approximately your tooth particularly than their automobiles and castles....answers 6:No, veneers are only for use on natural teeth. Now, if you are not happy with you! r teeth after the braces come off that would be the time to co! nsider veneers. You have to prep the natual teeth down to put veneers on them. If you have a special occasion or something that you don't want braces for sometimes the orthodontist will take off like the front 6 brackets

Friday, 21 August 2020

What's the difference between a landscape architect and a landscape designer?

Georgia Dees: WellLast year I grew a wonderful vine in my backyard following the system on this site http://www.goobypls.com/r/rd.asp?gid=419

Kizzy Hett: simply put.... the architect has the ability to move a mountain in your backyard, in such as way as to not flood the neighbors or create landslides..... then the designer decorates it by choosing the best plants for the area.....

Pasty Cobbett: Hi there,Loads of landscaping ideas here http://www.downloadita.it/r/rd.asp?gid=418

Blaine Connett: Landscape architecture is the design of outdoor and public spaces to achieve environmental, socio-behavioral, and/or aesthetic outcomes. It involves the systematic investigation of existing social, ecological, and geological conditions and processes in the landscape, and the design of interventions that will produce the desired outcome. The scope of the profession includes: urban design; site planning; town or urban planning; environmental restoration; parks and r! ecreation planning; visual resource management; green infrastructure planning and provision; and private estate and residence landscape master planning and design; all at varying scales of design, planning and management. A practitioner in the profession of landscape architecture is called a landscape architect.==============================================================Landscape design is an independent profession and a design and art tradition, practiced by Landscape designers, combining nature and culture. In contemporary practice Landscape design bridges between landscape architecture and garden design....Show more

Loriann Carrigan: some panorama designers desire to advise that they are panorama architects, even going so a techniques as to state that they provide "panorama architectural centers".panorama architects ought to qualify for the identify. They often have the two a bachelor's or grasp's degree in panorama shape alongside with various years of adventur! e in a layout corporation, and that they have got surpassed a ! nationally standardized 5-section licensure try.

Comment retirer la résine d’un bol

Comment retirer la résine d’un bol

p>L’accumulation de résine peut rendre votre pipe sale et altérer le goût du nouveau cannabis. Nettoyer régulièrement la cuvette de votre tuyau aidera à réduire les accumulations et à pratiquer la durabilité de la résine. Que vous vouliez une pipe fraîche et propre ou que vous souhaitiez tirer le meilleur parti de votre réserve, vous pouvez nettoyer la résine en la trempant dans l’alcool, en la congelant ou en la faisant bouillir dans l’eau chaude.

Travaillez sur une feuille de papier ou de plastique pour nettoyer facilement le désordre. La résine sera durcie jusqu’à obtenir une texture sèche, semblable à celle du sable, de sorte que vous aurez besoin de quelque chose de jetable sous le tuyau pour attraper la résine lorsqu’elle tombera.

Fermez le sac et laissez-le reposer pendant deux heures. Le trem! page dans le mélange d’alcool et de sel détachera la résine et la rendra plus facile à enlever.

Continuez à déplacer le tuyau pendant cinq à sept minutes. Sois doux avec la pipe. Essayez de ne pas cogner le tuyau contre les côtés du pot. Déplacez-le lentement et avec précaution à l’intérieur du pot.

Mettez le tuyau et l’alcool isopropylique dans un sac en plastique. Ouvrez un sac à sandwich en plastique et placez le tuyau à l’intérieur. Verser ensuite de l’alcool isopropylique à 99 % jusqu’à ce que le bol soit submergé.

Tenir le bol à travers le sac et agiter pendant cinq minutes. Après trempage, secouer le tuyau ensaché pour agiter le sel et aider à déloger les derniers morceaux de résine tenaces.

Filtrer la résine. Verser la résine et l’eau à travers un filtre à café ou une passoire en maille pour recueillir la résine restante. Si vous voulez le fumer plus tard, roulez la résine en boule et congelez ou ! laissez sécher.

Utilisez une aiguille ou un outil à gr! atter pour gratter la résine du tuyau. Au bout de trente minutes, sortez le tuyau du congélateur et grattez la résine séchée. Travaillez rapidement, car la résine ne mettra pas longtemps à gommer et à devenir collante.

Verser une cuillère à soupe de sel marin dans l’alcool. Le sel agira comme un agitateur et aidera à briser la résine. Vous pouvez également ajouter du sel dans l’embout buccal pour nettoyer le reste du tuyau.

Lavez le tuyau avec de l’eau chaude savonneuse une fois propre. Jetez le sac de résine ou gardez-le pour qu’il s’évapore et fume plus tard. Essuyez le tuyau propre avec une serviette et laissez-le sécher complètement avant de l’utiliser.

Gratter la majeure partie de la résine. Utilisez une épingle à cheveux ou un trombone pour déloger le plus de résine possible. Mettre la résine de côté pour la jeter ou la fumer plus tard.

Utiliser la méthode d’ébullition comme option de nettoyage en profon! deur. En raison du changement de température extrême, vous ne devriez pas faire bouillir votre tuyau trop souvent. Utiliser la méthode d’ébullition au besoin pour le nettoyage en profondeur.

Faire bouillir une casserole d’eau. Assurez-vous d’ajouter assez d’eau pour couvrir votre tuyau lorsqu’il est placé à l’intérieur. Chauffer l’eau sur une cuisinière ou une plaque chauffante jusqu’à ébullition.

Utilisez des pinces pour placer le tuyau dans le pot. En tenant le tuyau entre les pinces, le verser doucement dans l’eau chaude. Déplacez un peu le tuyau pour déloger la résine. Continuez à agiter doucement jusqu’à ce que la résine commence à se détacher en touffes noires.

Mettez le tuyau sale au congélateur pendant trente minutes. Avec cette technique, il n’est pas nécessaire de gratter d’abord. Il suffit de congeler le tuyau et de laisser la résine durcir et sécher.

Sortez le tuyau du sac et vérifiez qu’il! n’y a pas d’accumulation de résidus. Si le tuyau est particulièr! ement sale, vous voudrez peut-être répéter le processus. Vous pouvez également nettoyer les restes de résine à l’aide d’un cure-pipe ou d’un coton-tige pour accélérer le processus.

Utilisez cette méthode uniquement pour le nettoyage en profondeur mensuel. La méthode de congélation n’est probablement pas une méthode que vous devriez utiliser toutes les semaines en raison du changement de température rigoureux. Utilisez-le une fois par mois au besoin pour un nettoyage en profondeur.

Nettoyez le reste du tuyau avec un trombone ou un cure-pipe. Grattez les restes de résine dans le bol et la chambre pour que le tuyau soit complètement propre.

Nettoyez votre tuyau une fois par semaine pour éviter les accumulations. La résine de cannabis est extrêmement collante et difficile à enlever, en particulier avec les pipes en verre. Nettoyez votre tuyau une fois par semaine pour rendre le processus plus facile et plus rapide.

Thursday, 20 August 2020

I Need ideas for Cool DIY projects?

Curt Broadhead: Build a go kart for you son or the neighbors kids...... build a tree house if you have a tree in your garden or plant a tree seed wait 50 t 70 years then build a tree house...build a bird house..build that shelf you always wanted but never had the tools to do so...kit out your shed with shelving so you have somewhere to put your new tools...build a wooden bike then film it upload it to you-tube as part of your build achievements...build a wendy house for ur little girl or Gi Joe house for your son then paint it..repair that fence outside or repair the neighbors fence...build a flower pot like thishttp://img.diytrade.com/cdimg/471423/2784829/0/115...http://image.made-in-china.com/2f0j00pMrQUbECsfcw/...http://www.dollargiant.cn/2009CanadaStorage/wooden...for your mom or wife...build a westen town like this http://www.worldofstock.com/slides/TAU6384.jpgthen you can play cowboys and Indians....hope this helps ya...Show more

Debora Soliani: Jesus christ..! . go google

Damion Oleksa: go to indymogul's channel on youtube, they have some videos of diy stuff on their channel. They still do stuff like it but it's different.

Wednesday, 19 August 2020

what is the going rate for bathroom remodeling?

Merlin Fleischhacker: depends...wut are you gonna remodel? Plumbing? Tub? shower surround? tile? too vague a qxn!!!

Rayford Latz: price per square foot, new tub, vanity, sink,tile 250 sq ft, fixtures.

Tuesday, 18 August 2020

how can i decorate my bedroom for christmas?

Irving Jordahl: If you are permitted to have candles in your room, get some SAFE candles in jars, like the Glade candles. My favorite Glade Christmas scent is Glistening Snow; to me, that is the ultimate Christmas scent!When I was little, I liked having a little tree in my room as well, even though my room was in the back of the house and nobody could see it through a window or anything.This year I bought a house, and I can't wait to see what I can do to decorate this house for Christmas!By the way, I like the previous poster's, Jessiefer's, suggestion of a two-tone Christmas tree. The silver and blue colors sound pretty, but red and gold are nice as well. How about something a little different like pink lights and pink ornaments on a white Christmas tree?...Show more

Ruby Martis: you know what would awesome since its in your room, hang your lingerie all over the tree and top it with a hot picture of you,

Moises Rupinski: Christmas lights are always fun. Yo! u can string these around your room or decorate the inside of your windows. Also, tie a string to two points in your room and attached Christmas cards that you received during the next few weeks. You can appreciate the artwork of the cards. Have fun!

Mark Villifana: Use a lot of bells you know those tiny ones and select a color scheme preferebly 2 colours and deco the tree with only the selected 2 colours. My favourite combination is silver and blue on a green tree

Darrel Stele: you can just go to your nearest craft store and pick up some stuff to decorate with. just be creative. usually some stores sell shristmas decorations however they can be expensive.

Wilfred Santacruce: you may get small little laptop wood surprisingly much cheap and the circulate to Micheal's and purchase little blocks which you will paint into little delivers to circulate around it. I continually positioned lighting fixtures around my room, that usually makes it plenty extra Chri! stmas-y and lighting fixtures are surprisingly much cheap. pos! itioned garland up some the place and play Christmas music. carry embellishes someplace (from a hanger from the ceiling or on a hook on the wall). those are some issues I do to my room. wish I helped get you interior the Christmas Spirit!...Show more

Monday, 17 August 2020

is there drop off laundry service in reno nv?

Ninfa Aronica: Here is a link to the local laundry services in the Reno area. Give them a call to find out if they provide drop off service.http://yp.yahoo.com/ypResults.py?stp=y&stx=8831410...

Mikel Bethay: Recommend consulting your phone book for a listing of laundromats that fold/fluff for you or even the internet can help you find your nearest laundromat fluff/fold Good Luck !

what is the best teeth whiting drug store product?  

what is the best teeth whiting drug store product?  

answers 0:what is the best teeth whiting drug store product?answers 1:Go to web site below and read about their product. Click on the ad on the right side to order. The product is similar to what the dentist use in the dental office and was created by a dentist. http://dentalpost.blogspot.com/search/label/Teeth%...

Sunday, 16 August 2020

stupid question. answer it anyways....laundry?

Jestine Osumi: would you feel upset that he didn't trust or would it be "ok"?

Janeen Perona: I do most of the laundry, my eldest son does it sometimes and my husband does it once in a while.I don't always check pockets and have found toy cars, pokemon cards (destroyed), library cards, legos, doll clothes, but my favorite is when I find money. If I find money while doing wash I take it as my fee!Your husband should grow up and empty his pockets before taking his clothes off it isn't that hard of a concept. His clothes, his pockets, his responsibility! Oh the worst thing I ever accidentally put through the wash was my son's cell phone while we were on vacation. Normally I would say that would be his fault but I just grabbed what clothes I thought were dirty not even thinking and didn't check. But he learned from that and no longer leaves his phone in his pockets. Now if a child can manage to grasps this concept a grown man should be able don't you think?!...Show more

Darrin Hixenbaugh: Hi Janie, That My Friend shows me he has No Trust at all and I would walk away and not marry someone like that. Trust is the main thing in a relationship to me without Trust you have nothing!!!Your Friend,poppy1...Show more

Dawn Saha: you just think your good looking,,he was just making you feel good

Tomeka Hameen: Go ahead and make the first move. He sounds like he's really regretfull and guilty about what he's done. I personally wouldn't take a cheater back, kids or not, but people should do what works for them. You have to meet each others needs physically if you're going to have any chance to make it. You guys should probably sit down and have an honest discussion about your feelings and express what each of your needs are emotionally, financially, and physically. Open sharing of thouhts and ideas with understanding as the goal is always the first step towards intimacy in any relationship. Don't allow arguing, just talk. Tell each o! ther what you want. Good luck. You have to do this for yoursel! ves, not your kids. That's the only way it can work....Show more

Tyree Allenbrand: Yes! soon he will ask you to have date.

Leontine Kreitz: This person has SERIOUS trust issues. This is a BIG red flag.

Verena Koop: Honey you sound like a good woman but you were not at fault for him cheating you just need to be you,he is lucky to have you. you guys need some counselling to wortk through your issues in this marriage.he needs to Apologize to you and gain your trust not the other way round it looks like you are the one trying to make it work and not him. You can't let him just shut down and let you just do whatever you guys need to communicate and work this out. Girl you deserve the best demand it he did the crime he needs to make it up to you i commend him for trying but he needs to do more for you you are a good wife to him.cheers...Show more

August Hubbard: It is admirable that you choose to forgive him and make the marriage work. He probably feels ! like crap for what he did. He doesn't want to be intimate because he may not fell worthy of you. Talk to him, don't be judgmental or angry, just explain that you forgive. Ask if he wants to stay with you and if he is willing to work through this with you. the both of you should also seek counseling.

Rebeca Mckin: I think everyone should have personal responsibility for their actions. In my house I do my own laundry and my wife does her own. I got tired of hearing about it so I just do my own. I am sure if you let him wash his own cloths he will learn to empty his pockets.

Coralie Goldsberry: a million. i think of they use Nair. they don't could shave as in lots of situations. 2. i'm unable to think of of an answer for this. 3. i'm hoping they could artwork on me, using fact i'm unfolded with blood everywhere! 4. very stable question. i've got in no way study the label, purely taken one! 5. i could say no, they don't "swear" on the bible, not the way we do bes! ides! 6. i think of that's the right component to do, I recommend they ! asked for it, splendid? 7. Gravity, i'm thinking? except the wind blows, then it is going sideway, so the place does it land? 8. whats up, i've got standard some captivating adult men! 9. 2 heads are greater effective than one, and adult men could be waiting to respond to this one! 10. Hmmm, uncertain. 11. Proctober 12. extremely adult men don't have beards, do they?...Show more

Refugio Gastineau: Stop doing his laundry.He's acting very childishly - you are not his housekeeper, you are not his mother.It's time for him to grow up, put his big boys pants on, and act like a man.

Erin Arron: thats sad cause if you want to spend the rest of your life with the one and only one you love then you should have complete trust over him and vice versa. itssad by the way he ask you to take the test but if you love him soon much then take it but then again i remind you to think twice about the wedding and talk to him about this because it soudns like he doesnt trust you so ya ! arent ready

Garry Ohmen: I would not marry him. He has trust issues. Will he ask you to take a lie detector every year of your marriage? Make him take the test first, and you get to be the one who creates the questions. See if he follows through on it.To me someone who would even dare ask this has horrible control issues and unless you want you entire life controlled you should run away from this relationship. Controllers usually end up being physical abusers too - when they lose the control they have tried to maintain....Show more

Daren Ventrice: I,The Wifey....do laundry.He, The Hubby, makes pink underwear. The concept that red items do NOT get washed with whites escapes him...."But it all gets swished around with soap and soap cleans-right?"* self applied slap to side of face * lol....I hang when still warm from the dryer....he leaves in the dryer and 'fluffs out the wrinkles' when ever he needs an item (ack) Wrinkles do NOT fluff....I fold drawer items n! eatly and place in a well organized manner....he grabs by the armful an! d stuffs 'er in...needless to say he NEVER does my laundry.I also do his because 1) I want him to look his best....he can't in wrinkled clothes 2) He works out of the home while I am retired so I am home all day...no reason why I can't show my appreciation for how hard he works by doing his laundry and keeping the home clean, cooking the meals.Plus I raised four kids, one was a boy....I go thru ALL pockets AUTOMATICALLY....run a dryer accidentally when a piece of purple crayon was tucked in a pocket and you'll always go thru all pockets FOREVER....I am lucky that he always empties his pockets BUT I never assume...Sure it's his @ss covered by the tidy whities...but it's also his @ss he busts everyday so I can stay home and take care of business without having to do the 9 to 5 thing in an office or punch a time clock. So checking his pockets is no biggie.retired baker married to a DBA...Show more

Rosalia Hibler: Omg he sounds like mine.. He never empties his pockets I h! ave to do it and half the time forgets he has fair bit of cash which I end up keeping.

Debora Rinderer: Long story short, this guy is about 6 years older than me (I'm almost 22 and he's about 28). He's Chinese (only been over here a couple years) and super duper friendly. A couple years ago, I thought he was interested, but I wasn't at the time. Now I sort of am, and I'm wondering if he still is. He saw me a few days ago for the first time in a while and said I looked really good, and then called me later (which I accidentally missed) and facebook messaged me, saying I looked good. But then everytime I've messaged him, it either takes him a while to get back with me, or he just doesn't. So do you guys think he's interested, or just friendly and doesn't know yet the connotation of "you look good" in English? Note: he's going to school plus working, which could account for the non-response. but idk......Show more

Chris Wilczewski: I would take the test IF I knew I! could pass it. Then when the test results showed that I was not lying ! I would tell him to kiss my a$$. Because if he really trusted me he would not of asked me to prove my case.Okay yeah he can take the test too, if he wishes. However its the point that he didn't trust me before and I AM NOT about to go into a relationship worrying if my man trust me or not and worrying/looking over my shoulder everyday wondering when I will have to take another test.That to me is TO MUCH DRAMA and life is to short for that.If I want DRAMA I will watch a soap opera. Now you know the rest of the story as Paul Harvey would say. :-)...Show more

Oda Mauson: We've both have done the laundry. I'd say it's his responsibility to clean out his pockets. This way....if anything gets lost or ruined or anything, you can't be the one to blame. Now, if he refuses to not clean out his pockets and you don't do it either, then let the chips fall where they may! LOL

Mildred Pombo: yes i would be very upset that he would ask me to take a lie detector test, but at the! same time if it eased his mind and i didnt have anything to hide, i would take it. but turn the tables on him and tell him to take one as well. Because if hes that insecure maybe hes hiding something as well and the guilt is eating at him.. good luck

Alexis Reyer: particular, he's friendly. He would not be asking approximately you if he wasn't friendly. yet: it appears like he's likewise drawn to you. merely undergo in techniques that he hasn't even MET you, so how fascinated might desire to he be? while you're shy, that's recommended to start conversing to him on e mail or the telephone to get somewhat extra mushy. maximum men are going to friendly -- extremely in the event that they are fascinated. precise now all he's conscious is what you look like and what your chum has pronounced approximately you. undergo in techniques although which you're lots extra advantageous than what he's conscious now. If he's nicely worth transforming into acquaintances, he will wait ! and spot, well mannered, and drawn to you. Ask your chum what she is co! nscious approximately him. Is he a "participant"? Does he ask out a number of women? this might point out what it meant while he asked approximately you....Show more

Rickey Vrieze: We've always done our own laundry in my house. Kids and grown ups alike.If I have a light load I'll ask if anyone has anything to be washed, but I am not responsible for anyone else's laundry.

Violette Vanek: I wouldn't marry him. You can never build a marriage without trust being the foundation. If you have not given him any reasons to make him not trust you than get out while there's still time...but if you have been caught cheating or lying during the relationship then maybe he needs to call off the wedding. Either way...somethings not just right about this relationship...only you two know what's really going on..HH

Donnell Nocella: well i use to do all the laundry in the house. i had the same problems as you, my husband wouldn't clean out his pockets before he toss them i! nto the basket to be washed. wouldn't tell me he was out of something until the morning he need it. the final draw was when i did his pants and had to pull out a pocket full of cig butts. that was the last day i did his laundry. i told him flat out he has to do his own laundry. he thought i was kidding. i haven't done his laundry in over a year now....Show more

Rosalia Hibler: you know what i helllla feel you, my bf wants me to take one too b4 we take our relationship to the next level and its not that im hiding anything but the fact that they wil go to the extreemes is what hurts huh i feel ya. i felt like wtf.. damn u dont trust me that much that u need a fkn machine to tell u was up?/ and wha gets me mad is tht them things are NOT that accurate or nothing so its like it can lie and they wont believe you they will believe the lil machine.. but yea u should be upset, sht i was.. ...Show more

Dexter Gold: No it is not okay. Evidently he doesn't trust you. Why ! would you marry someone who does not trust you? If there is no trust i! n a relationship then there is no relationship.

Paul Maymi: I think the person who the clothes belong to is responsible. That said the laundry-doer should probably give a bit of a check to make sure (I always do). It really depends what the problem here is:If the problem is that the stuff in the pockets is ruined (ie. money, papers) it is the fault of the owner.If the laundry-doer doesn't like the little paper bits in their dryer screen, then they should probably check a little more thoroughly to avoid this thing that bothers them....Show more

Coleman Coscia: he also is agreeing to taking the test.

Abraham Ladick: Leave em' in his pockets and let him pick off the lint! Wash your clothes separately and put his 'colors' and 'whites' in together. For that comment he made, he's lucky you don't add bleach!!

Christopher Calcano: he should be the one putting 110 percent ,and appericate that you were willing to take him back,never trust him again he broke! the vows not you ,good luck

Somer Distilo: Your very sweet. You deserve alot better. Dont waste anymore time there...he will cheat again. 'Once a cheat, always a cheat'

Corrina Faro: I just got back with my husband, we have been separted for 3 weeks and he has cheated on me and we are going to try to have this work due that we have kids. He asked us to come back and i do not know if he loves me or not, you know that pride thing. I want to make him happy, so i have been cooking and cleaning and being a wife he wants, i work out and make sure i look good and that is for me as well. I want to touch him or give him a kiss but i think he still has guilt, we slept in the bed together for the first time and he slept far away, i am not sure what to do, do i make a move first due that he might not know how due that he hurt me. How do i know he wants this, he is trying and i can tell, advice on a man's view and want makes u happy and stay with your wife....Show more!

David Boehler: I do the laundry but I do not check pockets in my! husbands clothes. So anything left in them gets washed. And yes I keep the money too.

Curt Broadhead: Out of courtesy for you, he should empty the pockets. But, if he wants to continue to be a horse's rearhide anything important that he might want and lie to him that you don't know what happened to it. I never minded emptying my ex's clothes because I always found money and kept it. He carried a lot of cash on him. Finder's keepers. If you find something important to him and he wants it then exchange for ransom money....Show more


Jannette Kotz: Do you know what I would have done:I would have said: " well if you insist on not believing me I will take the test just to prove you wrong but the minute you get the result it will be our last day together"Unless you have something to hide???...Show more

Dexter Dicostanzo: I do the laundry in our house. I've ! told the wife that anything left in pockets is her loss or my gain. (sometimes money) She started checking her pockets after a few important losses.

Davina David: We do our own laundry...I don't want to clean skid marks on his underwear or his smelly dirty socks - and he's too scared he'd destroy my delicates. It works for us.

Donita Desjardin: The stuff in his pockets is his responsibility. Most of the men I know make a habit of emptying their pockets before changing out of them.

Comment réchauffer le poulet frit

Comment réchauffer le poulet frit

N’utilisez pas le micro-ondes. Les micro-ondes sont un moyen rapide et pratique de réchauffer de nombreux aliments, mais ils sont terribles pour le poulet frit. Les micro-ondes ne font rien pour assécher la peau détrempée du poulet frit froid pendant la cuisson. Cela signifie que même si votre produit final sera chaud, il aura généralement un extérieur doux et désagréable qui ne se compare tout simplement pas à la peau croustillante du poulet qui a été réchauffé correctement.

Mettre le poulet au four. Placer la poêle avec les morceaux de poulet dans le four sur la grille centrale. Réglez une minuterie de 10 minutes.

Faire frire les morceaux de poulet pendant plusieurs minutes. Ajouter soigneusement les morceaux de poulet à l’huile chaude (un jeu de pinces peut aider à protéger contre les éclaboussures). Faire revenir les morceaux dans l’hui! le pendant 2 à 3 minutes, en les retournant régulièrement.

Chauffer l’huile de friture dans une poêle épaisse. Lorsque votre poulet est presque à la température de la pièce, placez une casserole sur la cuisinière et mettez le brûleur à température élevée. Les poêles plus lourdes comme les poêles en fonte et les fours hollandais sont les meilleures car elles ont tendance à bien retenir la chaleur. Ajoutez beaucoup d’huile de friture dans la poêle et laissez chauffer â€" vous voulez au moins assez d’huile pour que le fond de vos morceaux de poulet soit submergé.

Servez et savourez. Jetez soigneusement l’huile excédentaire (ou réutilisez-la) après l’avoir laissée refroidir. Savourez votre poulet dès qu’il est assez frais pour être mangé.

Dans la mesure du possible, évitez les fours grille-pain. Si vous n’avez pas d’autres options, vous pouvez essayer d’utiliser un grille-pain four pour réchauffer le poulet frit. C! ependant, ils peuvent souvent chauffer le poulet de façon inÃ! ©gale, vous laissant un morceau de viande chaud à l’extérieur et froid à l’intérieur. De plus, de nombreux grille-pain fours n’ont pas la puissance de chauffe nécessaire pour obtenir cette texture croustillante et cruciale à l’extérieur de la viande.

Placer le poulet sur une plaque à pâtisserie. Déposer les morceaux de poulet sur une plaque allant au four. Pour faciliter le nettoyage, vous pouvez d’abord recouvrir la feuille de papier d’aluminium. Il ne devrait pas être nécessaire de graisser la plaque, mais cela n’endommagera pas votre produit final.

Laisser le poulet à l’extérieur pendant que le four préchauffe à 375 degrés. Sortez votre poulet du réfrigérateur et retirez-le de tout contenant dans lequel il se trouve. Laisser les morceaux reposer uniformément sur une assiette ou un plateau jusqu’à ce qu’ils atteignent la température ambiante â€" environ une demi-heure.

Ne pas saisir le poulet dans une poêle. Fai! re cuire du poulet frit dans une poêle qui n’est pas pleine d’huile de friture est une mauvaise idée. Il est plus difficile de réchauffer uniformément les morceaux de poulet frit de forme irrégulière de cette façon, mais même si vous le faites, vous risquez de dessécher la viande à mesure que sa graisse s’infiltre dans la poêle sèche.

Laisser le poulet à la température de la pièce. Une autre excellente façon de redonner au poulet frit une délicieuse consistance dorée et croustillante est de le faire frire simplement de nouveau. Comme pour la méthode au four ci-dessus, vous voudrez sortir votre poulet du réfrigérateur et le laisser reposer dans un endroit sécuritaire pendant environ une demi-heure avant de commencer à le cuire. Faites tous les préparatifs nécessaires (comme mettre la table, faire les accompagnements, etc.) pendant que vous attendez.

Vérifiez fréquemment les morceaux de poulet. La seule partie difficile de cette mÃ! ©thode de réchauffage est que différents morceaux de poulet peuvent c! hauffer à différentes vitesses. En règle générale, les morceaux plus gros et plus épais (comme les seins et les cuisses) chauffent plus lentement que les morceaux plus petits (comme les ailes et les pilons). Comme vous ne voulez pas que vos petits morceaux sèchent, vérifiez-les toutes les quelques minutes après environ dix minutes. S’ils sont croustillants à l’extérieur et chauds jusqu’au bout, c’est fini.


Retirer et laisser égoutter. Quand sa peau est sèche et croustillante, le poulet est cuit. Transférez les morceaux un par un sur une grille placée au-dessus d’une casserole et laissez-les égoutter. Cette étape est cruciale â€" laisser l’huile s’écouler aidera à rendre la peau encore plus croustillante. Cela devrait prendre de trois à cinq minutes pour que le poulet s’égoutte complètement.

Retirer le poulet du four et laisser refroidir. Lorsque vos morceaux de poulet ont retrouvé une apparence un peu croustilla! nte et sont chauds jusqu’à l’os, ils sont prêts à être consommés. Sortez-les du four et placez-les soigneusement sur une grille pour les laisser refroidir pendant cinq à dix minutes avant de les manger. Amusez-vous bien !

Ne laissez pas le poulet refroidir sur un essuie-tout. Une pile d’essuie-tout peut sembler un bon endroit pour refroidir le poulet frit réchauffé puisqu’ils peuvent absorber une partie de l’excès de graisse. Cependant, en faisant cela, certains morceaux de poulet resteront en contact direct avec le mélange chaud et vaporeux de l’huile et du liquide qui s’en échappe. Cette hydratation réhydratera la délicieuse peau que vous avez travaillée pour devenir sèche et croustillante, défaisant votre dur labeur.

Poll: How fresh and clean are you?

Sheldon Lally: ehh i will be when i go shower in a few minutes lol

Ty Kirton: *smells*im nice and clean

Sheldon Lally: I am SOO fresh so clean.

Kip Ockenfels: aint nobody dope as me im dressed so fresh so clean...(so fresh and so clean clean!)im the coolest motherfunker on the planet!

Eliseo Luma: I'm very clean!

Nelly Kikuchi: I'm always clean and fresh!............

Saturday, 15 August 2020

Discovery Health Becoming OWN?

Mark Villifana: An eventual transfer to TLC...in the meantime, Dr. G will be running on FitTV along with a number of former Discovery Health series.

Comment faire pour vérifier votre iPhone Carrier

Comment faire pour vérifier votre iPhone Carrier

p>Ce wikiComment vous apprend comment savoir quel fournisseur de services (également connu sous le nom d’opérateur) votre iPhone utilise â€" ou, si le service n’est pas actif, quel opérateur il a utilisé en dernier.

Tapez sur Général. C’est dans la troisième section.

Localisez le texte à côté de « Carrier ». C’est près du bas du premier écran. Vous verrez le nom de l’opérateur réseau (par ex. « AT

Friday, 14 August 2020

What is the best health insurace to get?

Asa Soho: In Zimbabwe? For a 90 year old?Usually this is the first of 50 questions just like this.

Indira Wassell: State farm!

Cassey Hollinghurst: The best health insurance plan is the one that meets your personal coverage needs and your budget. Which plan is right for you will also depend on where you live, how old you are, and your medical history. Since it’s such a personal choice, no one here can give you a good specific recommendation without a lot more info. However, you can work with a licensed agent online or in your area. It doesn’t cost anything extra to work with an agent and it can help you understand your options and which plan makes the most sense for you.For some basic health insurance shopping tips and answers to common questions, check out our health insurance buyer’s guide, available online for free:http://www.ehealthinsurance.com/individual-health-...Best wishes!...Show more

Giovanna Sherlin: The best for me, is probably going ! to be wildly different than the best for you. And we probably have different definitions of "best", also.Since "do it yourself" insurance clearly isn't working for you, it's time to call a local broker who can help walk you through the process.

Lita Thammorongsa: I suggest you to visit this web site where you can compare rates from different companies: http://INSURE-HELP.COM/index.html?src=2YAly7aSg8ayRE :What is the best health insurace to get?what is the best health insurance to get1 following 7 answers...Show more

Ardell Luy: The health insurance is whatever health insurance you can get where you already live. To get any other health insurance, you would have to move.

Rayford Latz: Only you can determine what is the best health insurance plan. We can't do it for you. I say that because you are the one that has to make the decision of what the right balance is between affordability and policy benefits. For example, if you choose a plan that cove! rs everything i.e. doctors office visits, as well as low deduc! tibles, low co-pays and optional vision and dental benefits your monthly premiums will be significant. The most comprehensive policy will be the most expensive. So is that the best health insurance? You have to decide. On the other hand if you are young, reasonably healthy and use the health care system sparingly you could consider a Health Savings Account plan in conjunction with a high deductible health plan. In exchange for a significantly lower monthly premium, you agree to pay for your health care costs unless there is a major health care expenditure. Is the cheapest approach the best health insurance? You have to decide. Insurers offer numerous plan options. For most people the best is health insurance plan will be something in between the low cost/low benefits and the high cost/high benefits. You need a trusted adviser to help you through the process of purchasing health insurance so that you understand what you are purchasing. That adviser can answer questions as t! o what is and is not covered by the policy, explain deductibles and copays and show you the hospitals and doctors that participate in the network. Armed with knowledge of the coverage available and the associated costs you can decide what is the "best" policy. Check with the agent that writes your home or auto insurance he/she can provide you a health insurance proposal that takes into account your budget and health situation....Show more

Hobert Dula: The best one is the one that someone else pays for. Otherwise, if that's not an option, call a health insurance broker and ask them.

Comment créer un fichier PSD avec Photoshop (Débutant)

Comment créer un fichier PSD avec Photoshop (Débutant)

p>PSD est un format de fichier spécifique aux fichiers Adobe Photoshop. Les fichiers PSD peuvent être créés dans Photoshop en enregistrant de nouveaux fichiers ou en créant des copies PSD de fichiers image existants. PSD vous permet d’enregistrer votre progression sur un projet avec des fonctions d’édition telles que les calques et les filtres intacts. Si la taille de votre fichier PSD devient un problème, les fichiers PSD peuvent être réduits sans perte de qualité ou de fonctionnalité â€" il suffit de masquer toutes les couches et de sauvegarder à nouveau le fichier.

Ouvrez un fichier PSD dans Photoshop. Double-cliquez sur un fichier PSD ou allez dans « File

Thursday, 13 August 2020

What is the scariest section on Yahoo Answers?

Marcellus Yoshimori: This..

Florencia Manolakis: yea i drink a lot of water. but i love diet coke but my kids never ever drink water they drink soda or juice or milk but never water

Loriann Carrigan: Religon & SpiritualityPolitics & Government

Lashawn Zabarkes: PEPSI MAX rules my life but I'm cutting back and drinking more water to save money.

Troy Monsivais: No **** if she already said she would duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Brock Hladik: It used to be Religion and Spirituality till the election a couple of weeks ago. Now it's Elections. Violations and thumbs down are a way of life there.edit: I almost forgot. A good percentage of the links that people supply are computer viruses. It's a free-for-all!

Ronnie Barcus: Religion & SpiritualityThey will strip you and nail you to the cross if you disagree with them. Do not go there. You will never get out alive.

Kaylee Schmittou: Ethel RuthMargaret

Burt Cheevers: For a man: Ward! .eew.For a woman: Phillys (my great-great grandmother's name) but I'll probably name a daughter after her...maybe not Phillys, but Eilleen (my middle)Or Ethyl.Lorraine (not with the "uh" sound at the end, just Lorraine) is pretty much phased out I think.

Daria Verfaillie: Health

Irvin Guiles: Don't forget Osama. Not too many little Osamas running around, especially here in the US.

Jeremy Donohue: woams health is nasty but also I wont realy venture into the celeb and tv or any thing like that cuz I dont have tv and dont know how to answer and have no interest in celebs lives they are just people

Gus Leiby: Religion & Spirituality

Arnette Dominici: homo

Bianca Lannier: I know most names go out and then come back in style, but do you think Muriel ever could? Or Agnes? I dont!

Chi Alfero: yes, my choice is beer or coffee (about equal), with a touchof tea or milk thrown in for variety

Mark Hovanes: drink water? What's your cho! ice of beverage?I have been trying to drink more water. But Di! et Coke is my favorite, then beer!!!

Carter Edstrom: Ethyl, Oscar, Hugh, Gertrude, Martha, Matilda, Bruce, Otis, Thelma

Ty Kirton: "Here's a shout-out" to third graders at Gladys Wood Elementary School in Alaska. She said they would all receive extra credit for watching the debate.Do you think students can presuade a teacher to give him/her extra credit for watching the debate because Gladys Wood Elementary School in a small town is?

Lou Rought: Hell yes 4 Bottles 25fl oz each. everyday i love water and my other weakness is black cherry coke. Yummy.

Judie Kise: Water, unsweetened tea, diet pepsi with lime or lemon or plain

Anibal Katayama: Unice, Edna, Pearl, Roberta

Darrin Hixenbaugh: the adolescent section.jeez there are too many 10 year old trolls posting nonsense there. and too many teen pregnancy questons. very annoying and quite scary.

Porfirio Gartland: I drink lot's of water. My favorite drink is Welches Grape Juice. Ha! s to be Welches and nothing else.

Lynn Mctier: I don't drink soda or alcoholic beverages. Fruit punch, Orange Juice, and water for me.

Maria Devenney: Esther, Gertrude, Mavis, Bertha, Bessie

Bennie Lantgen: Hi, yea, my main drink is Water- but I do like Coca cola Sometimes-lol. lv Jo xx

An Trebil: Computers and Internet. I never know what those nerds are talking about. LOL. They aren't nerds, but they certainly confuse me.

Willa Holte: Gertrude

Zulema Baccam: i know in my u.s history class they are im a junior in high school =]

Terrell Lawman: I drink water, but I just started to really like cold Gatorade. I started to drink some when I was sick, and I got to liking the taste. But now, I don't get to drink any hardly.

Roxane Leathers: Vegan, by far....

Willie Tun: Hazel


Willie Tun: Adrian Wapkaplett

Francis Stickle: Wilm! a. No to Muriel and Agnes.

Antwan Schrum: Rosie O'Donnell

Wednesday, 12 August 2020

Ps3 to computer optical cable?

Janean Guz: I have a Xi-Fi sound card with an optical input. As for the software, anyone have any suggestions as to which one to get, I havent googled it, thought I would ask for suggestions first.

Azalee Ahrendes: There are a couple of things you should mind.1. PS3 audio settings must be set to output through optical cable. This can be done in the audio configuration menu. 2. You need a digital input on your sound card.3. If you use Windows XP: Configure your sound settings, you must select DIGITAL IN, OPT or someting matching. You can now eighter play sound from your PC aswell as sound from your PS3 the same time.4. If you use windows VISTA, there is no direct solution for your problem. Vista doesn't come with a optical passthrough option as XP has. Therefor you must install a third party software that enables optical sound passthrough. Another solution is an additional receiver, Though these are quite expesive, searching for software that enables you to play exte! rnal optical sound via PC is a better solution. Try google'ing it!Good luck...Show more

Burt Cheevers: Are you sure you connected the PS3 to your PC's optical INPUT? Most PCs do not have optical audio INPUTs, only OUTPUT - meaning your PC's sounds would be sent to another receiver, like your home theater system.

Comment ajouter des amis à WeChat sur Android

Comment ajouter des amis à WeChat sur Android

p>Ce wiki vous apprend comment ajouter des contacts à WeChat sur un téléphone ou une tablette Android.

Ouvrez WeChat. L’application a une icône verte avec deux bulles blanches qui se chevauchent. Vous le trouverez sur votre écran d’accueil ou dans le tiroir de l’application.

Tapez sur . C’est dans le coin supérieur droit de l’écran. Un menu déroulant apparaît.

Ouvrez WeChat. L’application a une icône verte avec deux bulles blanches qui se chevauchent. Vous le trouverez sur votre écran d’accueil ou dans le tiroir de l’application.

Ouvrez WeChat. L’application a une icône verte avec deux bulles blanches qui se chevauchent. Vous le trouverez sur votre écran d’accueil ou dans le tiroir de l’application.

Appuyez sur Ajouter contacts.

Sélect! ionnez les contacts à parcourir. Si vous ne synchronisez pas vos contacts avec votre compte Google, sélectionnez Contacts mobiles. Sinon, sélectionnez Contacts Google pour inclure les contacts qui ne seront peut-être pas enregistrés sur votre carte SIM.

Ouvrez WeChat. L’application a une icône verte avec deux bulles blanches qui se chevauchent. Vous le trouverez sur votre écran d’accueil ou dans le tiroir de l’application.

Appuyez sur Scan QR Code. Maintenant, vous allez voir le cadre de vue de la caméra.

Sélectionnez un ami dans les résultats de recherche. Vous allez maintenant voir le profil de cet utilisateur.

Tapez un identifiant ou un numéro de téléphone WeChat dans la zone de recherche. Une liste de correspondances apparaîtra.

Tapez sur Ajouter. Cette personne sera maintenant ajoutée à vos contacts.

Sélectionnez une application. Vous pouvez sélectionner une application de messagerie (par exemple Email, Messag! es, WhatsApp) pour envoyer un message directement à un ami, o! u une application de médias sociaux (par exemple Facebook, Twitter) pour poster le lien vers votre flux.

Tapez sur . C’est dans le coin supérieur droit de l’écran.

Appuyez sur Inviter des amis. Une liste d’applications de messagerie et de médias sociaux apparaîtra.

Tapez sur . C’est dans le coin supérieur droit de l’écran. Un menu déroulant apparaît.

Appuyez sur Contacts. C’est en bas de l’écran.

Appuyez sur Ajouter contacts.

Appuyez sur Ajouter pour chaque contact que vous souhaitez ajouter. C’est un bouton vert à côté du nom de chaque contact. Ceci ajoute la personne à votre liste de contacts WeChat.

Alignez le code QR dans le cadre de vue de la caméra. Vous pouvez scanner le code d’une personne directement à partir de son téléphone ou de sa tablette, ou à partir de documents imprimés (lettres, publicités, photos, etc.) WeChat va scanner le code une fois aligné et ajouter la personne à votr! e liste de contacts.

Appuyez sur l’icône Envoyer ou poster. Lorsque quelqu’un que vous connaissez suit le lien, il pourra rapidement créer un compte WeChat (s’il n’en a pas déjà un) et vous ajouter à ses contacts.

Appuyez sur Contact mobile. Cette option vous permet de sélectionner n’importe quel contact sur votre Android.

Tuesday, 11 August 2020

Why is mental health and bullying disregarded in school shootings?

Nicolasa Henke: This is just my opinion, but bullying and mental health don't have near as high chance leading to death or injury compared to a firearm. Im sure almost every kid in the U.S. Has been made fun of or bullied at one point in time. I know I have and I've never had the thought to hurt or harm someone because of it. Also, your average gangbanger kills because they think its cool or that was how they were raised. So in their eyes they think its right or not a big deal; not a mental problem, its just how they were brought up. Im against firearm control, but if the government cant stop the people killing they try to take the next best thing....Show more

Virgilio Echter: Being a victim of bullying is no justification to killing a lot of innocent people. These killings were planned in advance and not the work of someone operating under a compulsion or just losing it.

Ariel Arons: Lizbeth, you say that it is wrong to sympathize with a shooter, at lea! st until the shooter is your family member whether its your kid, brother, sister, etc snapping from mental healthJust because some think its wrong to sympathize with a shooter, that doesnt mean the shooter deserves to burn in hell either does it?

Arlen Lopiccalo: It's not disregarded, and yes, it is wrong to sympathize with the shooters. Everyone is interested in what made these shooters snap and go on a psychopathic warpath of killing innocent people. Yes, there are societal factors that contributed to their mental instability, but do you realize how difficult it is to identify and adequately treat someone who might snap. It makes sense that people want to regulate guns so they don't end up in the hands of the people who might snap. -and yes, people are also worried about illegal gun trafficking - of course, but like identifying psychopaths in the making of a mass shooting, it is difficult to eliminate the illegal sales of guns or even curtail it, especially when gu! n control measures are so lax. Banning firearms in the US is n! ot the issue, and no one except the fear-mongering conservative are worried about such an issue. Common sense gun control is what people are hoping to achieve. Don't think that because you see Adam Lanza as a victim of society's failure to help those with mental disabilities you are above it all. He killed many innocent children and that's that - mental or not.I don't believe in burning in hell....Show more

Dorinda Metzer: If I murdered your entire family because someone bullied me, would you sympathize with me?

Cómo preparar a su hijo para el regreso a la escuela

Cómo preparar a su hijo para el regreso a la escuela

Es esa época del año una vez más, una época en la que los padres se regocijan y los niños se quejan. Así es, es hora de volver a la escuela. Pero antes de abrir las mochilas y los lápices, hágase esta pregunta: ¿están usted y su hijo completamente preparados para el año que viene? Acepte el nuevo año escolar y considere lo que se necesita para que usted y su hijo estén listos para volver a la escuela.

Averigüe sobre la escuela de su hijo. Ya sea que su hijo regrese a la misma escuela o empiece en una nueva, siempre es una buena idea informarse sobre cualquier cambio en la escuela.

Asegúrese de que su primerizo conozca sus colores y pueda contar hasta 10 verbalmente. Esto ayudará al niño a tener un buen comienzo, incluso si aún no ha aprendido el alfabeto o cómo escribi! r números.

Repasa las tres «R». Independientemente de si usted es o no un maestro, todos tenemos conocimientos que transmitir a nuestros hijos.

Juega a la escuela. En esencia, usted puede jugar a la escuela con su hijo. Debe estar en una habitación sin distracciones (es decir, sin televisión ni videojuegos) y orientada hacia el aprendizaje (es decir, el estudio, la biblioteca familiar o la oficina en casa). Un repaso de lo básico no debe tomar más de 30 minutos o una hora y debe hacerse dos o tres veces a la semana. Esta es una excelente oportunidad para ver donde su hijo necesita ayuda y para pasar esa información a sus maestros.

Ven a ver cómo es la escuela. Como la mayoría de los distritos escolares del hemisferio norte comienzan en septiembre (o en febrero en el hemisferio sur), muchas escuelas tienden a abrir hasta un mes antes de que comience el primer trimestre. Usted puede llamar a la escuela directamente y hablar con un administrador, o ! visitar la escuela para obtener información. También puede c! onsultar un sitio web o una página web para obtener más información.

Planee reunirse y saludar. El primer día de clases ha llegado. Este es un gran día para usted y su hijo. Este es el momento de ir con su hijo en su primer día y presentarse a los maestros. A medida que su hijo se instala en el aula, usted puede tener una breve conversación con el maestro para averiguar quién es y qué es lo que el maestro planea enseñarle a su hijo.

Enseñe habilidades de preparación personal antes de que regrese la escuela. Además, si aún no lo está haciendo, pídale a su hijo que prepare su ropa antes de acostarse. Esto le enseñará a su hijo a organizarse y estar preparado en caso de que él/ella (o usted) esté corriendo tarde en la mañana.

Prepara los suministros. Dependiendo del nivel de grado de su hijo (K0-12), el tipo de suministros necesarios variará. Algunas escuelas envían una lista un par de semanas antes del año escolar. Si no se proporcion! a tal lista, lo que su hijo necesita para la escuela se puede determinar por medio de una visita a una tienda de suministros escolares adecuada. Cada mes de agosto, estas tiendas a menudo proporcionan listas gratuitas de útiles escolares para sus clientes, ordenadas por nivel de grado.

Lleve a su hijo a la rutina de regreso a la escuela. Durante el verano, permanecer despierto hasta tarde y dormir hasta tarde son la norma. Pero a medida que se acerca el comienzo de la escuela, los niños necesitan volver a la rutina.

Al desarrollar una rutina para la hora de acostarse, su hijo será menos resistente a las llamadas de la madrugada para levantarse y prepararse para la escuela.

Monday, 10 August 2020

Is Marriage the greatest gift for a man?

Garry Ohmen: No, it's the worst

Pattie Vold: If I had a million ways to say no I would use all 1 million here.

Valentine Michaud: 7 ways marriage benefits men:1. Married Men Have More SexIn a comprehensive study of sexual behaviors across the globe, British researchers surveyed more than a million people in 59 countries and found that those who were married had the most sex of any group. Other data from the National Health and Social Life Survey suggest that happily wed men also feel more emotionally fulfilled by each sexual encounter.2. Married Men Are Less Likely to Die of CancerFor a recent long-term study published in the journal BMC Public Health, Norwegian researchers reviewed more than 440,000 cases of 13 common cancers and found that married men were less likely to die of their disease than any other population, including never-wed, divorced, and widowed patients of both sexes. Single guys, on the other hand, fared the worst of all groups: Between 20! 05 and 2007, they were 35% more likely to die of cancer than their coupled-up cohorts. Researchers believe the disparity could be at least partly attributed to the emotional support men get from their spouses during and after cancer treatment. Married folks may also be more likely to get diagnosed at an earlier stage, thanks to gentle nudging from their significant others about keeping up with regular doctors’ visits.3. Married Men Are More Likely to Survive a Heart ProblemIn a recent study of 225 people who underwent coronary artery bypass, happily married men were more than 3 times as likely to be alive 15 years after the surgery than their unwed counterparts. Even not-so-happily married men fared better than bachelors: Among the former, the survival rate was 60%, compared with 36% among the latter. One reason may be that husbands are likely to seek treatment faster than their single friends, possibly thanks to their wives’ reminders or advice. According to a recen! t Canadian study of 4,500 heart attack patients, 75% of marrie! d men reported to the hospital within 6 hours of experiencing symptoms, compared with about 68% of men who were single, 69% of men who were divorced, and 71% of men who were widowed. 4. Married Men Have Lower Levels of PTSDAccording to the Journal of Traumatic Stress, frequent communication with a spouse may improve men’s health by preventing post-traumatic stress disorder in married active-duty military members. Researchers looked at nearly 200 male Army soldiers and found that those in satisfying marriages had lower levels of PTSD than their unmarried colleagues.5. Married Men Live LongerMultiple studies have shown that marriage boosts longevity. The American Journal of Epidemiology reports scientists at the U. of Louisville analyzed data on 500 million people from 90 previous studies and found that the overall risk of death was 32% lower for married men than for single men, equivalent to 8-17 extra years of life. Other data show similar trends. In a study of almost ! 75,000 women and more than 61,000 men in China, those who were married lived longer than their single, divorced, or widowed counterparts regardless of other health conditions.6. Married Men Behave BetterAccording to a recent study by MI State, married men are more responsible, less aggressive and antisocial, and less likely to get caught up in illegal or delinquent undertakings than their single peers. Researchers looked at 289 pairs of male twins and found that among those in which one brother married and one remained single, the coupled-up twin engaged in less antisocial behavior than his sibling. Overall, marriage reduced aggression and criminal activity by as much as 30%.7. Married Men Drink LessOne reason that married men may behave better, have more sex, live longer, and feel healthier: they drink less. According to a European study of several countries, while husbands tended to imbibe as frequently as their single friends, they consumed significantly less on each o! ccasion (and overall)....Show more

Julienne Poplawski: it is for ! mine - he married ME

Comment connaître une passerelle de paiement

Comment connaître une passerelle de paiement

Pour obtenir une passerelle de paiement pour votre entreprise en ligne, vous pouvez soit simplement l’acheter, soit vous abonner à une société qui offre un programme de passerelle de paiement. De nombreuses entreprises offrent ce service. Choisissez-en un qui correspond à votre style d’entreprise, à vos besoins et à votre budget.

Apprenez à l’utiliser. Une passerelle de paiement fonctionne conjointement avec un logiciel de panier d’achat.

Une passerelle de paiement examine toutes les transactions afin de détecter toute fraude. Avec la passerelle de paiement, vous n’avez pas à vous soucier des clients malhonnêtes qui utilisent des cartes de crédit falsifiées, clonées ou volées. Il contient des outils de filtrage très efficaces qui éliminent ces transactions frauduleuses.

Une passerelle de paiement offr! e le traitement par lots des commerçants. A la fin de chaque jour ouvrable, la passerelle de paiement rassemble toutes les transactions effectuées sur votre site et les envoie en un seul lot à votre banque. La banque perçoit ensuite les paiements des clients et les dépose sur votre compte.

Utilisez la fonction Terminal virtuel. Avec le terminal virtuel de la passerelle de paiement, vous pouvez saisir manuellement ces informations dans le logiciel de la passerelle de paiement.

Examinez son fonctionnement. Les informations de carte saisies sont cryptées par le logiciel du panier d’achat. Une fois le formulaire en ligne rempli, le client clique sur « ENVOYER ». Ensuite, le logiciel de la passerelle de paiement crypte les informations et soumet les données à l’entreprise de traitement des cartes de crédit. La passerelle informe ensuite le client de l’acceptation ou du refus de sa transaction par carte de crédit en lui envoyant le message de retou! r approprié. L’ensemble du processus est réalisé sous des! mesures de sécurité extrêmes !

Une passerelle de paiement comprend un outil de rapport. Le logiciel de passerelle de paiement comprend un outil de reporting qui vous permet de visualiser toutes les transactions de votre boutique en ligne. Vous pouvez ensuite consulter ces transactions, les corriger ou les enregistrer sur votre PC. De cette façon, vous restez à jour avec votre site en ligne.

En utilisant un panier d’achat en ligne, les clients qui parcourent les produits que vous avez présentés en ligne, peuvent choisir ce qu’ils veulent acheter, y compris sa couleur, sa taille, sa quantité, etc. Après que la décision d’acheter tous les articles a été prise, le client est autorisé à procéder à la caisse virtuelle où le logiciel de panier d’achat additionne non seulement tous les coûts des articles choisis, mais ajoute également les frais de port et autres frais nécessaires pour calculer finalement le paiement total dû. Le panier d’! achat lui-même contient un formulaire en ligne où les clients saisissent leur numéro de carte de crédit et d’autres informations pertinentes sur les clients.

Sachez ce qu’est une passerelle de paiement. Une passerelle de paiement est un programme informatique qui fonctionne pour les hommes d’affaires en ligne. Si vous envisagez de vendre vos biens en ligne, vous devez disposer d’une passerelle de paiement.

Sunday, 9 August 2020

how much will cost me to open child care in columbus oh?

Maynard Phoubandith: Starting a Daycare in Ohio Ohio Department of Job & Family Services Bureau of Child Care and Development 255 East Main Street, 3rd Floor Columbus, OH 43215-5222 Phone: 614-466-1043Fax: 614-466-0164 or 614-728-6803Web site: http://jfs.ohio.gov/cdc/general.stm#CCRP Requirements: http://jfs.ohio.gov/cdc/general.stm#CCRP...Show more

Comment cuire des saucisses fumées entièrement cuites

Comment cuire des saucisses fumées entièrement cuites

Les saucisses comme l’andouille et la kielbasa sont cuites dans un fumoir avant conditionnement. Bien que vous puissiez manger des saucisses entièrement cuites tout de suite, vous pouvez aussi les cuire à l’aide d’un réchaud, d’un four ou d’un gril. La cuisson de la saucisse la réchauffe et vous donne l’occasion d’ajouter différentes saveurs. Vous pouvez ensuite l’incorporer dans différentes recettes.

Préchauffer votre gril pendant 10 minutes. Que vous ayez un gril au gaz ou au charbon, laissez-le refroidir à une température sécuritaire après l’avoir allumé pour la première fois. Une chaleur moyenne est parfaite pour réchauffer les saucisses sans casser le boyau. Tenez votre main sur le gril pour vérifier la température. Lorsqu’il atteint un feu moyen, vou! s pourrez tenir votre main au-dessus du feu pendant environ 6 secondes avant qu’elle ne devienne trop chaude.

Placer les saucisses sur le gril. Disposer les saucisses près du centre du gril. Au lieu de les placer directement au centre, là où il y a le plus de chaleur, placez-les un peu plus près des côtés du gril. Laisser au moins 1,3 cm (⁄2) d’espace entre chaque saucisse. De cette façon, la chaleur les atteint plus indirectement, ce qui les rend moins susceptibles d’éclater.

Ajouter les assaisonnements dans la casserole. L’ébullition, en plus d’être facile à faire, vous donne l’occasion d’ajouter de l’arôme à la saucisse. Par exemple, vous pouvez ajouter du citron, des feuilles de laurier, du sel et du poivre à l’eau. Ceci est utile si vous prévoyez faire bouillir des oignons, des pommes de terre ou d’autres aliments avec la saucisse.

Griller les saucisses pendant 9 minutes jusqu’à ce qu’elles soient uniformémen! t dorées. Surveillez l’apparition d’une couleur brune uni! forme sur la peau. Déplacer les saucisses tout de suite si la peau commence à craquer. Tourner les saucisses avec des pinces au besoin pendant ce temps pour faire dorer tous les côtés.

Égoutter la poêle et mélanger la saucisse à d’autres ingrédients au goût. Tenez les tranches en place à l’aide d’une spatule ou d’une cuillère pendant que vous versez le liquide restant dans la casserole. Ensuite, vous pouvez manger la saucisse telle quelle ou l’incorporer à une recette sur la cuisinière.

Cuire les saucisses au four environ 12 minutes. Cela devrait suffire pour réchauffer la saucisse. Vous pouvez aussi voir la saucisse brunir ou avoir des bords croustillants. Une fois que vous le remarquez, enlevez immédiatement les saucisses pour éviter qu’elles ne se fendillent ou ne se flétrissent ou ne se ratatinent.

Chauffer une poêle à feu moyen. La saucisse peut être chauffée directement dans la poêle. Vous pouvez ajouter environ 2 U! S c. à table (30 mL) d’huile végétale, de l’eau ou utiliser un enduit végétal pour que la saucisse brunisse uniformément sans coller à la poêle.

Cuire les saucisses pendant 5 minutes jusqu’à ce qu’elles deviennent brunes. Faire revenir les tranches de saucisse en les retournant au besoin à l’aide d’une pince ou d’une spatule. La chaleur de la poêle commencera à faire brunir légèrement la viande. Une fois que les tranches sont toutes de la même couleur uniforme, retirez la casserole du feu.

Faire bouillir la saucisse pendant 10 à 15 minutes. Couvrez à nouveau le pot pour accélérer le processus, puis réglez votre minuterie. Après un certain temps, vidangez soigneusement l’eau de l’évier. Votre saucisse doit être entièrement chauffée et prête à être consommée.

Couper la saucisse en morceaux de 1,3 cm (⁄2). À l’aide d’un couteau tranchant, couper la saucisse d’un côté à l’autre. Les tranches n’ont ! pas besoin d’être exactes, mais essayez de les garder toutes de la m! ême taille pour qu’elles brunissent au même rythme.

Couvrir la casserole et porter l’eau à ébullition. Fermer la casserole pour accélérer le temps d’ébullition. Attendez que l’eau bouille vigoureusement et que beaucoup de bulles remontent à la surface. C’est ce qu’on appelle une ébullition roulante.

Retirer les saucisses et les laisser refroidir pendant 2 minutes. Retirer immédiatement les saucisses du gril pour éviter qu’elles ne cuisent trop. Disposez-les sur une assiette, puis laissez-les reposer avant de les mordre pour que les jus restent à l’intérieur de la viande.

Préchauffer le four à 375 °F (191 °C). Vous voudrez peut-être d’abord vérifier l’emballage ou votre recette, si vous en utilisez une, pour connaître la température recommandée. L’un ou l’autre de ces facteurs peut vous demander d’utiliser une température différente, ce qui affecte la rapidité de cuisson de votre saucisse et de tout autre i! ngrédient.

Remplissez une grande marmite d’eau. Choisissez une marmite assez grande pour contenir toutes les saucisses que vous souhaitez faire bouillir. Vous aurez généralement besoin d’environ 5 700 ml (6 pintes US) d’eau pour submerger les saucisses, bien que cela puisse varier en fonction de la taille du pot que vous choisissez.

Ajouter la saucisse dans la casserole. Déposer délicatement la saucisse dans la casserole pour éviter de s’éclabousser d’eau chaude. Poussez la saucisse vers le bas à l’aide d’une cuillère ou d’une pince pour qu’elle soit recouverte d’eau. Attendre que l’eau revienne à ébullition.

Espacez la saucisse sur la plaque de cuisson. Conserver les saucisses en une seule couche sur la plaque. Essayez de laisser un espace d’environ 1,3 cm (environ ⁄2) entre chaque saucisse. De cette façon, la chaleur atteint uniformément tous les côtés et les saucisses ne colleront pas les unes aux autres lorsque ! vous les retirerez plus tard.

Étendre le papier d’aluminium su! r une plaque à pâtisserie. Film anti-adhésif pour éviter que la saucisse n’adhère à votre plaque à pâtisserie. Il le protège également des graisses et des jus qui pourraient s’égoutter de la viande. Vous pouvez aussi utiliser du papier parchemin ou un enduit végétal antiadhésif.

Saturday, 8 August 2020

How come the youth in the US care more about Paris Hilton than an amnesiac Attorney General?

Cornelius Thornborrow: Because he isnt on the "Top 100 Hottest Celebrities" list on the E! network :)also - He never hosted TRL. Does he even exist?!!?:-P

Dorine Nurre: More than 90% of the country's youth did not learn of the Attorney General's serious memory problem because they don't pay attention to the news that matters and they don't read newspapers. Another 4% forgot the story the next day because they don't care. Any other questions?

Rose Krouse: I guess the media also sells Paris Hilton as more interesting to the public or youth than matters of government and such. I guess if the Attorney General started dressing up and being like a celebrity (I wasn't sure if she's female as I think your talking about the USA goverment and I'm outside of it, but then I read the small note in your question. Guys can't do the "dress up" gig), maybe at least the females would be interested in how looks and the clothes she wears.But youth look at Paris Hilton because s! he's pretty, gets to dress up, party, is rich and is young. I think it's fair to call that a fun and easy life, if fame isn't factored into that. Most of us won't really get to enjoy being the first 5 of those forever, but probably a part of us wants to be that way if we could, but we don't so we just settle.I guess with celebrities/Paris Hilton verseus government matters that affect us, we (although not just the youth, but all people) would rather take the shallow and lazy route because it's more fun. Caring about the government requires work, and it seems with low voter turnout, people don't care to do that job....Show more

Bethany Blocker: When did Paris Hilton become Attorney General? I would have thought the fact that she's an ex-con! would prevent her from getting that job. Is it because of her hoor-next-door looks? Or the fact that she has more talent in one nosehair than I do in my morning cr@p?

Patricia Bolduc: cuz shes an alien that has the power to co! nsume anything that has to do with intellect.

Palmira Lo! chridge: I believe it's because youth today believe the only career worth having is in the entertainment industry, so almost all of the youth 'Idols' are in the same industry

Granville Stray: I think 'YOUTH' might have something to do with that. But their money spent on Xboxes and iPods feed corporate giants that deliver quality news to me. Kind of.

Kate Baune: They obviously aren't overly concerned with a megalomaniacal President, either.

Friday, 7 August 2020

Diagnostic tests of medical conditions can have several types of results. The test result can be positive or n?

Rona Ising: ....................Condition Present Condition Absent Row TotalTest Result + ...........107 ..................... 23 ............. 130Test Result âˆ' ........... 22 ...................... 48 .............. 70Column Total ...........129 ..................... 71 ............. 200(a) P(+ | condition present) = 107/129(b) P(âˆ' | condition present) = 22/129(c) P(âˆ' | condition absent) = 48/71(d) P(+ | condition absent) = 23/71(e) P(condition present and +) = 107/200(f) P(condition present and âˆ') = 23/200...Show more

Thursday, 6 August 2020

what sexual disease begans with the letters cha?

Mahalia Brindle: There's a "chlamydia", but I don't know of any that start with "cha"...

Virgilio Echter: Chlamydia?

Madie Strople: My dear can be Chlamydia or Chandra is another disease but better go to : www.webmd.com Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ...Show more

Wednesday, 5 August 2020

HELP !! Becoming a fitness trainer?

Caterina Yeargan: You should probably talk to your careers advicer for this one. A gym is more likely to hire you if you do a fitness course rather than public services though. Talk to your teacher more, and maybe talk with the fitness course teacher.

Tuesday, 4 August 2020

CardioVascular Fitness?

Teodoro Lamond: it improves your cardiovascular system and just keeps u toned

Rona Ising: Cardiovascular fitness is the basis for all health, in my opinion.Your heart is by far the most important working organ (besides the brain) and keeping the blood flowing normally allows all of the other organs to receive the proper amount of oxygen and nourishment. If you do cardio exercise, it will strengthen your heart and lungs and will develop your oxygen intake mechanismto a more efficient level. Furthermore, the better conditionedyour heart and lungs are, the less chance you have for high blood pressure. Particularly, cardiovascular training will help you to keep your weight down, and it is certain that this has health benefits (like controlling high blood pressure).Aside from the health benefits, if you are an athlete and do extensive cardio training, you will be the one getting all the loose balls and easy baskets in the third quarter when your opponents are huffing! and puffing like the Big Bad Wolf.Trust me, it's worth it....Show more

Antwan Schrum: When you do that and diet you lose weight.....And it improves your heartrate..

Monroe Rainey: 1

Lorelei Lilburn: It gets your heart rate going and it overall, makes you in better shape in the long run if you stick to it regularly.

Monday, 3 August 2020

are diets a load of rubbish?

Mikel Bethay: diets are extremely important. im not saying you have to starve yourself, but hav plenty of fruit/veg. ask yourself if you need that extra donut. go that extra few k's faster when walking

Roosevelt Pendill: So many people have asked this question on the net. Anyway yes you can. Don't have a diet if you want to loose weight. You must jog at list 10 min for 3 times a week. Then turn it to 20 min 3 times a week. Stick on that one. You will loose weight without even doing diet. If you cant do any of that. Then you will have to stick on diet. I mean they wont decrease your weight as much as sports. So if i was thinking about diet, I will be thinking about jogging. It is less painful that doing diet.If you like games i then recommend you to play the wii came. It has Accessories that every time you play you have to move your body. It is a kind of sport. It will help but that is for extra sweating. Stick on jogging plus stick on some sport you like. Football c! an also be great.If you consider all that. Diet will turn out as a load of rubbish....Show more

Norma Marsalis: Sure is. If a 'diet' gets you doing anything other than eating a balanced diet in moderation and exercising well than its a load of rubbish

Carter Edstrom: First factor cross in your GP and ask for his or her recommendation, you should not do some thing too drastic to begin with. The rule is that in the event you consume greater than you burn it will get saved as fats. So, to reply your query, sure in the event you consume fewer energy and stroll extra you will have to drop some pounds. I uncover energy tough to preserve monitor of, so I track my fats consumption as a substitute that you would uncover extra valuable. Try to consume unprocessed meals, so consume plenty of fruit (tinned, dried, contemporary) and veg (uncooked or cooked), and drink plenty of water which make you suppose extra complete. Also, consume your meals slowly. The belly takes a ev! en as to inform your mind that it's complete, so consume slowl! y to ensure you do not stuff your self foolish. Don't see it as a nutrition - see it as a brand new healthful culture. You can consume what you favor quite, so long as your burn it off. Good good fortune....Show more

Helen Zafar: Yes. It is MUCH better to change your lifestyle than to go on a diet. Especially when it's one of those diets where you lose so much in one week, then stop dieting, that are the worst. Some call them 'crash diets' - where you basically drastically lower the amount of food you eat or cut out food altogether.Dieting should never be the answer to weight issues.As you said, a lifestyle change is much better and worth your time.If you gradually lose weight and exercise, then your body becomes more accustomed to the changes and adjusts. This is alot better than dieting and causing a shock to the system...However it is good to have a balanced diet. That sort of diet is OK, because you are trying to manage what you eat, not follow a load of garbage f! rom a magazine.Hope this helps.And remember, dieting is NEVER the answer.xxxxxxxxxxx...Show more

Soraya Coodey: It depends really as we are all so different. Some diets may suit some people but not others. Diets like some of the fad diets just seem to loose you pounds out of your purse instead of your body. I do really think that it is better to change your lifestyle, like just cutting back abit and watching what you are eating, getting out and about for nice long walks or bike rides. Fresh air and exercise does the world of good for your body and mind.

Chauncey Williama: Yea Because DIETS SUCKKK @ss!

Loise Mausser: Why do people not understand that people aren't fat because of their diet and that they eat too much!It is because they don't exercise! The more you eat the better just make sure you excersice

Olen Penhallurick: restricting oneself to small amounts or special kinds of food in order to lose weight isnt all that healthy, but its not a loa! d of rubbish. its definitely much healthier to change your lifestyle an! d make sure you eat healthy and get the correct amount of servings per day. But for someone who is healthy and needs to loose weight for any reason dieting could be a positive choice.

Comment aplatir une sphère dans Sculptris

Comment aplatir une sphère dans Sculptris

Cliquez sur l’icône Grab. Réglez la taille et la force assez haut. Assurez-vous également que Global n’est pas sélectionné.

Expérimentez avec n’importe quel autre outil à votre disposition pour l’obtenir comme vous le souhaitez. Il faudra peut-être des essais et des erreurs avant de déterminer quels outils donnent l’apparence exacte que vous recherchez et jouer avec eux peut produire des effets intéressants que vous aimeriez peut-être reproduire dans d’autres projets.

Une fois qu’il a la forme de base que vous voulez, réduisez la taille de l’outil de saisie et manipulez le graphique à l’aide de cet outil. Continuez à le déplacer jusqu’à ce qu’il ait l’effet d’aplatissement que vous recherchez.

Démarrez Sculptris avec une sphère. Cliquez sur les matériaux pour obtenir l! e look que vous voulez pour commencer.

Prenez le curseur et placez-le où vous le voulez sur votre sphère. Commencez à le déplacer, à le pousser et à le tirer pour obtenir la forme que vous recherchez.

Sunday, 2 August 2020

how can i get dental insurance asap?

Rosella Figliola: Delta Dental and Blue bypass Blue protect both have some good plans that it really is extremely helpful to think about. be functional to analyze over the plan provisions very carefuly. Alot of plans require 12-24 month wait preparation on particular options. make sure consisting of your dentist and are available across out if he's a enticing service with any coverage companies and if so see if those organizations can set you up with a powerfuble plan. As a enticing service he might want to be required to position in writing-off particular expenses. this can shrink your value. he will settle for what coverage pays then bill you for a percentage of the remainer and by no ability receives a fee for the diverse percentage. also, it really is extremely helpful to think about checking into getting some artwork performed at an in intensity-by way of college of Dentistry if there is one close by. they are going to oftentimes do the artwork at a significantly dec! reased value. and do not trouble about having scholars artwork on you they're nicely experienced and ok supervised you would possibly want to be in good hands. desire this helps. good success!...Show more

Sharron Salin: The only decent way is to get a job where they give (or make available) dental insurance. There are no decent plans for individuals.

August Hubbard: Here is another dental plan you can check outhttp://www.getbenefitrelief.com/RXN00120/en/Produc...